View Full Version : Holding the ball on approach

02-13-2017, 05:23 PM
On approach and as you push away are you holding a majority of your ball weight with your off hand?

02-13-2017, 05:45 PM
On approach and as you push away are you holding a majority of your ball weight with your off hand?

For me I want to say it's about 50-50. I know some videos tell you to have most of the weight on your off hand but I think you need to do what is most comfortable for you.

02-13-2017, 07:13 PM
I never thought about it until recently when I saw videos saying that you should have your off hand help your ball hand hold the ball. The reason is it keeps your ball hand and arm muscles from getting tight. You want to have relaxed muscles and a light grip on the ball so you can release the ball easily and with accuracy. So that is what I do now.

02-13-2017, 07:17 PM
Do you keep your throwing arm relaxed and let the momentum from the weight of the ball swing your arm back or do you use some muscle to get it back and forward?

02-14-2017, 12:16 AM
On my approach, I have my arm and ball straight down with a cupped wrist with my left hand on the ball just for balancing.

On my first step my arm goes forward and I get a pendulum action going.

While this is nowhere near what is taught or suggested, it works for me.

02-14-2017, 01:28 PM
I went through so many different ways of holding the ball in my set up as my body changed, as the my physical game changed, as the game changed, and so on....

I currently hold the ball 75-85% on my left hand and my left hand totally underneath my right hand and the ball. the ball is in front of my armpit/right pecs. I wiggle my hand and elbow a lot just to gauge and make sure I'm relaxed. Also, to make sure the only pressure or weight I feel on my right hand is at the base of my index finger. furthermore, breathing is important and helps get rid of tension.

My left hand starts my push away 100% of the way. Because my left hand goes away from my center, it pulls my right hand towards the center or in front of my right chest. By doing this, I can stay in my swing plane. I had a bad habit of pushing away to the right, away from center, and by using my left hand to lead the push away, it helps stay in line. this started as a drill, now it's part of my game. though it took time to get used to and I actually had to do some curls to build strength and stamina. bowling several squad in a day is not easy..

Anyway, there are so many techniques on how to hold the ball at set up. I had seen so many coaches and some see what is the right way for that particular person. Then there are those that have a certain way for the masses...... I kinda combined techniques from different coaches and made my own. also, in my opinion, nobody can achieve a total relaxed free arm swing from start to release. Any object being thrown, will have tension. Any punch thrown must have tension at the right time.

02-14-2017, 02:03 PM
I hold the ball very low, enough where the ball basically rests on my hand that is resting against my hip/leg

02-14-2017, 07:34 PM
I started using the Norm Duke method. I like it and helps with timing as well.


02-17-2017, 05:58 PM
I actually have the ball against my shoulder/chest area, then let the ball drop under its own weight.