View Full Version : Longest night ever

12-22-2016, 11:39 PM
We had a 10 point lead in a 7 point system going into the position round, so tonite didn't matter at all. But the lanes we were on kept breaking down, and we finished game 2 when the last team finished their game 3. So we moved to a different pair to just get the night over with, and they start breaking down as well. Over 4 hours to get in three meaningless games.
That's after a 12 hour work day. At least I shot a little over average for the night. 634.

12-23-2016, 07:10 PM
Every league day is a long one for me. To start with I am a man with zero patients. I have this woman on my team that is at a social event not at all there to bowl. She is never there for practice and when it's her turn she is gabbing to everyone and even between first and second shot. I say something and I get a dirty look...We can bowl a team with 3 blinds and still be one of the last ones done...grrrrr... I already told my team I can't bowl with them next season. This is an afternoon league and my first league in 25+years...This league was supposed to get me back into league bowling...

12-23-2016, 10:28 PM
I sub in a league that's more of a social drinking engagement than bowling. The whole league takes a 15 minute break in between games to smoke and get another dozen buckets of beer. Fun guys but it's next to impossible to get a rhythm going.
Get thru this season and find a better one next year. Our team is most likely going to vacate our present lanes next year. It's sad how far downhill the place has gone.

12-24-2016, 03:36 PM
I sub in a league that's more of a social drinking engagement than bowling. The whole league takes a 15 minute break in between games to smoke and get another dozen buckets of beer. Fun guys but it's next to impossible to get a rhythm going.
Get thru this season and find a better one next year. Our team is most likely going to vacate our present lanes next year. It's sad how far downhill the place has gone.

Lol that sounds like the old day's only we didn't have to go outside to smoke but we were always in the bar. Some nights I was bowling and working as a pin chaser at the same time.....

In your case as long as the whole league does it I don't see a problem.....

01-03-2017, 06:05 PM
I feel your pain with the lanes breaking down. I actually bowled in a house here locally that I drove 15 miles to go bowl at, and after the original owner sold it, the new owner put all his money into the bar and zero into upkeep of the lanes. League started late anyway (7:15pm) and most nights we were waiting for break downs or switching lanes, I wouldn't get home until well after 11pm.

01-03-2017, 08:41 PM
I understand it's expensive to maintain lanes, but not maintaining them drives business to those who do. I just can't see myself coming back to where I bowl now. It just saddens me. Unless I can win enough in the lottery to buy the place.

01-04-2017, 01:37 PM
I sub in a league that's more of a social drinking engagement than bowling. The whole league takes a 15 minute break in between games to smoke and get another dozen buckets of beer. Fun guys but it's next to impossible to get a rhythm going.
Get thru this season and find a better one next year. Our team is most likely going to vacate our present lanes next year. It's sad how far downhill the place has gone.

I would hate a league that had a 15 minute break between games. Would lose any rhythm possible.

01-04-2017, 02:57 PM
I would hate a league that had a 15 minute break between games. Would lose any rhythm possible.

Yep, in our league its seems like no noticeable break at all. As soon as who every is keeping score is ready we move on to the next game.

01-07-2017, 04:11 AM
I wouldn't play in a league that had that long of a break.