View Full Version : Had my first lesson today.

08-19-2017, 03:36 PM
Stopped at Wayne Webb's Columbus Bowl today, and had a lesson with Tom Carter. In just an hour he was able to show me how jacked up my form is, and the rev and speed increase I can get if I do things the right way. Needless to say I've got a lot of practice to do but I'm confident I can get it down.

08-19-2017, 04:03 PM
Congratulations! You've made the most important first step in bowling... it will only get better from here.

08-19-2017, 04:08 PM
That's great man!!! Keep us posted on your progress!!! I need to get one myself lol.

08-19-2017, 06:29 PM
NO coach for me! My approach/delivery has been so goofy for so long...I can't change it! Lol

08-19-2017, 06:44 PM
NO coach for me! My approach/delivery has been so goofy for so long...I can't change it! Lol

Sorry, dude, but this is dumbest post I've ever seen! Coaches are trained to fix the goofiest approaches, but you can never fix it if you don't try.

08-19-2017, 07:10 PM
Sorry, dude, but this is dumbest post I've ever seen! Coaches are trained to fix the goofiest approaches, but you can never fix it if you don't try.

Lol...that's ok...not as serious as some of the folks here or trying to go pro anytime soon...

J Anderson
08-19-2017, 08:38 PM
NO coach for me! My approach/delivery has been so goofy for so long...I can't change it! Lol

Sorry, dude, but this is dumbest post I've ever seen! Coaches are trained to fix the goofiest approaches, but you can never fix it if you don't try.

I respectfully disagree Rob. If some one really believes that they can't change, they would be wasting their money and the coaches time on lessons. While you and I both know that bowlers with decades of experiance can learn new things, unless there is a belief that they can change and a willingness to put in the effort, it doesn't happen.

I think that for many bowlers the relative ease of the THS as well as that era when it seemed like getting a new ball was quickest way to raise your average, leaves little motivation to work with a coach.

08-19-2017, 09:04 PM
I'm sorry to cause waves. I was trying to joke. I am not anti-coach. But I also have to laugh when someone asks for some advice and everyone says "get a coach!" I don't believe that's a realistic answer considering this is not a pro bowling forums.
For us basic schmoes looking for some pointers we can't all afford or have access to a coach. This doesn't mean I don't have any faith in myself or learning new things. Not everything has to be so serious!!!

08-19-2017, 09:56 PM
John: don't worry about it. As you can see from my other post, it's not really worth fretting over. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut. LOL

08-19-2017, 10:29 PM

J Anderson
08-20-2017, 01:01 PM
John: don't worry about it. As you can see from my other post, it's not really worth fretting over. I really should learn to keep my mouth shut. LOL

What, me worry?

J Anderson
08-20-2017, 06:58 PM
I'm sorry to cause waves. I was trying to joke. I am not anti-coach. But I also have to laugh when someone asks for some advice and everyone says "get a coach!" I don't believe that's a realistic answer considering this is not a pro bowling forums.
For us basic schmoes looking for some pointers we can't all afford or have access to a coach. This doesn't mean I don't have any faith in myself or learning new things. Not everything has to be so serious!!!

Without some waves now and then this would be a very dull pond!

Don't worry about offending me. I've been around long enough to not take myself too seriously. While I, and probably most of the others who keep saying " get a coach" realize that it isn't always a viable option for everyone, it is the quickest, safest, and usually the best way to improve.

08-20-2017, 07:44 PM
I cant refrain myself is this guy the new 2 handed sniper? nothing makes sense that he say's cant afford a few lessons so bug the hell out of people and then don't take advice when given. He would look really lame on Bowling chat...

08-20-2017, 07:49 PM
Without some waves now and then this would be a very dull pond!

Don't worry about offending me. I've been around long enough to not take myself too seriously. While I, and probably most of the others who keep saying " get a coach" realize that it isn't always a viable option for everyone, it is the quickest, safest, and usually the best way to improve.

Agreed, I like waves once in a while but I have a bad habit of spouting off before thinking. In all honesty, a bunch of you guys have already taught me quite a bit. After being away from bowling for almost 20 years, I came back feeling like I don't know squat about this game. I love learning new things and appreciate you guys that know your stuff.

08-20-2017, 07:54 PM
I cant refrain myself is this guy the new 2 handed sniper? nothing makes sense that he say's cant afford a few lessons so bug the hell out of people and then don't take advice when given. He would look really lame on Bowling chat...

Just a bowling lover returning to the game after a long time amigo. I am not sure how to take this post so I won't.

08-20-2017, 08:48 PM
But I also have to laugh when someone asks for some advice and everyone says "get a coach!"

Just to say, I kind of understand the sentiment of this. I've been on all the bowling forums for along time and seen the same questions and responses that get repeated over and over and how people react to them.

The "get a coach!" response there awhile back seemed to me, to had became a real boilerplate response to "ANY" question asked (this has improved some though since then),To the point where I felt it was at the very least putting off some new users to a forum and they never came back.

At the worst it was putting people off of bowling, I remember a response onetime where a user basically said (after hearing the get a coach response over and over) if you had to get a coach before even picking ball up off the rack, the heck with bowling, and that's not a how you want a new bowler to feel.

Yes suggesting someone get coaching is fine, coaching offers long-term benefits. But it doesn't preclude answering a simple question that is asked also, if you have the ability.

08-21-2017, 10:24 AM
Just to say, I kind of understand the sentiment of this. I've been on all the bowling forums for along time and seen the same questions and responses that get repeated over and over and how people react to them.

The "get a coach!" response there awhile back seemed to me, to had became a real boilerplate response to "ANY" question asked (this has improved some though since then),To the point where I felt it was at the very least putting off some new users to a forum and they never came back.

At the worst it was putting people off of bowling, I remember a response onetime where a user basically said (after hearing the get a coach response over and over) if you had to get a coach before even picking ball up off the rack, the heck with bowling, and that's not a how you want a new bowler to feel.

Yes suggesting someone get coaching is fine, coaching offers long-term benefits. But it doesn't preclude answering a simple question that is asked also, if you have the ability.

While getting a coach is advisable for those wanting to grow in the game it's important to understand some important facts. Different bowlers view bowling differently. While some choose to treat the game as a sport (I fall into that camp) there are just as many or more that treat it as a game and a social activity. There is nothing wrong with either mindset and we should be respectful of each other. We should all try and remember that a large percentage of us here as a community tend to be more serious about the game we do have members that bowling is simply a weekly activity and while they may have the want to invest some time on this site and to try and improve aspects of their game but they aren't to the point of buying multiple balls and hiring a coach yet. We need to remember All of us fit into this characteristic at some point in our bowling lives.

It's also important to note even as a semi-serious bowler I've bowled most of my life with out access to a certified coach even though I do have one now. I made do with suggestions from PSO's and other good bowlers. I don't know of a single bowling alley in my area that has signage up for coaching, cards on the desks, or any other real clue that it might be available. Even when I've visited large alleys in other states besides a small note on a pro-shop sign I've never really seen it promoted much in those houses either. My current coach drives 60 miles to give lessons in the alley I'm at.

There is no doubt in my mind that coaching has made me a better bowler but if it wasn't for the advice (admittedly some better than others) I was given from other people I would never have developed the love for the game that propelled me to be willing to find, pay for, and understand enough to listen to the coach I have today.

08-21-2017, 10:40 AM
Good points, both by Bowl1820 and Amyers!!! Thanks!

08-21-2017, 10:59 AM
never had I thought my update on my lesson would spiral this far out.

08-21-2017, 11:10 AM
The butterfly effect in full force. lol

08-21-2017, 05:56 PM
If the response was always "get a coach" I don't think we would even need message boards. Especially on this Technique board.

Plus there is a big difference from "get a coach" to "get a qualified coach". And I'm not referring to the Gold/Silver/Bronze certification. Many top tier coaches don't know their left hand from their right. Just that they studied/memorized the best.

08-29-2017, 10:14 AM
Being desparate for improvement i told my wife there s a place in texas that is like a bowling fantasy camp. Its expensive. She thought i was nuts. Then i said...its in Arlington. 15 minutes from the Cowboys. ...and the bowling hall of fame as a bonus for me. Now she is excited...so..we are going to make the trip and im going to take a full day lesson and take her to a game. I hope it wont be a waste and i have the endurance to bowl all day. I think im just trying to bowl completely perfectly insread of just getting up there and hitting my mark

08-29-2017, 10:32 AM
I didnt want to listen to coaches when i was a kid. I wanted to do my own thing. I making up for lost time now. I didnt start aiming til i was 28. I used to just crank it towards the gutter while looking down at my feet to see where i ended up at the line. I might as well have been blindfolded. But i still threw a 278 this way

08-29-2017, 03:21 PM
Being desparate for improvement i told my wife there s a place in texas that is like a bowling fantasy camp. Its expensive. She thought i was nuts. Then i said...its in Arlington. 15 minutes from the Cowboys. ...and the bowling hall of fame as a bonus for me. Now she is excited...so..we are going to make the trip and im going to take a full day lesson and take her to a game. I hope it wont be a waste and i have the endurance to bowl all day. I think im just trying to bowl completely perfectly insread of just getting up there and hitting my mark

Sounds like an awesome trip. I've never been to the IRTC but I know the area pretty well. I used to work for a company that had offices down there and I would fly in from NJ about 2 or 3 times a year. You'll practically be across the street from the Six Flags park and 5 minutes away from Rangers stadium. When you go, let us know how it is, I'd like to take a lesson there one day as well.

09-16-2017, 07:57 PM
Being desparate for improvement i told my wife there s a place in texas that is like a bowling fantasy camp. Its expensive. She thought i was nuts. Then i said...its in Arlington. 15 minutes from the Cowboys. ...and the bowling hall of fame as a bonus for me. Now she is excited...so..we are going to make the trip and im going to take a full day lesson and take her to a game. I hope it wont be a waste and i have the endurance to bowl all day. I think im just trying to bowl completely perfectly insread of just getting up there and hitting my mark

it's about having fun and just bowling.

09-16-2017, 11:38 PM
I am getting frustrated over inconsistency which is why I'm going to treat myself to a full day lesson in TX. I need to pick something and go with it...tempo, arm angle, where to hold the ball...i keep tweaking these things...the other day..i was watching David Ozio bowl and thought..I'd like to be that smooth..and so I went and tried to bowl like that... I keep changing my shot if it doesn't seem to be working..I need someone to tell me...here...throw it like this...tweek this...now repeat and don't look back.
After 38 years this summer did I learn not to force and muscle the ball and keep my arm straight in the back swing. ..i guess I need some time to commit all this to memory without having to think about it while I'm throwing it.
I started a new once a month league tonight at a different bowling alley then the one i've always bowled leagues at. I was all over the place..155,155, 188. Wasn't until the 3rd game did I find a strike shot and started with 4 in a row..then the next frame I put a little extra on and it was all down hill from there.