View Full Version : how do you choose a ball?

02-15-2017, 01:49 AM
Just wondering how many of you choose a bowling ball.

Is it from what your PSO is (brand) pushing?

Is it from what other are using during leagues?

Read reviews from forums or from magazines like BTM?

Are you a ball wh*re? lol

Or, you are very family with you equipment, the conditions you bowl on, and know how to fill gaps?

I ask because after the christmas break, several bowlers got ball crazy and started buying balls. Good for the industry, but bad for their game... well most of them.

I've seen over lapped bags, or balls too strong to be used in this medium length light volume pattern.

Then there's that PSO who is a good salesman and all you see in leagues are code blacks.

So, how bout you?

02-15-2017, 06:55 AM
It's a mix bag for me on how I select a ball. For my latest arsenal which I redid I went to a ball demo and threw a few ballls. I liked how they move so I got two. A strong ball and then on for the dry and one between the two. Then I also do some research on new balls on the web. Check out several sites , watch videos, etc. I also ask my PSO for,suggestions. He's honest guy who doesn't push balls but suggest on your style and what you are missing

02-15-2017, 09:49 AM
I'm limited to the Brunswick family of equipment, but I don't have a problem with that because there is a wide variety that fits my game.

As a member of Lane Side Reviews, I get to see and hear things sooner than everybody else. But I also talk with my PSO to see what he thinks.

What I decide to use each time I bowl on a THS depends on how much my shoulder and elbow hurts that particular night. If I feel good I go 14lbs. If I'm hurting I go with my 12's.

Sport patters are much different. The pattern dictates what I use no matter how good or bad I feel.

J Anderson
02-15-2017, 11:26 AM
I usually rely on the advice of the guys, (Tim & Chris), in the pro shop. I will tell them either that I want to replace ball "X", or I want something in between "X" and "Y". The only exceptions to this were buying a Y2K from a friend who needed a little cash, buying a used Hy-Road and Virtual Gravity Nano from some one thinning out his arsenal for new releases, and buying a White Dot based on what I read here about the benefits of having a dedicated spare ball.

02-15-2017, 11:51 AM
The last couple balls i have had drilled i have won. Most of the time i do research to figure what ball will work for me.

02-15-2017, 03:25 PM
Any more it looks like einy, miny, miny, mo.

02-15-2017, 08:11 PM
I just started rebuilding my arsenal since I have been out and last ball was from 2003.

For me, it was a lot of reading plus knowing what types of balls worked well for me and what didn't. I know a lot has changed since then.

I watched a lot of videos of people who had a similar style to me plus reviews of BTM. Then I would take those to my PSO and he would tell me straight up if that may work for me or no you don't want that one haha. He has never pushed me into anything.

So far everything I have I like and different enough that it isn't the same length and motion of the other. Granted I don't have a big 12 ball arsenal or anything.

The last ball the Motiv Ghost I bought was from throwing it at a demo. Probably my favorite ball in the bag. I would highly recommend anyone considering a new ball to go to a demo if possible. Was a great experience.

02-17-2017, 03:14 PM
I'm limited to the Brunswick family of equipment, but I don't have a problem with that because there is a wide variety that fits my game.

As a member of Lane Side Reviews, I get to see and hear things sooner than everybody else. But I also talk with my PSO to see what he thinks.

What I decide to use each time I bowl on a THS depends on how much my shoulder and elbow hurts that particular night. If I feel good I go 14lbs. If I'm hurting I go with my 12's.

Sport patters are much different. The pattern dictates what I use no matter how good or bad I feel.

With the Sport Patterns....what ball weight do you use?

02-17-2017, 04:04 PM
I've used bowlingball.com's hook rating to balance out my choices. It gives me something to go by to start. Then I check out ball review videos. Then I'll buy them and try them

02-17-2017, 04:05 PM
I've used bowlingball.com's hook rating to balance out my choices. It gives me something to go by to start. Then I check out ball review videos. Then I'll buy them and try them

02-17-2017, 04:06 PM
For some reason it won't let me say " hook rating " but that's what I'm trying to say.

02-17-2017, 04:45 PM
I just buy whichever ball looks the prettiest. LOL!!!!! J/K

I usually pick which bowling balls I buy based on several
factors like what lane condition I'll be mostly using it on
and also based on the RG and Diff either high or low so
if I need a ball to hook early or later on down the lane.

02-20-2017, 11:20 PM
I used to choose by color and it never worked. Lately is is by overall reaction to the lanes.