View Full Version : Is the modern release safe for us regular league bowlers?

03-19-2017, 09:57 AM
I went to the pro shop in our house recently to have my span checked and my pitch in my fingers and my thumb. I told the pro shop guy that I started using the modern release where you go from a cupped to an uncupped position in the release. He said that it wasn't good on the wrist to have this kind of release because you are always snapping your wrist. Plus he said he is too old for that kind of release.

When I do it I don't seem to be hyper-extending my wrist during the three game set and my wrist don't hurt afterward. When I was staying cupped in the release it seems like that was putting more stress on my wrist. So is the modern release okay for us regular league folks to use without injury?

03-19-2017, 02:25 PM
Your "pro shop guy" as giving you an answer based on his lack of knowledge and fear of trying something new. If anything, a modern release is easier on your wrist than a more traditional release for the simple reason that you aren't trying to do anything to the ball, other than roll it down the lane. There is no snapping of the wrist involved.

03-19-2017, 02:38 PM
Your "pro shop guy" as giving you an answer based on his lack of knowledge and fear of trying something new. If anything, a modern release is easier on your wrist than a more traditional release for the simple reason that you aren't trying to do anything to the ball, other than roll it down the lane. There is no snapping of the wrist involved.

I saw a video called Kegel back view and the instructor was telling his students to just set up with the cupped hand position and when you get to the release to just let the un-cupping of the hand happen. He said that you just let it happen because it happens to fast to think about it. That is what I do, I have a relaxed swing and a relaxed grip and when I get to the release area it is easy to just let the un-cupping happen. It took me a little while to get used to it because you have the feeling that you are dropping the ball too early which in reality that is not what is happening. I like it and I am sticking with it even at my age of 70.

03-19-2017, 06:33 PM
I like it and I am sticking with it even at my age of 70.

That right there is the most important thing. Unless it causes pain or it effects anything negative in your game I'd stick with it!