View Full Version : High Revs

07-24-2017, 01:39 PM
Been watching a lot of bowling n youtube. Guys like Belmonte and a few other high rev bowlers. Is it always better have higher revs? Or any advantage of being a two hander?

07-24-2017, 04:27 PM
Always an advantage?? Not at all.. Do I believe there is advantage in there somewhere, yes I do. But if you put the ball in the pocket, the pins will typically fall down whether your rev rate is 300 or 500.. Not everybody is capable of throwing the ball 18mph and putting over 500revs on the ball, but for those that can..... I believe their carry is much better... I throw 16.5-17mph depending on the day and roughly 350revs.... I get pins flying across the deck just fine....BUT, i would not be mad if I was able to find my way into the 400s. If not, I'm not gonna cry about it, I am naturally around 350 without trying to rip the cover off and that is honestly in the end where I will stay as trying to increase revs typically leads to me coming off the side of the ball, leading to sub-par shots.

I have found for me that I typically do much better when I work with what I got and my natural style... When I try to go to a higher backswing or something different it never turns out well.. I may try to get my revs in the 400s with my current, natural style... If I can get there without changing too much then great, if not then oh well.

07-24-2017, 05:05 PM
REVS are not King, But too few won't help you either.

Lack of revs IMO mean you have to work harder at everything else (Your speed, accuracy, lane play, surfaces etc.) and make good solid shots to the pocket to strike and to reduce the number of marginal hits that won't be likely to carry well.

Now not to say if you have high revs you can slack off, But with higher revs you'll be more likely to carry those marginal hits that the lower rev player can't.

07-24-2017, 07:57 PM
That's kind of what I figured....Would love to get my revs up but this guys joints ain't what they used to be....lol.

07-25-2017, 01:11 PM
From experience, for a long time I thought I could do well with low rev rate under 300. All I had to do is be accurate right? Well that wasn't always happening. So for 2 years I worked on increasing my rev rate. To see how much I can increase it and if there's really a difference. I sought many good coaches up to silver ones and NONE of them talked about it, or taught me how to increase my rev rate. Some mentioned that it'll come over time once I get my game in tuned.

Well it did increase from 285 to 320. Then on my own, I started learning the "modern" release and used training aids like the rev trainer to get the feel of my hand "under" the ball. Countless videos I've taken, working with a guy who has this type of release (450) and fast forward today, I am just under 350.

There are those who will say it can't be done from 250 to 350, but they are wrong!!! when I returned to the game almost 2 decades ago, I was 225 rpm with a marshal holman approach. Over time I accomplished what I wanted to do, to be at least 350 rpms. AND THERE"S A DIFFERENCE from my experience. There's a reason why my carry percentage is higher from 6 or 7 years ago. Does revs matter? HELL YES!!!! unless you are as accurate as Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, you better try to increase your rev rate.

On house shots, my margin of error widened a significant amount. I could play many areas of the lane (I just get trapped more often lol) and still score - just last week I used a spare ball playing the track and the conditions pushed me inside of the track. 431 the last two games. If I had a rev rate of 275, I wouldn't have carried so well with this spare ball. ON the flip side, the first game I was trying to kill the revs because it was so dry, but leaving corners wasn't going to win.

There is an advantage with higher rev rates, it takes proper guidance and hard work to get there. There are guys who are just born skilled with this release. Those who are not, really do need to work on it. I hate the word "CANNOT".............everyone focuses everything from the neck down, but it's the mental aspect that creates winners. It wasn't easy, but life shouldn't be easy. Just like many martial arts schools here in america PAPER BLACK BELTS!!! You have the money, they promote you! SO sad.....

NO F"N EXCUSES!! I have arthritis on my hands and finger joints from years of abuse!! And at the worst part in my hand finger conditons too, I still increased my rev rate!! "I can't" is such a bull**** phrase.

07-25-2017, 02:38 PM
Pretty sure i heard the theme from Rocky as i read that last post! Lol

09-01-2017, 09:08 AM
I dont know why you need to know the rpm number. I found i used to curl my wrist up to get under and around it at the end and made my timing too late and it wasnt a smooth release and my elbow would go out to the side.. My wrist probably wasnt quick enough. Now ive learned to stay behind and just come straight through. Consistancy is more important especially as there are people twice my age that beat me in my league. One guy is 79 and averages 180.

09-01-2017, 06:07 PM
I have no idea what my Revs are, how does one go about even measuring this stat?

09-01-2017, 06:40 PM
I have no idea what my Revs are, how does one go about even measuring this stat?
There are other methods, but this will work.

read my blog here to see the other methods:

How to find a bowler's PAP, ball speed, rev rate, axis rotation and axis tilt from Powerhouse

The ball speed and rev chart used in the video is here:


09-03-2017, 08:12 PM
What type of pencil should be used to mark out the track on the ball?

09-03-2017, 08:43 PM
What type of pencil should be used to mark out the track on the ball?
Pretty much any wax pencil, Bowling Ball Marking Wax Pencil, Dressmaker pencil etc. Get one at the proshop, walmarts, staples. Doesn't have to be yellow, white will work as long as you can see it.

11-10-2017, 08:19 PM
I was told I'm rev dominant which means i have a bit too many for my speed so i should choose a less powerful or more lengthy ball.
I was measured as avg rpm 360 and speed 17.75 mph. I range from 313 to 400 rpms
If I tried to put more on the ball I think I'd be squeezing my wrist or forcing the release or elbowing out.
Another way is to do what parker bohn does perhaps and turn the wrist in first....but no..i think that would hurt after a while.
I've been hooking the ball since I was a kid.