View Full Version : In the what were you thinking category.....

03-04-2017, 02:19 AM
The other night they had a Storm , Roto-Grip demo event and had none other than PDW as the headliner, pretty cool for a smaller midwest town.

03-04-2017, 09:42 AM
That's cool. Wonder how much he made for the appearance.

03-04-2017, 10:11 AM
While there are a lot of people that don't like Pete, I think he's a really good person and consider him a friend. And every time I see him here in Vegas he always shakes my hand and we exchange pleasantries.

During the Masters, he just finished a frame, and when he was walking back he saw me, pointed to me, came up to me to shake my hand and we talked for a minute or so.

Yes, he can be vocal and animated on the lanes, and people don't like what he does or has done. Bu the fact is, he's very intense on the lanes and to see that he shows his emotions is a good thing.

When he's not bowling he's very talkative to anybody that's respectful and he can talk for the longest times. While he's a bit salty, it's just who he is.

03-04-2017, 10:55 AM
I wasn't able to make it but from what I hear from some of my buddies that were there, he came early, stayed late and took tons of pictures with people.They really enjoyed the event and meeting him, and even got some bowling tips.
There was a large turnout, the pro shop sold a bunch of new balls, and I'm sure many beverages and food items were sold, so it sounds like an overall successful event.

03-04-2017, 12:42 PM
While there are a lot of people that don't like Pete, I think he's a really good person and consider him a friend. And every time I see him here in Vegas he always shakes my hand and we exchange pleasantries.

During the Masters, he just finished a frame, and when he was walking back he saw me, pointed to me, came up to me to shake my hand and we talked for a minute or so.

Yes, he can be vocal and animated on the lanes, and people don't like what he does or has done. Bu the fact is, he's very intense on the lanes and to see that he shows his emotions is a good thing.

When he's not bowling he's very talkative to anybody that's respectful and he can talk for the longest times. While he's a bit salty, it's just who he is.

Being new to bowling, I only recently became aware of him when I watched the "Bad Boy of Bowling" documentary on youTube. "Who do you think you are?! I am!" LOL

03-04-2017, 04:48 PM
I'm one of the older guys on this forum. I saw Pete's first tournament TV appearance. Back then he threw a Columbia Yellow Dot with a ton of revs and his back swing was the highest on the tour. He always had the " Bad Boy " mentality even as a teen. He always kept the attitude on the lanes during competition, but off the lanes or at Pro-Ams he was always accommodating to his fans.
He had trouble with drinking for a stretch, but he turned his life around and has been credited for saving the PBA from being disbanded. The new owners of the PBA gave him the ability to be as animated as he could on the lanes without fear of being suspended. He came up with the " Crotch Chop " and using that on telecasts spiked the ratings.
Now the PBA telecasts ratings are doing well. It's a shame he had to get old.

03-04-2017, 06:49 PM
I wasn't able to make it but from what I hear from some of my buddies that were there, he came early, stayed late and took tons of pictures with people.They really enjoyed the event and meeting him, and even got some bowling tips.
There was a large turnout, the pro shop sold a bunch of new balls, and I'm sure many beverages and food items were sold, so it sounds like an overall successful event.

yeah I guess there was an edit to the OP, but what were they thinking? They were thinking about all the money they were gonna make!

03-05-2017, 12:16 AM
yeah I guess there was an edit to the OP, but what were they thinking? They were thinking about all the money they were gonna make!

LOL, yes there was an edit, the original post was about a guy on a team that just started bowling in the league who must have been a little drunk and decided he wanted to start sh*t and challenge the counter guy who was coming around selling strike pot tickets and joking with all the guys, to a money match.....of course he didn't know the guy bowls in several leagues and has a 230 plus average......
Maybe he took exception to the idea the counter guy was jacking around making fun of a guy (who he bowls with in another league) who made a bad shot on the next lane.
So the counter says well you see I work in a bowling alley so you should figure I can bowl a little, what do you want to bet , I'm in....then the guy (who is the best bowler on his team with a 190 avg) decides to ask, well what is your average......counter guy says 230's ....and that was the end of the conversation.

03-05-2017, 10:01 AM
Sounds like a great time. I have never met Pete and have wondered if he is the same off the lanes as on the lanes.

And about the drunk guy, it always seems like there is one of those at any of the bigger events. Too bad they didn't play and put him in his place haha.

03-05-2017, 12:27 PM
I have never met Pete and have wondered if he is the same off the lanes as on the lanes.

Pete/PDW is completely different off of the lanes as he is a fun guy to be around but on
the lanes he is strictly all business.

03-05-2017, 08:26 PM
I ran into PDW at the finals at the Johnny Petraglia Open in 1996 when it was held at Louis Brown center on the Rutgers campus. He was wandering around behind the stands prior to the first match. He joked around with me and a couple of other spectators before he walked off. It totally changed my view about him. I would buy him a beer.

03-05-2017, 10:40 PM
Yep, on the lanes he's as intense as it gets. Gets upset, throws things sometimes, very demonstrative. But off the lanes, all smiles.

03-06-2017, 09:58 AM
I'm still wondering which is the act: the on or off lane person.

We've all seen his antics on TV (I don't mind them, love the personality).

But have heard stories from both sides off the lane where he was cordial as could be but also an ***.