View Full Version : One hit wonders?

02-22-2017, 02:07 PM
What bowlers who (so far) have only won 1 PBA Major Title but feel like they hit lightning in a bottle and won't ever reach that apex again?

I can think of two: Graham Fach and Gary Faulkner.

They each have 1 PBA Major but honestly have not heard a peep from them since. No TV appearances. Not even sure where they have placed ever since.

Anthony Simonsen and Jesper Svensson are at least in the spot light and show up on TV once in awhile and I don't doubt they will get multiple titles and Majors.

02-22-2017, 02:54 PM
Jesper has technically 5 titles, one being the 2016 TOC, and the 2015 Chameleon Champ. The other 3 were over seas. As for Simonsen, he has last years masters title, and has made numerous TV shows. As for 1 hit wonders...Definitely the 2 you listed, DJ Archer, Josh Blanchard..AJ Johnson always makes a stir and then disappears in tourneys. Anthony LaCaze never won a title but was 2009-2010 ROTY. Don't see Pepe around much any more, Jason Sterner...the list goes on

02-24-2017, 05:22 AM
I've been wondering whatever happened to Faulkner? He bowled at the White House last year and then disappeared.

02-24-2017, 01:13 PM
I've been wondering whatever happened to Faulkner? He bowled at the White House last year and then disappeared.

Well, Trumps in office now so...I kid :)

02-24-2017, 01:28 PM
I saw Gary Falkner at the Masters and he wasn't doing much of anything

02-24-2017, 03:17 PM
I saw this weeks tournament standings and he was a long way down. I think it was 300 plus.
Back on topic it is hard to remember people you only saw once. Wonder how many titles were won by won and gone?

02-24-2017, 04:01 PM
Kyle Troup has been on tour since 2008 and only has 1 title, and that was in 2015 when he beat Marshall Kent in the Wolf Open.

Now, if you count Regional Titles then he has 9 all together. So I don't know if this qualifies in the context.