View Full Version : Anyone ever been to a "test drive"? aka: Demo Day

01-19-2017, 09:24 PM
Found out Motiv is having a test drive next weekend in Muncie. Buddy and I are considering going to it. Are they worthwhile? It's only $20 but around 160 miles one way to get there. Just don't know what to expect since I've never been to one. I don't want it to be here throw 2 shots with this ball. Ok, next.
Do you usually actually get a bit of play time with the balls you want?


01-20-2017, 12:10 AM
While I've been to a couple of them and I can't say your experience will match up with mine, when I went they had it a a small 8 lane center and all of the bowlers were invited by the pro shop operator who organized it.

They had a couple of Brunswick guys and of 6 of each of the new release balls drilled up (2 short, 2 med and 2 long span)along with many sets of different sizes of grips to exchange.
I went early and was able to throw about 4 to 6 frames with each ball The ball reps were there helping coach, recommend, comment, answer questions and work with bowlers. We alternated just like practice before league where 8 or so people were on a lane and took turns throwing a frame. I think there were about 8 or 9 different balls, the balls were all the new releases for that quarter, from Brunswick, DV8 and Radical balls.

I was just talking to the PSO and he indicated he was looking at another demo day probably in Feb, I plan to attend, it was invaluable to actually get the throw the different balls down the lanes and see what they felt like, and if they might work for me, and I found a couple of the balls that looked on paper like they would be good for me ,it turned out that I did not like at all.

The unknown limiting factor will be the number of people that show up compared to the equipment and lanes available for the event. It's a long trip for you and I'm not sure I would travel that distance myself.

I should add it was invaluable to me because I was considering purchasing one of the balls in the demo, and I found with throwing it that day that it wasn't a good choice for me and I didn't purchase it.

01-20-2017, 01:21 AM
Yes. A couple.

I didn't like them nor see the point...but I don't buy a new ball unless I need to fill a sudden gap in my arsenal...not because the companies release new balls...which they do multiple times per year. More importantly, it's the principle of it. Choosing a ball, by actually throwing it...is, on paper, the best way to do it. Except...like most things that sound great on paper...to truly test every ball and decide on the best one...would require at LEAST 4 ball demos...which is a rather expensive and inefficient way to determine which ball you want to buy. It seems like knowing what specs you are looking for...then picking a ball with those specs...is a more efficient and less expensive way to do it.

Take it from someone that has bought over 20 balls...then has to try and build arsenals based on the random balls I have. Not the most inexpensive nor best way to create arsenals. Would it be better to do what MOST bowlers do...and just ask your PSO which ball to buy? Maybe...depends on your PSO.

Plus, last time I went to a demo, they only had certain balls in 16lbs...most everything was 15lbs. And they didn't have all their balls...only the absolute newest releases.

01-20-2017, 02:32 AM
I went to a ball demo here during Bowl Expo 2016 and all of the manufacturers were there, along with many top named pros.

While this was before I became a part of Brunswick, I was only interested in the Brunswick family line.

The 5 balls that I was looking at were the Absolute Nirvana, the Vandal Smash, the Fanatic, Fanatic BTU and the Deviant Pearl. And the only one I didn't really go for was the Absolute Nirvana. IMO, it has far too much hook for a house shot.

The 2 Fanatic's, Deviant Pearl and the Vandal Smash really got my attention, and I eventually got the BTU and the Smash. And while I would still like the Deviant Pearl, I'm going to go with the Vandal Destroy.

01-20-2017, 09:12 AM
I went to a 900Global before Christmas, 10 bucks free t-shirt and they had a bout 3 hundred balls, fitted me with it-thumb and let me try what ever I wanted, just threw at the lane for as long as I wanted,
usually 4 or 5 in line per lane only got to throw 1 ball reset pins and get back in line to throw again,
I bowled about 10 throws before I changed balls, only tried 3 because I didn't know the 900global line at all
best bet is to know the balls you want to try because time will run out if you want to try a whole bunch

01-20-2017, 01:09 PM
Thanks for everyone's input.
Brief background. A lot of this is for my buddy. He has been bowling several years but with a house ball. Last summer he picked up his first "real" ball, a used motiv covert revolt. I would love for him to be able to try some different equipment out to see what he likes.

Also for me, just getting back into bowling the only experience I have with anything newer than 12 yrs old is the 3 I currently own. I'd also like to throw some different balls. Heck the DareDevil is the first ball I've ever owned that wasn't a heavy oil hook in a box ball. I'd like to try out some different looks and a few balls that arent big hook oil balls.

I just didn't want to waste my time with something that wouldn't really allow me to have much time with the balls I wanted.

01-20-2017, 01:24 PM
There are good demo days and there are bad ones.

The last two I went to were useless. The shops and brands that ran the demo day didn't bother asking the house to put down fresh patterns. Left over Friday night cosmic bowling and league left overs. The ones I've gone to in the past had either or both THS and a sport pattern.

I know of a PSO that has his own, "try me first" balls on a designated ball rack. Most are Storm/RG stuff with current lines and a few A friend was able to sample a couple of balls.

01-21-2017, 04:07 PM
Driving 160 miles one way to get to a demo day is a huge commitment. You will be able to get some idea, based on the test equipment, how stuff works. Keep in mind the balls are pre-drilled with pre-defined "common" fingertip spans. The fit and feel of the ball will not be ideal. The layouts will be standard layouts, nothing special. That may, or may not, give you an idea of the true potential of the ball for your bowling style. Your best get is to call the pro shop hosting the demo day and ask what will be available to throw and how long you will have with each ball. If you mention you are potentially driving 160 miles to attend, they should have no problem taking a few minutes to discuss the planned agenda with you. Also ask about the scheduling and planned attendance. The Motiv demo days around here always have defined squad times and are usually sold out, meaning not much time with the equipment during your chosen squad.

01-21-2017, 04:30 PM

click link for info. Cost me $5. 12 lanes 24 people 2 hours bowling. They provided switch grips, fingers and thumb. Roto Grip rep, PSO, and a coach were there to help. It was fun for me, but only a 20 minute drive. (http://www.bowlingboards.com/threads/19957-Storm-Roto-grip-MatchMaker-Live)

01-21-2017, 06:49 PM
Really appreciate the feedback.

Yes it is a commitment. Talked to my buddy and he is excited about going. He is even gonna split gas with me. So I guess we are going lol. I called and talked to the shop as suggested. He is going to give us 1.5hrs of lane time with the balls and a free Motiv shirt too. Probably gonna bowl a few games while we are there. Who knows maybe my buddy will get something punched up.

Edit: And as a side note I hope they have an IT that will fit my thumb. If not, #2hands I guess haha.

01-21-2017, 06:54 PM
I went to a Brunswick demo day, it was $5 for two hours of bowling. The new PSO hosted it. A few lanes were thehouse shot while a few were a sport shot. Not too many went to it, but I did eventually buy two balls, Grudge Hybrid and Fanatic. Pretty much the same deal as others talked about with about 4-5 different balls with different spans and switch grips. I would go to more, but not much that I know of come out this way.

01-21-2017, 07:07 PM
Sounds like everything is about in line with what he was saying. Except the price. But hey I guess I get a "free" shirt. It is broken into squads, and it is all before the center opens. He is having a free 900 global one next month as well he said. I have their 3 ball roller and it is awesome, but have never even seen one the balls in person. Not a big thing around here I guess.

01-28-2017, 10:10 PM
Made it back home from the demo. Had a great time, very glad I went. The squads were pretty small and the whole center was open just for us. It was very relaxed environment and had plenty of time to throw whatever I wanted as long as I wanted. I first tried the chronic paranoia. REALLY liked this ball. It was very predictable and had a great motion. Next tried the primal fear. Was not a big fan. It did not match up to me very well. It seemed to be real touchy. If I missed a bit outside it just slid thru the break point. A little in and it was thru the face. I think I threw about 6 frames with it and 3 of them were splits. Since I was familiar with the Trident, I threw it next, so atleast I had a benchmark since I have never bowled at these lanes. Then I threw the ghost. Absolutely loved this ball. 2 frames in and went into the shop and bought their last one. It rolled great for my buddy as well. On top of that got a great deal on the ball. It is a very strong ball, but very smooth motion. I was really surprised that for as early and strong as it was it didn't burn up and lay flat in the back end. Hit with a lot of power and continuous.


Had a great time. Really like chronic paranoia. Loved the ghost. Bought last one and got a great deal.

01-28-2017, 10:24 PM
Well there you go, you had fun seen what the product did first hand and the proshop made a sale.

That's what demo day should be.

01-29-2017, 03:10 PM
If you are looking to demo balls in the central Indiana area then the pro shop at Mike Aulby's Arrowhead Bowl in Lafayette is work a look. They have a website: http://www.triplecrownproshop.com/

I live in the Indianapolis area and I've gone up there a couple times with a couple buddies to try different balls. Tom has probably around 50 balls with interchangeable inserts to let people try them out and if it's not too busy he will watch you throw and help make recommendations.


01-29-2017, 05:22 PM
Thanks! Lafayette is still a bit of a haul tho, it's about 3 hours as well. There is a local shop that have a couple balls to test but I refuse to do any business with them. All the guys I've ever talked to there were jerks and when I had some lane damage on my ball they went to fix the slug chipped out and drilled it forward pitch instead of reverse. Luckily he didn't go all the way down. Took it from them and my guy was able to fix their screw up without having to completely plug it.

01-30-2017, 09:20 PM
Here is a quick vid of the new ghost. This is on a flooded 42' pattern. Nevermind the madness, I was right in between 19 kids having 2 separate bday parties. I didnt get to video much. They were all standing on the approach and kept loosing balls and rolling at me. Didn't leave my cam out for long. Love how strong but smooth this ball is even on heavy conditions.
