View Full Version : full day lesson at ITRC recap..and what boards do you stand on?

11-10-2017, 06:38 PM
I took a full day lesson with Lou and then went back for 2 hours the next day and he was willing to work with me for another hour.

After reviewing some data I came back out and Chris Barnes was there practicing. He introduced me..I was star struck for a moment...and shook his hand...after that he really wasn't interested in my lesson so okay...he's there for himself. I was surprised he only stayed an hour.

The lesson was very valuable and I was sore but okay.
He taught me to read lanes in 7 shots. I tried today..surrounded by kids and it kind of worked. I threw different shots until I found a line.
What surprised me the most is if you want to play straight up the first arrow you stand on the 6th board (lefty) to hit the 2nd arrow straight...the 11th board...and the 16th or 17th board for the 3rd arrow...this could vary slightly depending on how big the bowler is...It is still hard for me to line up on that board...I guess it is a comfort thing and I have to get used to it.

What board would you stand on to go straight?

Then to angle out 5 boards push the shoulder back a bit (1 degree)..getting a feel for it... keeping the ball under the chin .
So today I noticed the break point was at least 43 feet...weird but okay...I started on 21 threw over the 3rd arrow out to board 12 and it hooked in for 6 strikes in a row. I was impressed!

Various video also showed my shoulders out of alignment from the start and my backswing would drift to the right slightly and that helped explain errant shots.

They have live video replay behind you and in front of you with stats showing the board you rolled it over at several points and a light bar that reflects a line over the line so you can see how your line of sight and target changes as you move your shoulder.

What it gave me was peace of mind that I got the best help possible and I now know how to practice properly. It was nice to be treated like a pro bowler for a day...something I wish I could have done as a teenager.

12-01-2017, 06:24 PM