View Full Version : Input on my release

07-16-2017, 09:12 PM
Attached is a link of a video for my release. I tend to roll over the thumb a lot. Can anyone show me or tell me what's wrong with my release that's causing me to thump down the lane and how to correct it.


07-17-2017, 02:38 PM
It looks like your turning the ball early.

Try getting your hand in a position that's more under the ball in your stance and try to hold that hand position throughout the swing and release.

A little more like this:

Make sure your thumb is coming out clean also. Releasing the thumb late can cause the ball to track over the thumb.

07-17-2017, 03:02 PM
It looks like your turning the ball early.

Try getting your hand in a position that's more under the ball in your stance and try to hold that hand position throughout the swing and release.

A little more like this:

Make sure your thumb is coming out clean also. Releasing the thumb late can cause the ball to track over the thumb.

Thumb always comes out clean and first. I'll try to figure out how to keep my hand below the ball more. Question: if my and is on the ball like your picture "Photo B" wont I come up behind the ball too much and roll the thumb anyway?


07-17-2017, 03:29 PM
Question: if my hand is on the ball like your picture "Photo B" wont I come up behind the ball too much and roll the thumb anyway? Thanks,

I'm not really good at describing the hand motions. Rob probably could do better.

If you come "straight up" the back of the ball and roll it end over end like your throwing a straight ball at a ten pin, yes you can roll it over the thumbhole. But when rolling your regular shot your not coming straight up the back, your hand will turn as you come through the ball.

Maybe this would give a better visual


07-17-2017, 07:23 PM
Grrrr....I struggle with this all the time, usually when I rush it.

07-18-2017, 07:30 AM
Grrrr....I struggle with this all the time, usually when I rush it.

That's a good observation, it's a common problem for many of us, I do the same thing, either rushing the approach or throwing the ball instead of just letting my arm motion provide the propulsion. I found even when keeping my footwork in order I would arm the ball down the lane, by keeping an eye on my speed I can more quickly recognize it and got back on track.
I don't roll the ball over the thumb hole except when I throw a straight ball coming up the back with my pointer finger in tight and little finger spread wide.

07-18-2017, 12:13 PM
Read up on axis tilt and axis rotation to get a better understanding what you are doing upon releasing the ball. Also, it will be helpful too to know these things when someone coaches you.

Your release is similar to what I used to be. I rolled over my thumb, I had medium/low rev rate, and low speed. Also, I used to think I had to help the ball hook at release instead of letting the ball do its job. This made me turn my hand early. Turning the ball early is one thing that creeps up from time to time, it's more of a chicken wing for me.

In my humble opinion, forget about your release for now. You need to find a coach, a good coach, and work on the back of the approach. I could see things in your game that you can improve on, and once you get these things down, your release will improve. Your release is the last thing you should concern yourself with for now. If you're serious about getting better, get coached even if you don't plan to be a tournament bowler or more.

07-18-2017, 12:32 PM
Read up on axis tilt and axis rotation to get a better understanding what you are doing upon releasing the ball. Also, it will be helpful too to know these things when someone coaches you.

Your release is similar to what I used to be. I rolled over my thumb, I had medium/low rev rate, and low speed. Also, I used to think I had to help the ball hook at release instead of letting the ball do its job. This made me turn my hand early. Turning the ball early is one thing that creeps up from time to time, it's more of a chicken wing for me.

In my humble opinion, forget about your release for now. You need to find a coach, a good coach, and work on the back of the approach. I could see things in your game that you can improve on, and once you get these things down, your release will improve. Your release is the last thing you should concern yourself with for now. If you're serious about getting better, get coached even if you don't plan to be a tournament bowler or more.

07-21-2017, 10:11 AM
My concern now is that I currently carry a 186 average throwing the way I do, If I go to try to change my release am I going to have a bit of a drop off for a while?

07-21-2017, 10:25 AM
My concern now is that I currently carry a 186 average throwing the way I do, If I go to try to change my release am I going to have a bit of a drop off for a while?

You might until you get use to the new release, But the summer season is the time to work on these things.

Work on it in practice and as you get the hang of it start to incorporate it into your league play.

07-21-2017, 10:50 AM
What would a reasonable rate for bowling lessons?

07-21-2017, 11:23 AM
What would a reasonable rate for bowling lessons?

Depends on the coaches qualification and location. I think anywhere between $25-$50/hr is pretty standard. Places like Kegel or the ITRC and it's going to be way more.

07-21-2017, 11:38 AM
My concern now is that I currently carry a 186 average throwing the way I do, If I go to try to change my release am I going to have a bit of a drop off for a while?

I changed my release in Jan during the season and I did drop some pins in average because it took time to train the muscle memory for the new release. From game to game I was really inconsistent, one game I would be doing the new release perfect and then next game I would be in between. Not doing my new release but not really doing my old release either. It's all about practice, practice, practice until you get the new release down.

07-21-2017, 01:46 PM
Don't concern yourself about your average. They don't mean anything really. If you have that 186 at one or two houses, but you go to another house you might be 196 or 176. Average is meaningless to me. I've bowled against a 248 (league average) PBA hall of famer and took his money more than once. I got beat by a 179 (league bowler) female in scratch/match play. Average is meaningless to me.

I've had people ask me for help with their game, but didn't want to try some changes because their average will drop. 5-10 years later, still 181, 198, 192 - dummies.

I went through my own experience, I did drop 5 pins during the 3 year process and stayed par for a long time. But I kept trying and fitting in practice when I can. I had a new baby a year prior to the changes and took a season off too. But I kept practicing. Fast forward a couple of year, I can't fit/join in certain teams because my average will put the team over the cap. Most importantly, I've gained speed and revs, accuracy and spare game improved, and the game is fun again. And, I have more aches and pains being older, recovery is longer, but I'm bowling well.

Too many ppl nowadays don't want to sacrifice to get to the top. Microwave generation, instant noodle people. Can't wait for water to boil.

07-25-2017, 02:31 PM
That is what I had to get use to is letting the ball turn my hand at the release right after the thumb came out quickly first. I find that it is very easy to turn the hand early. When you do turn early your thumb will probably hang up and you will end up with a pulled shot.

07-25-2017, 04:03 PM
What would a reasonable rate for bowling lessons?

Average is $40-$50. Personally, I charge $100 and have never had any complaints. Just beware of the wanna-be coaches who have no training in coaching and try to reel you in by charging $20... you really do get what you pay for!

08-29-2017, 10:01 AM
My coach...er...pro shop guy put me at a 3/4 angle behind the ball.. is that what you call it. So i can throw straight and in. I dont have to flick my wrist. It does feel better to be completly behind though

08-29-2017, 10:05 AM
I guess im in the same boat and shouldnt be so hard on myself...i changed my shot in july and am still changing the speed of my feet and height of where i first hold the ball..i need to pick something and repeat for 100 games.

I changed my release in Jan during the season and I did drop some pins in average because it took time to train the muscle memory for the new release. From game to game I was really inconsistent, one game I would be doing the new release perfect and then next game I would be in between. Not doing my new release but not really doing my old release either. It's all about practice, practice, practice until you get the new release down.