View Full Version : A light grip for more revs and better ball reaction

10-15-2017, 06:42 PM
I use a light grip and stay behind the ball at the release point for good revs and better ball reaction. I use the cupped position on the backswing and go uncupped at the release point. I let the weight of the ball do this for me. When my hand goes uncupped my thumb comes out of the ball quickly and the ball will turn my fingers slightly to get good revs. This has worked out well for me in my bowling. I never grip the ball with my thumbs tip but with the thumb knuckle so the thumb don't hang up at the release.

10-31-2017, 03:52 PM
You are spot on. I'm pretty new to bowling and after bowling for 3 years, last week it clicked. At first I could not clear my thumb clean doing the release. I figured that I was gripping the ball too much. Therefore, after a couple of open bowling games of this I made it a point to really relax my hand. Like you, the thumb comes out clean and the fingers turn creating more revs and carry for that matter as this even improved the ball entry angle to the pocket. It is still a work in progress as I need more practice to develop muscle memory I suppose.