View Full Version : Struggled on a fresh house shot..

11-03-2017, 01:38 PM
Hey guys, so as much as I know to receive help here is limited, I still figured it'd be a good idea to post this and see if I can't get any ideas to practice on.

So yesterday, I went to bowl at Brunswick Harbor Lanes, and those lanes were fresh man.. I mean FRESH!

When ever my coach would say the lanes were fresh, my heavy oil ball, the Storm Crux, would hook well for me considerably. I would play up about the ten board or second dot on the lane, and my ball would usually comeback, progressively more as the oil were soaked up by it's sanded cover.

With that being said, it's been months, maybe years, since I've played on a house shot this fresh! I used the Crux for this, and it would barely hook three boards. The ball would almost always come up light, hitting at about the 6 pin leaving a 7 or 6 count.. It was a disaster.

I'm a lower rev player, and I wondered as to if there are ways I can work on getting a higher, maybe not significantly, rev rate. I can hook the ball enough so it has drive going through the pocket, but I would appreciate a little more! Some people say if you don't start learning the technique of a cranker or whatever it is you want to do when you're young, it'll be much harder to ever apply such a technique to really rip that ball with high revs.

Another thing I'd like to ask is accuracy tips. For some reason during practice I just could not be accurate on my strike shots! The ball would either go too far right or too far left. Mostly too far right though, even by a couple of boards, like I said, I kept hitting the 6 pin leaving 7 counts.. that's how fresh those lanes were.

I tried backing up on the approach by like, 3 feet or more. It helped considerably, but not a whole lot.

Just looking for things to work on, maybe reving techniques or stuff like that, to help me on those harsh conditions that I rarely ever play on.

Thanks a bunch!

11-03-2017, 03:43 PM
From your comments I'm guessing you don't bowl on a league. Nothing else prepares you for bowling on fresh conditions like being a member of an league. I can't tell you how to increase your rev rate especially without seeing you bowl but a few things I pricked up on from reading what you wrote.

1. Did you move right of 10? the first thing you have to do is find the hook on a lane if your normal shot up 10 isn't working move 1 board right with your feet and 1 board right with your target until you find the point where the ball will hook. If all else fails stay in your original spot and move your target left until the ball gets to the pocket.

2. You mentioned backing up on the approach did you try moving forward on the approach? In my opinion moving back increases your ball speed the opposite of what you want on heavier oil where the ball needs to slow down. This is hotly debated some people believe the opposite that moving back slows ball speed my advice is try it see what happens for you.

3. Accuracy is highly dependent on timing you should ask your coach for some drills to help you improve yours.

11-03-2017, 04:58 PM
Most leagues get a nice fresh set of lanes to bowl on; however, when our senior league comes in to bowl early in the morning, often the lanes aren't fresh and left over from what was there from the night before. I believe that's what happened this past week.
Normally I'll chose one of three balls during warm up and find that I'm lined up quickly and ready to go. I got two shots on one lane and only one on the other. Not nearly enough to make a good determination of what was what. Learned during the 1st game that the right lane was totally different than the left and I hadn't seen that in a long, long time at this house. So I went to a matte finished solid cover ball which worked much better at least on the right lane.
What I believe I was experiencing was likely some carry down or something resembling carry down. I couldn't get much finish on my ball at the 40 foot marker to the pocket. I moved four boards to the right and I was getting close. I moved my target right, too. Closer now. Moved my target from the arrows to the dots. Better yet! Now it was game 3. Darn it!
I doubt that you need lots of revs; however, you need to learn to read the lanes and make your moves to adjust more quickly. That's what I suffer with due to habit and stubbornness.
If I had moved much more quickly and had more of a chance to shoot warm up shots, I'd have done lots better. At least I think I would have anyway... :)
Fresh pattern? Don't think so. Poor choice by the bowler. I think so. :)

11-06-2017, 01:44 PM
One thing to consider is the amount of oil in your ball. Cleaning and even having the Pro Shop bake your ball will put the grab back in. I had a condition where the ball had the oil removed at the same time they reduced the amount of oil they put down.
Boy was my hook back.

11-07-2017, 12:22 AM
Also get that cover stock freshened up... Maybe even a quick resurface if it hasn't had on in a while. Coverstock just might not have been up to the task.