View Full Version : Would you rather...

01-16-2018, 06:35 PM
Been getting into this discussion a bit with some people. Our state Masters and Doubles Masters is notorious for laying down a very easy house pattern. For instance, this past weekend at Doubles Masters there were at least 12 300's that I'd heard of. Myself, I went to bowl the Storm Utah Open and struggled to shoot 170 on by far the toughest shot I think I've ever bowled on, but it was expected as that is just how Steve Kloempkin wants it. My question to you, as competitive bowlers, would you rather have to out carry someone, or throw better quality shots, in a tournament? Myself, I'd be more upset averaging over 230 in a tournament and getting my butt kicked than I was only averaging 170 and not making a cut on a hard shot. How do you feel?

J Anderson
01-16-2018, 07:46 PM
It’s probably because I started bowling when the average league bowler was around 150 and you could easily be one of the top bowlers in a social or recreational league with an average of 180, I prefer to compete on a more challenging shot.

01-16-2018, 10:54 PM
I would rather bowl on the more challenging shot. That way at least I know the best bowlers earned it. Too many times in league I see someone miss their mark by 4 boards and still strike, while I'm pounding the pocket and leaving ringing 10s. Those nights frustrate me on a house shot.

01-17-2018, 09:28 AM
One of the most entertaining things about recreational bowling leagues on a THS is watching bowlers reactions to Brooklyn hits. They get irritated when they don't strike on a Brooklyn hit, and fist pump when they do. This on on the same shots that real bowlers apologize to their fellow competitors when they do carry a Brooklyn hit because they realize what a terrible shot it was. I realize that I have not answered your question directly, but I think that I've made my position pretty clear.

01-17-2018, 09:33 AM
Harder... much more satisfying when you can throw together a solid game because you know you had to perform to do so. Spares become very important on a tougher shot and to me means more to do well in that setting.

01-17-2018, 11:04 AM
It's hard while I don't want a carry contest I don't want the shot to favor a particular style to the point of excluding others either. A lot of the tournament shots that get put down that are on the more difficult side tend to favor one style of play over all others.

01-17-2018, 03:57 PM
Well, seems the consensus is that people would want to bowl a prestige tournament on a tougher shot. As for the shot at the Storm Utah Open, it played about the same for every style that bowled on it, hard as hell lol. Josh Blanchard did win, but there were some amateurs that bowled great as well. I watched a finals match a few years ago at our Wyoming Masters tournament, and the person who took second lost by 30 pins. Also, he shot 807. Final match was 807-842. Kind of crazy to think you could shoot 800 and still lose, but it is what it is. As for myself, I'll continue to bowl in the tournaments where I know the shot is going to be harder and I'm going to have to execute.

01-17-2018, 03:58 PM
One of the most entertaining things about recreational bowling leagues on a THS is watching bowlers reactions to Brooklyn hits. They get irritated when they don't strike on a Brooklyn hit, and fist pump when they do. This on on the same shots that real bowlers apologize to their fellow competitors when they do carry a Brooklyn hit because they realize what a terrible shot it was. I realize that I have not answered your question directly, but I think that I've made my position pretty clear.

I understand this all too well lol. I bowl with a guy that averages 216 on tuesday night and 188 on wednesday night. Throws a full roller layout, lofts it to the arrows every shot, sprays and prays every shot. Carry's the world

01-17-2018, 06:02 PM
Give me challenging all day long.

My Thursday league is in a house that is notorious as being the "tough" house. Reason being that it is tough, is that the oil being put down is inconsistent. So, your average bowler that just wants to spray and pray doesn't like it when his ball doesn't come back from the 3 board into the pocket.

These bowlers have complained up and down about the pattern etc. The house finally got a guy in that knows his stuff and put a "better" pattern down and the spray and prayers who cant repeat shots are still stuck averaging 180. Same as they were before. LOL!!

I love playing patterns that have an out of bounds, make me a better bowler and forces me to make shots and not just chunk it down the lane and get a strike every time.

01-18-2018, 10:50 AM
Give me challenging all day long.

My Thursday league is in a house that is notorious as being the "tough" house. Reason being that it is tough, is that the oil being put down is inconsistent. So, your average bowler that just wants to spray and pray doesn't like it when his ball doesn't come back from the 3 board into the pocket.

These bowlers have complained up and down about the pattern etc. The house finally got a guy in that knows his stuff and put a "better" pattern down and the spray and prayers who cant repeat shots are still stuck averaging 180. Same as they were before. LOL!!

I love playing patterns that have an out of bounds, make me a better bowler and forces me to make shots and not just chunk it down the lane and get a strike every time.

So, THS I could see playing a little easier. But, in a tournament setting, I expect a little bit tougher shot, especially when there is big money on the line.