View Full Version : 2017 EP USBC City Tournament scores (Team Event)

02-27-2017, 11:16 AM
Well I bowled the team event of our annual city tournament (I didn't bowl D/S), the first game was embarrassing and the other two not much better.

Everyone was bowling much better than I, The only bright spot was the unofficial standings say we took first place. A couple of the guys on the team are doing good in doubles and singles also.

We bowled the very last squad of the last day and we were the only team on that squad!

The shot was from what I heard just a modified house shot (41').

So we had the lanes all to ourselves and we knew what was high (except for what was bowled on the squad directly before us, but as far as we know they weren't over the current high.)

High handicap score was 3300 something, so we figured if we shot 3000 scratch we were covered. The team shot 2973 scratch for a 3463 handicap score,so we should have it by around a 100 pins or so.


The first game I was pulling the ball alot, The next two games I got into the swing of it. But I wasn't carrying the strikes, so had to focus on the spares.

So games 2 & 3 I stayed pretty clean, but it didn't add up to much.


Strikes 21%
Spares 60%
Opens 31%

02-28-2017, 05:32 PM
Yep we took first with 3463, second place was 3387, last place was 3215.

So I get a whole $100

03-01-2017, 09:16 AM
Yep we took first with 3463, second place was 3387, last place was 3215.

So I get a whole $100

That should keep you in tape for a while !

03-01-2017, 10:50 AM
Better than nothing!!

03-01-2017, 12:14 PM
My teammate on my Tuesday league did good he's in first or second in each event.