View Full Version : My season is about to end soon

02-23-2017, 10:32 AM
Well, went to the Ortho yesterday about the left knee and it has to be replaced, and I figured that was the case for quite a while now.

But when I suggested it be done in May he said no, we need to do it in March. I knew the knee was bad but not this bad.

This puts the screws to the last month and change of the Winter leagues, and, more importantly, my PBA 50 debut in Reno.

While I'm certainly bummed out (to say the least), I'm also glad that I'm going to get this done and over with so I can be ready for the 2017-2018 season.

02-23-2017, 10:35 AM
Wow vegas hate to hear that. Quick recovery's to you and hopefully you'll be able to return better than ever

02-23-2017, 10:56 AM
Wow vegas hate to hear that. Quick recovery's to you and hopefully you'll be able to return better than ever

Thank you my friend :)

It's going to be a tough road for a couple of months, but I'm ready. The new knee is supposed to be good for 30 years, so I'll wear out before it does! lol

02-23-2017, 11:12 AM
Best of luck to you.

02-23-2017, 11:24 AM
Thanks Rob :)

02-23-2017, 11:32 AM
Hope for a quick recovery. I'm still fairly young at 29, but have battled knee issues since high school football. Started taking some fish oil and glucosamine sulphate to help, and it has. I suggest most people get on these if they battle inflammation (as most bowlers do). Seems to help quite a bit and I don't hurt near as bad

02-23-2017, 11:32 AM
Sorry to hear that!! here's to a fast recovery!

02-23-2017, 11:34 AM
Thank you sir :) Much appreciated :)

02-23-2017, 12:18 PM
Being around professional sports (old job) and martial arts, I know of 4 people who had knee replacements for various reasons between the ages of 41 to 76. All have recovered rather quickly. After post surgery, they all walked the day after. Some left the hospital after a day or two.

Now that I am writing about this, one of the bowlers in leagues collapsed back in Oct. or Nov. because his knee gave out. He told us he held off total knee replacement for some reason I forgot. I think because of work. Last month he returned and is bowling lights out the last 3 weeks. He doesn't have that decent knee bend he once has, but he is sold at the line. No more limping around too.....

So, I know you will recover well and quick. You'll be ready for next season and I'll see you Xtra Frame!! lol speedy recovery

02-23-2017, 01:21 PM
Good luck with the knee surgery, I have had several friends / relatives go through it and with remarkable success. There is only one buddy who had problems and it all stemmed back to the Dr telling him to take it easy and not begin therapy for six weeks, never figured out why they did it, but that delay set him back and made it a much harder recovery, on a good note even with that he has overcome that and is now doing well.

02-23-2017, 02:38 PM
My doc told me yesterday, that, by the time I leave the hospital I'll be able to walk 600 yards, so I have a lot of optimism about my recovery.

While I'm hoping I can start some bowling in June, I think July will be much more realistic unless the doc says otherwise.

On a funny note, this will be the first time in over 30 years that I'll have to stay in a hospital for a couple of days. lol

02-23-2017, 05:46 PM
Just cause the doctor says March doesn't mean you have to. They always over exaggerate they need for these things to cover themselves. If he says it will be fine until May or June and something happens in March he looks bad. If you feel like you can finish winter league go ahead and do it and schedule the surgery later. You know what your capable of.

I guess knee replacements aren't as bad as hips. My friend had his hip replaced a few years back, and wasn't doing any normal walking for a few weeks. He did come back to bowling the next season, but his game had to change a bit and he wasn't as good. Now he's back into the 190s-200s average

02-23-2017, 06:01 PM
Just cause the doctor says March doesn't mean you have to. They always over exaggerate they need for these things to cover themselves. If he says it will be fine until May or June and something happens in March he looks bad. If you feel like you can finish winter league go ahead and do it and schedule the surgery later. You know what your capable of.

I guess knee replacements aren't as bad as hips. My friend had his hip replaced a few years back, and wasn't doing any normal walking for a few weeks. He did come back to bowling the next season, but his game had to change a bit and he wasn't as good. Now he's back into the 190s-200s average

I've had this knee scoped 7 times already and it has stopped me from going to sleep on many nights.

I want to get this done an over with. The conservative approach for almost 2 years now has not been totally effective, and it's time to remedy the problem instead of covering it up.

02-23-2017, 09:22 PM
I had a total left hip replacement August 15 of 2016. I started bowling league the end of October 2016. I always heard that knee replacement recovery is longer then hip replacement. It turned out that way for me and I am glad. I have good range of motion and walk normally. When I first started bowling I would get sore during the three games but not too bad. Now I have no problem at all and my hip is six months old.

02-23-2017, 10:32 PM
BTW...Today I found out that I'm scheduled for March 21st.

02-23-2017, 10:51 PM
Listen to the docs and do your rehab. Get that knee in shape and get out to that PBA50 league.

02-23-2017, 11:48 PM
No PBA 50 for me this year because there won't be anything regional after I've recovered.

Maybe next year.

02-24-2017, 09:19 PM
Wow sorry to hear Jim. I fought back issues for a long time and did everything I could to avoid surgery. In the end, it got really bad really quick several years later and now have permanent nerve damage in my right foot.

In the short term, yeah it sucks. But for the long term you (and your knee) will be happy you got it done now and didn't push it off any longer.

Wish you a speedy recovery!

02-24-2017, 11:21 PM
Thanks Dave :)

Back in 2012 I had the choice of either scoping or replacing the knee, and I went with the scoping hoping I could get 1-3 years out of it, but it didn't go more than 1 year and should have replaced it then.

Now that I have insurance again (2015) I can't muck about. I'm tired of injections covering up the issue and now I want the curative.

And I certainly appreciate the well wishes :)