View Full Version : How much do you pay for a typical game (open bowling)?

01-06-2018, 11:33 AM
Lately, I have been floating between bowling alleys that offer all-you-can-bowl specials, usually for $7-9 for two hours. If things are slow, you can even get two lanes to yourself. But, as you might guess, these offer are usually only available during the day, on a weekday, or during the morning, on a weekend.

As I want to get better, I need to get over my hangup over paying "full cost" for a game. Right now, where I live, a game is about $3.50-4.50. Would you consider this cheap, normal or expensive for where you are?

J Anderson
01-06-2018, 04:15 PM
Lately, I have been floating between bowling alleys that offer all-you-can-bowl specials, usually for $7-9 for two hours. If things are slow, you can even get two lanes to yourself. But, as you might guess, these offer are usually only available during the day, on a weekday, or during the morning, on a weekend.

As I want to get better, I need to get over my hangup over paying "full cost" for a game. Right now, where I live, a game is about $3.50-4.50. Would you consider this cheap, normal or expensive for where you are?

Quite often league bowlers get a discount on open bowling. While this doesn’t help you now it is an incentive to join a league sooner rather than later.

Unless you’re planning to move, it really doesn’t matter that your price would be a bargain in Fairfield county.

01-06-2018, 05:50 PM
As a league bowler, I get 2 free games a week, and $1.99 a game after that. Plus, there is free all-you-can bowl between 11-1 PM on Sundays for all league bowlers. But for everybody else it is typically around $4 a game.

01-06-2018, 06:45 PM
$1 per game as im a regular there.

01-06-2018, 07:08 PM
$2 for league and senior bowlers in my house.

01-06-2018, 07:14 PM
We have whats called a Playpass card it's the best deal, for $22 you get unlimited open bowling for a month.

01-07-2018, 12:34 AM
Round these parts the per game price is $3.50 to $4.00 and/or around $25.00/hr, give or take a few bucks based on time of day. Each center has a different special - $1 games on Sunday, buy one get one, $10 unlimited during glow bowling, etc. League bowlers get a pretty substantial discount, usually.

01-08-2018, 09:50 AM
besides specials 3.50 sun thru thurs and 4.25 fri and sat. 35 an hour unless there are specials.

01-08-2018, 10:43 AM
We pay around $2 a game.

01-08-2018, 11:53 AM
Usually $3.50-$4.50 for open bowling depending on Day/Time.
Always $2.00 for league bowlers.

01-09-2018, 10:09 PM
As a league bowler, I pay $1.50 per game, but often I just get the two hours for $10 price because I can bowl about fourteen games in that time. I don't remember what the non-league rate is, but the two hours is for anyone at any time.

01-10-2018, 04:12 PM
Enough to where I almost did the ol spray the drink out of your mouth in shock thing. 6 bowlers, 4 kids, myself and one other adult. They all needed shoes, I have my own. We bowled only 2 games and it was $88. Way too much IMO. I'm used to a couple bucks a line but I guess it costs what it costs now a days, this isn't 1993 anymore. Plus I'm currently not on any leagues as of yet.

01-10-2018, 04:17 PM
I live in NJ so games are about $6. League bowlers pay $3. They usually have decent specials during the week though. $8 for unlimited bowling after 9PM on Weds. $2.22 Tuesdays after 9PM.

01-11-2018, 01:49 AM
Enough to where I almost did the ol spray the drink out of your mouth in shock thing. 6 bowlers, 4 kids, myself and one other adult. They all needed shoes, I have my own. We bowled only 2 games and it was $88. Way too much IMO. I'm used to a couple bucks a line but I guess it costs what it costs now a days, this isn't 1993 anymore. Plus I'm currently not on any leagues as of yet.

Over thanksgiving, we had 6 or 8 adults and almost as many kids, with shoes, etc - got the pair for an hour, barely squeezed in one game, it was well north of 100 bucks.

01-11-2018, 11:10 AM
In one center I pay $1.69 per game, in another I pay $1.50 per game. Those are league bowler rates. Non league bowler would be $4.50+ per game.

01-11-2018, 11:26 AM
It varies from house to house as a league bowler one house supposedly charges $1 per game but they always just wave me off when I go to pay. the rest vary from 1 to 3 dollars per game. non league rates go from 3.50-5.00 a game.

01-11-2018, 10:52 PM
My local alley has no specials and 2.50 is the cheapest, which isn't too bad I guess. It's just weird they don't have at least part of one day a week you can go for some cheap games. 2 bucks for league members.

My old local alley, which is about 45 min away now is dirt cheap. 1 to 2 bucks all through the week and 2.75 on saturdays.

01-12-2018, 11:31 AM
At our center we pay $1.25 per game + tax if you are a league
bowler and on Tuesday evenings it is $10.00 + tax for all you can
bowl in 2 hrs. otherwise it is something like $3.25 + tax per game
for anyone not on a league to bowl a game.

01-27-2018, 07:58 PM
Between $2-4 per game normally, late Monday nights (9-11 pm) are $5 cover and $ 0.25 per game, Tuesday late night (9-12) you pay $0.01 power pin bowled, Friday is ladies night, 9-12 cost me $16 and my wife (or daughter) bowls free.