View Full Version : Anyone know how to get rid of tendinitis in the elbow?

12-23-2016, 09:29 PM
Been having elbow pain for six weeks. I've tried heat, compression, stretching, ice. Nothing seems to be working. Even quit bowling for three weeks. Mine is on the inside elbow, which is also the common place where golfers get it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ps, I got it from too much bowling :(

12-23-2016, 10:18 PM
Here's a good guess as I had a similar thing recently. You're likely squeezing the ball as you may be trying way too hard to put something on the ball. Aleve or similar products can help relieve the pain, but rest should work wonders for you. I suggest that you keep your hand behind the ball at release and let the ball do most of the work if not all the work. Hope this helps...

12-23-2016, 10:24 PM
You can get a Master Elbow strap (or similar tennis elbow strap) works good, It helped clear it up for me years ago. I wear one all the time now to help prevent it and their cheap.


If you need a little more support go to the drug store and you can get one like a aircast with the little gel block that you can put right over the problem area.

12-23-2016, 10:31 PM
Another thing that might cause elbow issues is short arming your shots. Allow your arm to swing freely and extended. Bending your arm makes you muscle the ball causing problems with elbow pain.

12-24-2016, 09:44 AM
My cure was taking nearly 15 years off of league bowling. Not sure what happened, but it no longer hurts. My left knee is also a lot better. Not that I'm advising this. Just saying what helped me. BTW, none of this was intentional.....

12-24-2016, 02:48 PM
Diagnosing is hard without knowing anything at all about you. Age, sex, size, skill level even how long you have been bowling. How much does your ball weigh? Do you hook the ball or throw straight?
Or just buy one of those tennis elbow things and take a lot of ibuprofen.

12-24-2016, 03:28 PM
how about them Tommy copperfit compression things they sell on TV.

there are many links on Google


12-24-2016, 03:51 PM
If you have rested for three weeks and still have medial elbow pain, you should see a doctor. There are several causes for medial elbow pain, and since you're a bowler doing the same thing over, it's best to do several things. First, See your doctor. Follow what he/she prescribes, an x-rays and/or MRI may be ordered followed by physical therapy. Or no x-rays or MRI and straight to rest from bowling and PT with or without meds. Second, check your span and grip. If your span/grip is off you will have injuries over time. It may be your elbow now, but later it might affect your wrist and/or shoulders. So check your grip. And maybe see another PSO to get second opinion. Third, find a qualified coach. Bad techniques in the physical game can cause injuries, for example, over cupping the wrist and turning the wrist inward.

If you want to "stretch" out the area of pain, if the pain is in the inside part of your elbow, I suggest you try this if you haven't done so.......

To add to your stretches, have you tried squeezing a tennis ball? Also, if you have a strong rubber band, place it around the outside of you fingers and thumb. with this, stretch the fingers open to work those muscles and tendons associated with wrist to elbow.

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and get rolling ;0 LOL

12-26-2016, 01:32 PM
I had bursitis in my shoulder and rest and exercises to strengthen the muscles is what did it for me.

12-26-2016, 02:31 PM
I had the same thing about 3 to 4 years ago, I found that the major cause was that I was putting a lot of hand in my shot, and muscling my shots. I dropped to a 14 lb ball and went to a coach and revised my approach to one where I use the old suitcase handle style release with an easy non forced arm swing and I have zero problems with elbow pain anymore.

12-26-2016, 05:39 PM
Thanks for all the replies and info. I was fine using a 14 lb ball, and started having the elbow problems when I went to a 15. I am 46 yrs old. For the past few days I have been doing the tennis ball grip/squeeze exercises, that someone here mentioned. If nothing else works, I will just have to put the bowling ball away for a couple months.