View Full Version : The value of posting your shots!

12-13-2016, 12:43 PM
I've been working on posting my shot and watching the ball travel down the lane and my practice session the Monday before it just clicked. I was concentrating on staying balanced at the foul line and my accuracy went way up. I wasn't really keeping score but I was consistently hitting my mark and getting long strings of strikes. Then I followed that up on my Wednesday Mixed league with a 662 series and last night I did another practice session and although it doesn't count, I would have had my first 700 series and had a 5 game total of 1116. Needless to say I'm really looking forward to my league on Weds.

12-13-2016, 01:01 PM
Posting your shot is the easiest way of making sure your timing is correct for the simple reason that, if your timing is off, posting the shot is impossible. A couple of years ago I was watching the US Senior Open practice session when one of the bowlers who was familiar with my writing asked me for some help with his game. As this was the day before the tournament was to begin, I didn't want to tell him too much to confuse him, so I simply stated that I saw a problem with his timing, and rather than try to "fix" it at that late date, I recommended that he just concentrate on posting every single shot. Not only did he end up making the cut to the top 24, he finished ahead of some of the top bowlers on the PBA50 Tour. Posting shots works... if you can be disciplined enough to do it!

12-13-2016, 03:40 PM
Posting shot is something I did consistently in the past. Doing this allowed me to actually stay focus on the spot/target I'm looking at for second or two till my ball passes over, or hit that target.

this year has been a struggle physically and mentally. I may need to go and have another visit with the Bakes.....

12-13-2016, 11:00 PM
Rob you're probably right about the timing, my timing when I post my shot does seem to be better and its' really freed up my arm swing. I know lots of articles and tips I read recommend posting your shot but man has it made a dramatic improvement to my game. I wished I had focused on that sooner.

12-14-2016, 09:53 AM
most good bowlers post their shot
with that being said, posting your shot is not as important as having a repeatable delivery
A good push away/timing trigger, middle steps, drive step, slide, and follow through should all be something you can focus on during practice to build good muscle memory and repeatably.

you are far ahead of the curve by realizing that you need to practice, keep it up and good luck in the future

12-14-2016, 01:43 PM
Geez. Another thing to work on. Where will I find the time. Thanks for the tip. It sounds like good advice and probably more worth working on than many other things I have tired.

J Anderson
12-15-2016, 09:18 AM
most good bowlers post their shot
with that being said, posting your shot is not as important as having a repeatable delivery
A good push away/timing trigger, middle steps, drive step, slide, and follow through should all be something you can focus on during practice to build good muscle memory and repeatably.

you are far ahead of the curve by realizing that you need to practice, keep it up and good luck in the future

As I understand it, being able to post your shot is really a symptom that your timing is right and that your swing is close enough to your body. With most of the kids I coach, not being able to post the shot is because they were rushing to the line. With a couple it has been from the ball being a good 8" to 10" further right from their ankles at the bottom of the swing than it should be.

I don't understand why, but there is anecdotal evidence that some bowlers can, when told to post the shot, just do it. Somehow they can subconsciously fix the underlying cause by focusing on the finish position.

12-15-2016, 11:49 AM
I don't understand why, but there is anecdotal evidence that some bowlers can, when told to post the shot, just do it. Somehow they can subconsciously fix the underlying cause by focusing on the finish position.

I think that it's a matter of the bowler's proficiency and understanding of the game (and his/her body). I'm a great believer in author Tim Galloway's (The Inner Game of Tennis, and The Inner Game of Golf) viewpoint that our bodies already know how to do things if we just get the little voice in our heads to shut up long enough to let it. Focusing on posting the shot simply gives the body the opportunity to correct small inconsistencies in timing rather than focus on the culprits that cause them like a late push away, or too long of a first step.

12-15-2016, 01:24 PM
Nice bowling, looks like you've found one of the key points that works to keep you consistent and on target, good luck in league play !

12-15-2016, 05:06 PM
Nice bowling, looks like you've found one of the key points that works to keep you consistent and on target, good luck in league play !

Thanks, I shot a 604 series, not a great night but pretty good for me. I spent the first 2 games thinking about posting my shot instead of actually posting my shot. The old paralysis by analysis and shot 192, 178. 3rd game I was able to turn the mind off a little and shot a 234. We'll see how I do tonight in my Thursday night league.

12-16-2016, 12:02 AM
Thanks, I shot a 604 series, not a great night but pretty good for me. I spent the first 2 games thinking about posting my shot instead of actually posting my shot. The old paralysis by analysis and shot 192, 178. 3rd game I was able to turn the mind off a little and shot a 234. We'll see how I do tonight in my Thursday night league.

It follows with the idea that most good bowlers don't go up to the approach and think about all the mechanics needed to throw the ball properly, they have established a routine with a couple of reminders that keep them on track, like you may have developed with just posting and not thinking about it too much. Then when you have that going and you are repeating the same shot you can make adjustments that are meaningful rather than adjustments that compensate for errors in delivery.

12-22-2016, 12:29 PM
I like when I can post a shot, especially since when I came back in March this year I was falling on my face. Posting let's me know that's not happening again

12-27-2016, 05:33 PM
Balance is crucial! One thing I like to work on is a 1-step drill, where you take a one step approach, don't worry about where and what the ball does, but focus more on release and balance. I then take that back to a 3-step and do the same thing, and finally go to my full 5-step. Anytime I feel like I'm out of balance, I go down and work on these drills until it comes back.

01-02-2017, 07:59 AM
This sounds like good advice. Thanks for sharing this.

01-03-2017, 06:52 PM
The most important thing about posting your shot is being able to watch the ball roll over your target. If your head is moving you can't see if he ball rolled over it or missed left or right. Balance also means your under control of your body.
Sometime speed is needed then balance is not as important.

01-08-2017, 04:45 PM
Saw this thread before Christmas and have been working on it since. HUGE impact on my game. I'm a 'careful' type, which makes me tentative in athletic pursuits, which is exactly what we don't want in a bowling delivery. By moving my concentration to the finish of the shot, it's helped me to not over-control the 'body' of the shot, which has helped me stay looser and more relaxed, and thus improved the overall quality of my delivery. I've easily added 30 pins to my average by simply making the conscious effort to post my shots. It'll take several weeks for this to get reflected in my league average, but it has definitely made an immediate improvement in my game. I can absolutely divide my shots between good or bad by noting which ones I posted successfully...The posted ones are always the good ones. Thanks to you all for this incredibly useful advice!

01-09-2017, 12:14 AM
Saw this thread before Christmas and have been working on it since. HUGE impact on my game. I'm a 'careful' type, which makes me tentative in athletic pursuits, which is exactly what we don't want in a bowling delivery. By moving my concentration to the finish of the shot, it's helped me to not over-control the 'body' of the shot, which has helped me stay looser and more relaxed, and thus improved the overall quality of my delivery. I've easily added 30 pins to my average by simply making the conscious effort to post my shots. It'll take several weeks for this to get reflected in my league average, but it has definitely made an immediate improvement in my game. I can absolutely divide my shots between good or bad by noting which ones I posted successfully...The posted ones are always the good ones. Thanks to you all for this incredibly useful advice!

Awesome to hear that this thread helped.

03-09-2017, 05:33 PM
The posting of my shots have got better now that my hip replacement is all healed and I am confident in it now during bowling. I find myself in balance on every shot and have better leverage on each shot. So I stay posted until my ball hits the pins.

03-09-2017, 09:42 PM
Someone give me a definition of "posting up". Pretty sure I know what it is but please indulge me.

03-09-2017, 10:12 PM
Someone give me a definition of "posting up". Pretty sure I know what it is but please indulge me.

"Posting your shot" is were you hold your finish position until the ball hits the pins. If the shot was delivered properly you will have no problem maintaining this balanced posture.


03-09-2017, 10:16 PM