View Full Version : Ball speed vs Hook

01-16-2017, 10:25 PM
Basically.... Faster Ball and less hook vs Slower ball and more hook??!

The long and short of it is I'm new to bowling, only my second week in leagues, only 1 month with new ball. Basically, I want my ball to hook more. Currently throwing on a house shot in leagues, with a Columbia Nitrous, ball speed is averaging about 18mph (calculated via the in-alley computer and on video from the coach's eye app and ball speed chart). I don't know what my rev rate is though, haven't figured out how to calculate that, yet. I was told I have medium spin. However my ball is only hooking a couple of boards. I line up on the second dot from the right, aiming between the second and third arrow. If I slow my shot down the ball still doesn't seem to hook up. And will hit the 6pin. I've tried moving my aim and my feet with no luck. I can hit the pocket but I only get maybe 5 board hook.

I guess there are a couple different options...
Option #1 Continue with what I'm doing
Option #2 Change the surface of the ball and do...
Option #3 Do something I haven't thought of yet

Thanks and I look forward to hearing the responses. I'm leaning to trying a pad and changing the surface. So I'd live to hear what you guys say.

01-17-2017, 01:08 AM
Usually faster ball = less hook. It's basically matching up the 2, because if one force is greater than the other than that force is usually going to win and dictate your ball movement.

So how new is new to bowling? Is this the first ball you've ever bought? There are a lot of different variables that could be preventing the ball from hooking. I have an equivalent ball to the Nitrous, I have a Columbia 300 Deep Freeze and it hooks for me just fine. Here are a list of things that I think you can check.

1. Grip - do you have a proper finger tip grip.
2. Drilling layout - is your ball drilled properly.
3. Proper release. Are you releasing the ball properly. Are you spinning the ball. You can probably post a video on here for us to look at to see if you are releasing properly or find yourself a good coach in the area.

I would do all those things first before I start playing with the surface of the ball.

01-17-2017, 09:37 PM
Watch this video to see the proper release of the ball to make it hook. You don't come up the side of the ball fast like you are trying to spin a top. It's a very good video to see to get things right.


01-18-2017, 06:19 PM
I went for a practice session today. I'll upload the videos to YouTube tonight and get a link posted so you guys can take a look see. I'd love to hear what you'd say.
My ball was drill by a local well respected shop in the area. I would hope it was drilled right, fingertip grip included, but you never know.

01-19-2017, 05:23 AM
Here you go....

I didn't just set up the camera and go. I wanted a couple of angles so you guys go see what was going on.

01-19-2017, 11:10 AM
As you are just starting out, start out right by finding a Certified Coach in your area and learn the basics of the game. You will get lots of input for free here, but most of it will be useless or just plain wrong.

01-19-2017, 11:44 AM
Coaching can be a god send or path to frustration.

If you are totally raw I'm sure coaching would help. But if you already have a way or cadence to how you bowl having a coach telling you to scrap everything and start over from scratch may be more frustrating then it's worth to you. People approach things differently. Everyone has their own style (see Brandon Novak for example). Some people just want tweaks to their game vs starting from scratch.

The trick is to find the right coach for you, not just one that is certified.

01-19-2017, 12:23 PM
Ball speed vrs. hook? Both help but a little bit of hook goes a long way. Especially if you are accurate and have speed. The game has changed over the years. Today speed helps a lot with the balls being so strong.

01-24-2017, 11:44 AM
Going to a rougher surface will change how soon the ball reads the lanes. I would not use it to try and control the amount of hook, but rather to make sure the ball is rolling (not skidding or hooking) before it hits the pins. A coach can easily see this. Not rolling into the pocket also shows up if you are leaving splits and or a lots of pocket 7 pins (for a righty). As a priority I think it is better to develop in this order: Consistency, accuracy, Lane play (knowing where to roll the ball) and then getting an optimal speed/hook balance. This means you may need coaching to get sound enough form that you can develop the first two.

01-24-2017, 04:15 PM
+1 for coaching. Its not even something you need to do every week/month - but its good to have a sense of direction that involves less guess work. Getting your physical game together will go a long way towards helping the other things develop as natural results.

01-24-2017, 04:52 PM
Basically.... Faster Ball and less hook vs Slower ball and more hook??!

The long and short of it is I'm new to bowling, only my second week in leagues, only 1 month with new ball. Basically, I want my ball to hook more. Currently throwing on a house shot in leagues, with a Columbia Nitrous, ball speed is averaging about 18mph (calculated via the in-alley computer and on video from the coach's eye app and ball speed chart). I don't know what my rev rate is though, haven't figured out how to calculate that, yet. I was told I have medium spin. However my ball is only hooking a couple of boards. I line up on the second dot from the right, aiming between the second and third arrow. If I slow my shot down the ball still doesn't seem to hook up. And will hit the 6pin. I've tried moving my aim and my feet with no luck. I can hit the pocket but I only get maybe 5 board hook.

I guess there are a couple different options...
Option #1 Continue with what I'm doing
Option #2 Change the surface of the ball and do...
Option #3 Do something I haven't thought of yet

Thanks and I look forward to hearing the responses. I'm leaning to trying a pad and changing the surface. So I'd live to hear what you guys say.

At the menu at the top of the page here is a link to BowlVersity and here is a link to allowing a bowling ball to hook found there:

This link is to Part 1. There are also links to Part 2 and Part 3 found there.

One step drill that is always helpful is the one step drill shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ23LKBLemw

Using the one step drill you'll likely be rolling the ball a bit slower than normal and it will allow the ball to make its move a bit easier. Listen to the explanation and watch how it's done. It's an excellent way to get your body used to finishing well, balance at the foul line and a clean release hopefully.

You can find a USBC coach by using http://www.bowl.com in your area.

Hope this helps...