View Full Version : frustrated Bowler.....

03-02-2017, 08:40 PM
I'm back to bowling after decades away, started again last May. I have been bowling a lot for the past 9 months and I have a 184 average. (put every score in this bowling app)
I'm frustrated because I can bowl a great game then terrible. It happens a lot!!!

This week twice once again.. Monday bowled a 255 then a 159 next game. Tuesday bowled a 256 then a 167. It can also go the other way, bowl 160 then 240. Just so up and down. I have A LOT of high games for me, like over 220, but they are offset by those low games, like 150-160s. not too many below that.

Is it focus you think. I don't feel like I change anything.

Like most average bowlers I do struggle to keep my release, speed and accuracy consistent but that this is so so frustrating.

What do you think?

03-02-2017, 08:44 PM
Since I have never seen you bowl, I could only speculate at best.

The best thing to do is to find a coach who can work 1 on 1 with you to see what you're doing right and wrong, and then try to fix it.

03-02-2017, 09:53 PM
Are these low games "mostly" occur in the second game?

J Anderson
03-02-2017, 09:57 PM
I'm back to bowling after decades away, started again last May. I have been bowling a lot for the past 9 months and I have a 184 average. (put every score in this bowling app)
I'm frustrated because I can bowl a great game then terrible. It happens a lot!!!

This week twice once again.. Monday bowled a 255 then a 159 next game. Tuesday bowled a 256 then a 167. It can also go the other way, bowl 160 then 240. Just so up and down. I have A LOT of high games for me, like over 220, but they are offset by those low games, like 150-160s. not too many below that.

Is it focus you think. I don't feel like I change anything.

Like most average bowlers I do struggle to keep my release, speed and accuracy consistent but that this is so so frustrating.

What do you think?

It certainly sounds like when you're on, you string strikes. On the low games, are you missing simple spares, getting big splits, not getting any strikes, or some combination of all three?

I know bowlers who get frustrated when they start leaving single pins on what they thought were good shots, and then start missing those one pin spares. If it's a lot of splits following a good game you may not be adapting to the lane transition well. That might also apply to losing pin carry.

03-02-2017, 10:52 PM
Are these low games "mostly" occur in the second game?

No, I don't bowl in a league, so when i bowl I could be bowling 4 or 6 games so it could be any game combo. no consistent game that i bad.

03-02-2017, 11:00 PM
If it's a lot of splits following a good game you may not be adapting to the lane transition well. That might also apply to losing pin carry.

Exactly what I was thinking.

What area do you play? Do you chase left thru the night?

03-02-2017, 11:06 PM
It certainly sounds like when you're on, you string strikes. On the low games, are you missing simple spares, getting big splits, not getting any strikes, or some combination of all three?

I know bowlers who get frustrated when they start leaving single pins on what they thought were good shots, and then start missing those one pin spares. If it's a lot of splits following a good game you may not be adapting to the lane transition well. That might also apply to losing pin carry.

I do get stringing them together then start missing my mark or just not turning it in there. I'm pretty good at picking up the single spares but might get caught missing some tough ones. just lose my rhythm. sometimes I'll get some splits but just don't string those strikes...
it's just weird. my best series is around 650, I don't get alot of 600 series at all. mostly high 500s, because of not stringing those 200+ games together. very frustrating.

03-02-2017, 11:11 PM
Exactly what I was thinking.

What area do you play? Do you chase left thru the night?

I don't curve it crazy. mostly throw to the 7-9 board and it travels pretty straight and will break in from there. I will move me start position as I read the lane's oil.

J Anderson
03-03-2017, 10:46 AM
I do get stringing them together then start missing my mark or just not turning it in there. I'm pretty good at picking up the single spares but might get caught missing some tough ones. just lose my rhythm. sometimes I'll get some splits but just don't string those strikes...
it's just weird. my best series is around 650, I don't get alot of 600 series at all. mostly high 500s, because of not stringing those 200+ games together. very frustrating.

With out seeing you bowl, my guess is that your timing gets off. When you're sailing along in the good games, the ball is going where you want it to go and doing what you want it to do. When timing is off, since most people's swings are a bit loopy, accuracy is off. When timing is off, it is nearly impossible to have a good release. You may be sensing this subconsciously since you said," just lose my rhythm." Again, because I haven't seen you bowl when this is happening, I can't really suggest a fix for it.

03-03-2017, 12:14 PM
I started back after 25+ years last April or so. I also am not consistent. From 130 to 230. The stringing of strikes is the culprit in my case. I'll start with a double or triple and then start pulling the ball or missing easy spares.

03-03-2017, 08:57 PM
Consistency is one thing. Keeping up with changing lanes conditions is tough. The lanes didn't change when you last bowled likenthey do now. You find your line, then it disappears. You need to learn how to keep moving parallel. It's amazing how much lanes can change in 3 games.

03-04-2017, 12:52 AM
Focus, timing, rhythm, synergy, consistency ......the inability to do the exact same thing over and over is the common denominator of the average bowler, these are the common items that plague all of us average bowlers.
It's not the lane transitions when you're open bowling unless you're sharing your lane with 5 to 9 other bowlers.
While you might think you are doing everything the same, you're probably not, as you become more aware of the errors that plague the average bowler you start to recognize your own errors and make corrections more quickly, then you become a better bowler, the differences in your delivery, release and accuracy become smaller and you will shoot more consistently higher games. The best way to improve is using a combination of coaching and practice. That's my take on it anyway ...

03-04-2017, 12:52 PM
I'm back to bowling after decades away, started again last May. I have been bowling a lot for the past 9 months and I have a 184 average. (put every score in this bowling app)
I'm frustrated because I can bowl a great game then terrible. It happens a lot!!!

This week twice once again.. Monday bowled a 255 then a 159 next game. Tuesday bowled a 256 then a 167. It can also go the other way, bowl 160 then 240. Just so up and down. I have A LOT of high games for me, like over 220, but they are offset by those low games, like 150-160s. not too many below that.

Is it focus you think. I don't feel like I change anything.

Like most average bowlers I do struggle to keep my release, speed and accuracy consistent but that this is so so frustrating.

What do you think?

I am new to it myself and I struggle with the same issues, although I must say that my games typically are much lower than yours. My high is something like 178. My takeaway from some of the videos on the USBC academy website and my purchased copy of the DVD "The System" which i highly recommend, is that if you are struggling with consistency, you need to break down your approach step by step and focus on one piece at a time. Are your approach steps right? Are they cnosistent? Is your timing on? (IE is your swing reaching the correct points at each part of your approach). If it isn't, that's likely the consistancy issue you speak of and that's before you ever get to the release and that's a whole different can of worms. If everything in the approach and swing is correct, then it might be the release or your thumb timing. The answer is somewhere in there. If you check out the DVD "The System", it will help you break it down to the fundamental levels. It's helped me with my approach and swing immensely.

03-05-2017, 10:39 PM
I know where your coming from Jarhead! I started out last Fri with a 166 then got locked for a 275 then lost it for a 152! A combination of bad timing along with some easy spares missed! Just like you I need to find consistency!

Brian in MI

03-14-2017, 08:43 PM
thanks everyone. There's no easy fix I guess, practice and some coaching is what I need. I bowl a lot but I have to get some coaching so I do it correctly and not just spinning my wheels.
It's just really frustrating. I understand up and down games but those are so far apart.