View Full Version : How timely are your leagues at updating the on-line scoring ?

05-31-2017, 12:07 AM
In the past the center I was at was mostly on top of updating the league scoring, the leagues from Wed night were updated by noon on Thursday,
most of the time and sometimes earlier. Only had a few instances where they dropped the ball, and then apparently there would be guys sending
messages, or calling in complaining.
The wed night league I'm in now hasn't updated the league sheet since last wed, and last week they did it wed morning.....I would like to be able to see it before then.

How are your leagues at doing this ?

05-31-2017, 01:10 AM
My Thursday Men's league which was very competitive, the scores would be up on Bowl.com by Friday afternoon. My Wednesday Mixed league which is more social would be whenever the league secretary had time to do it. I took over as secretary for the next season and I plan to get the scores in by Friday as well.

J Anderson
05-31-2017, 08:34 AM
In one league, the secretary sends an e-mail the next day. This is an often humorous, folksy newsletter that just gives the highlights of the day. These are things like: "Bernie converted the 5-10 split", "Tom had a season high game of 214","Missy won the high game pot with a 269 (handicap included)". He also gives a summary of which teams won and if there are any changes in the standings. The online standings are actually handles by the bowling center staff and it usually takes 3-5 days to get the update in.

The manager of the sport league used to update the standings the next day. I suspect his day job has become more demanding and the update generally gets done the morning of the next time the league bowls.

The secretary of my Wednesday league almost never updates until just before he leaves for the alley.

05-31-2017, 09:56 AM
My Saturday league does an ok job posting info. My other leagues it's a miracle if the winter league is posted before the end of the summer league. the summer league stuff will never be posted period.

05-31-2017, 10:51 AM
Sunday Vegas League - sometimes prompt, mostly not.
Sunday Travel League - not to bad, but sometimes a week or so goes by before they are posted. Not a big deal since we bowl every two weeks.
Tuesday competitive league - sometimes prompt, but mostly not.
Thursday not all that competitive league - mostly within a day or two. Sometimes that same night!

The one that hacks me off a bit is the Tuesday league. The secretary is a manager at the bowling alley and she takes forever to get the league standings updated. This is their "premiere" league and should be treated with a little more urgency IMO.

05-31-2017, 11:16 AM
For the most part my tuesday league is with in a couple of days. The wed sport league im on now is a bit slow, they get it up at least before we bowl.

05-31-2017, 11:23 AM
My comment / question was primarily looking at the updating of the centers league standings published on their own web site for the local scoring / record keeping and providing the weekly standings sheets. Both centers I bowl at use the BLS-17 software from CDE software.

The bigger picture updating scoring and info to Bowl.com for the winter league center is horrific, I think they put in information once or twice a year, from what I have seen.

05-31-2017, 11:34 AM
My comment / question was primarily looking at the updating of the centers league standings published on their own web site for the local scoring / record keeping and providing the weekly standings sheets. Both centers I bowl at use the BLS-17 software from CDE software.

The bigger picture updating scoring and info to Bowl.com for the winter league center is horrific, I think they put in information once or twice a year, from what I have seen.

Sorry I misunderstood as far as that goes one league offers that and is updated weekly most of the time the other leagues I bowl in probably aren't sure if that internet thing is going to stick around or not.

05-31-2017, 11:50 AM
My comment / question was primarily looking at the updating of the centers league standings published on their own web site for the local scoring / record keeping and providing the weekly standings sheets. Both centers I bowl at use the BLS-17 software from CDE software.

The bigger picture updating scoring and info to Bowl.com for the winter league center is horrific, I think they put in information once or twice a year, from what I have seen.

Posting the centers league standings published on their own web site...

In that case the center here doesn't post any scores on their own website.

Most all the leagues here use the BLS-17 software also and post the standings via leaguesecretary.com.

There may be a league here that posts using the bowl.com standings service, But I've never seen or heard of it.

05-31-2017, 04:48 PM
Where I bowl there are about 25 leagues. Half have the sec. take care of all sec duties. The others use the house service. Both use BLS all are posted on leaguesecretary.com The center has a section that say LEAGUES and all leagues are linked to leaguesecretary.com. My Friday league ends late. I get home at midnight and new sheets are posted no later than 9-10 AM. I usually have a new front page printed to pass out on my out to the people standing around drinking a cold one.
What is surprising is the number of leagues that don't post anything.

05-31-2017, 09:50 PM
My Wednesday league was usually updated by Saturday

06-01-2017, 06:18 AM
You mean they're supposed to update this stuff?

06-02-2017, 09:43 PM
Depends how many beers out secretary had that night. Sometimes it takes days to sober up to update it.

06-03-2017, 02:54 PM
I would bet that over half of the Certified leagues in this country don't put their weekly sheets on line at bowl.com or leaguesecretary.com. Mostly laziness. It takes 10 seconds to post them on line. Unless they are using some kind of software that is from the 1980's.

06-03-2017, 08:44 PM
scratch league: about an hour after bowling is done for the night
my other handicapped leagues: one to three days

06-10-2017, 01:07 PM
My lanes just started to use League Secretary and it takes them about 3-4 days to load the data.

The old way used to be show up next week and find out.

06-12-2017, 04:06 PM
Yes once set up it is so easy. If the house does the sheet it is even easier. All they have to do is download the scores from the scoring system to the BLS software and make a quick double check and within 5 minutes it is done. Hit one button and 5 minutes later it is posted on bowl.com and leaguesecretary.com.
Some houses may only have an employee who does all the sheets at the same time once a week. If you bowl on Friday and the come in and do the sheets on Wednesday, too bad.

06-21-2017, 09:33 PM
Just joined a summer league and was shocked to see how quickly the scores were posted to League Secretary. Looks like BLS software is used.
Scores are posted 60-90 minutes after bowling.

Now that's nice!

06-21-2017, 09:46 PM
It could be done within 10-15 minutes of the last ball being thrown. That is if the sec. has access to the office and wants to do it.

J Anderson
06-29-2017, 02:55 AM
My local center hasn't updated any of the summer leagues since June 15. I think the only employee withany computer skills has gone on vacation.

J Anderson
07-03-2017, 06:01 PM
My local center hasn't updated any of the summer leagues since June 15. I think the only employee with any computer skills has gone on vacation.

They finally updated today.

07-04-2017, 01:26 AM
They finally updated today.

They must mail em in every other week to save on stamps.

08-26-2017, 10:59 PM
the old lady who does the league secretary for our league has a dial up internet connection! It was down all week. But usually she does it the same night.
for the once a month league i did...no online...used the old dot matrix printer...and it would get cut off at the bottom and she didn't update til the day before..so the sheet was never posted on the ...whatever those display things are called

09-05-2017, 07:58 AM
As secretary for a league I try to get these updated by 7:00am on the next day. I have been accused of spoiling the league members by the prior secretary. Summer league I bowled in does not have a secretary. They updated the standings twice - after the first week and before the last week. I was thinking of volunteering but decided not to. It can be a pain in the neck when you have bowlers that leave the league.

09-05-2017, 09:29 AM
Pat why is it a pain in the neck when bowlers leave? Why do you get up so early? Bowling needs more spoilers and less lazy a$$ slugs.

09-05-2017, 11:10 AM
This is my first year as secretary in my Weds Mixed league and my goal is to have everything updated by Friday.

09-05-2017, 02:10 PM
If you are using BLS software and doing the work at home it should take 30 minutes to enter the scores. Smaller leagues or larger could be more or less. One click and leaguesecretary.com and bowl.com will have both on line in 10 minutes. If you are like me and do a lot of extras it will take longer. My generic sheet goes on line and the extended data one is passed out the next week.
I have never worked with other software but I doubt they are much different.

09-10-2017, 02:48 PM
Is league secretary the only one being used? My new league isn't on there. I really liked knowing what was going on.

09-10-2017, 03:57 PM
BLS lets you send it bowl.com, a BPAA site or a personnel web site also. One click and you are done.

09-11-2017, 06:03 AM
I am a very early morning person. I usually am up by 4:30am so I get work done early and can play all afternoon (usually at the bowling alley!!!). I have always wanted to know as soon as possible what the outcomes where so I think it is only fair to provide that information to others as early as possible.

09-11-2017, 06:05 AM
Last year was my first year using BLS and there were problems between my data and those of the bowling alley when people dropped out. Don't know why but there was.

09-11-2017, 09:00 AM
What kind of problem were or are you having? What I usually do after bowling is go into the office and download the scores onto a flash drive. Then I print the updated standings front page only. Just a handful and pass out the unofficial copies to the folks standing around. By then it is almost midnight on a Friday night. Then the next morning by 7:30 to 8 o'clock I compare that data to the recaps and add in any new members etc. They are posted on line by 9:00 A. M.

Grizzly Adam
09-16-2017, 09:05 PM
I post the scores online for our gun club's leagues. The biggest issue I have with posting them is getting the results from the people running the leagues. Sometimes they are on top of it, other times weeks late. Guve the website guys a break, they are provably stuck in the middle.

09-18-2017, 06:23 AM
League is going to be very angry with me this week. Could not get upload done for days after the league finished. Had a software glitch with Leaguesecretary and it took several days to straighten out - plus I was busy busy busy.

I think I understand what the problems were last year but time will tell.

09-18-2017, 11:47 AM
So far the center has not updated their web site with the league standings / results of either league, one of the leagues is loaded into league sec and I can access it.
The other has not been updated yet league sec last entry is from April/ end of last season.