View Full Version : Season ending battle royale

03-31-2017, 08:42 AM
The past couple of seasons I have been in a league that does a battle royale on the final night in parallel to the position round. The way this works is all teams are bowling for high total pins (with handicap). There is $1000 in this battle royale prize fund (rest of the prize fund is about $5500). The top team gets $100 per bowler, second is $75 per bowler, third is $50 and fourth is $25. What I like is that every team has incentive to bowl seriously for the night, even if you are locked into 6th place and nothing on the night will change that. Now this league has been small (8 teams or less), but it has worked well. Money spots were all within 20 pins of each other. It was a blend of 1 high handicap team and three lower handicap teams. Last season was just payout for first and second. It had a similar feel. I bring this up for others to consider adding to their prize fund next season.

03-31-2017, 09:13 AM
Other than 1st place I don't like paying place money. We pay $300 for each half winner and $1000 for over all winner. Every one else gets $19.70 a point for all weeks (7). every one should do what the bowlers like. Just make sure they get to vote.

03-31-2017, 10:23 AM
Virtually every league in Vegas has "Sweeps" on the final league session. A predetermined amount of money comes out of the general prize fund, with added money from 50/50 ticket sales in some leagues. Everyone is automatically entered in singles sweeps and team sweeps. In addition, you can sign up for optional doubles, usually for $1 per person. There are men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles. Sweeps are always a lot of fun as team season winnings are handed out before bowling, so everyone has the cash to sign up for doubles if they want to.

03-31-2017, 11:41 AM
They had to wait for the payoff to be able to afford the $1 doubles? You guys really need to stay out of the casino's.

We have a banquet a week after the last night. We have 24 teams of five men. They eat 30 pizzas, 4 six foot subs and snacks, washed down with 3 kegs of beer.
The doubles is paid off that night and last year you paid $3 each. You could get in with anyone you wanted and as many as you wanted. It took two weeks to collect the 385 teams $2310 and paid 10 places 1st was $400 for each bowler. I have had some bowlers get in with 25 other people.
Then we held our optional $50 buy in Texas hold-em tournament.