View Full Version : Posting & videoing: Finding the problem

04-12-2017, 10:11 PM
Posting your shot is really important, because If your not posting the shot well there's probably a problem.

Since I've been struggling, I've been videoing myself during league. Then going back a comparing to past videos of myself I made.

Click for larger image
https://s5.postimg.cc/l5hqfa96r/post-compare-01.jpg (https://s5.postimg.cc/6z1zk1ybr/post-compare-01.jpg)
(sorry for the typo in the image)
The images shown.

Past Form:
The left image is from my archive of past videos at a time when I was bowling much better. Before I had problems with my grip etc.+
Here posting the shot, I had good solid balance at the line and easily posted the shot. My trailing leg had good extension to help balance me and I didn't have too much forward tilt with my torso. My balance arm was angled downward and closer to my side, Which when bowling well was where I usually had it. Also my arm swing was straighter.

Problem Area:
Okay this image was from just a couple weeks ago, I picked it because it was the worst looking one. I Figured all the problems would really stand out.

Obviously the base of the triangle is way off, Showing my balance is way off. The trailing leg was lifting off the floor, throwing my balance off causing me to fall off the shot.

Watching and comparing this video to past performance, the main cause appears to be because, I had too much forward tilt with my torso. Too much forward tilt can cause the trailing leg to come off the approach.

Plus I was “over-reaching” toward my target when I was following through, This would also cause my torso to be pulled farther forward getting me more off balanced forward.

And my elbow position shows my swing was off. The balance arm was higher too, which I believe factored into me dipping my shoulder causing pulled shots.

I believe a lot of this had to do with me trying to increase ball speed and force the ball to my target. Which had my timing out of whack and my balance all off making it hard to post the shot properly.

Correction attempt:
Okay, this is from just the other night during league. The main thing I focused on was getting the ball started sooner and keeping my trailing leg foot on the approach. Along with keeping my arm tucked in closer to my body.

As you can see my trailing leg foot stayed on the approach and the leg had fair extension, but it could be better. My forward tilt was reduced and I was better able to post the shot.

My balance arm position when in the position shown in the past form image was better and on line good. But When not in that position, it was kind of 50/50. mainly I tugged the ball.

Overall my bowling for the night, while not high scoring I felt better about it. I wasn't striking till the second game (when I switched balls), but was sparing well the rest of the games.

At least I know the main things to work on, videoing really helps locating these problems.