View Full Version : Virtually a zero slide?

01-29-2018, 03:56 PM
In the past I was never one to have a very long slide. I wear Lind's with the perforated sole which prevent a long slide. However, I didn't even realize it until my son pointed it out on the videos we've been taking in our practice. I literally slide an inch maybe two at most and I was shocked to see it. I'm still ending a couple inches from the foul line. I'm also not bending down all that far either but that's probably because I've been wearing jeans instead of something more loose and I don't want to rack myself. Been there before and it's not pleasant. Unfortunately I don't really have any slacks anymore that fit aside from suit pants from a $1500 suit, um no that isn't gonna happen and I don't do bowling in shorts. Aside from having a poor fit with my ball I'm still scoring well regardless of the lack of slide. Is this something I should be concerned about? In the grand scheme of things, is not sliding going to hurt my game as long as I am able to stay down at the line? What are the down sides to this?

01-29-2018, 04:50 PM
Yes, there is at least one downside to no slide. All the pressure to stop will be likely put on your slide leg knee. If you keep bowling, you'll likely need knee replacement.
Actually I purchased better bowling shoes along with replacement soles and heels just for that fact of possibly damaging my knee. Went from Dexter less expensive shoes to the Tank and also have the SST 6LZ's, too. I tested the S10 sole and it's nice. Usually I'm using an S8 sole. Tried the red leather heel, but it got me sliding too far for my taste.
Anything to keep your body, arms and hands in good shape while bowling is a plus for sure. Especially if you're getting older like me... :)

01-29-2018, 05:32 PM
Oh I'm definitely feeling my age and I'm only 46. Unlike my wife who is aging like fine wine I'm aging like milk left out on the counter. To make things worse my body tells me I'm getting older but my brain says "Shuddup, no your not!" and I do things I shouldn't. I'd have to show you the video of me bowling. Since I can't exactly upload a 2 gig video I have to find a video editor to clip out a few frames. If what you say is true then I definitely need to find a way to fix it.

01-29-2018, 10:02 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. I've seen many great bowlers with basically no slide. I walk to the line very slow and have no slide to speak of. If it works for you, then no need to be concerned.

01-29-2018, 10:37 PM
Thanks Eddie. I was reviewing the video some more since earlier trying to determine if I putting a lot of pressure on me knee or not. It seems my final step is pretty gentle and somewhat graceful all and all. I'm not stomping my left foot at the line and I don't see my knee hinge left or right as if any force was applied to it. Granted I'm not bending as far as I should be but I was well balanced and my right foot slide behind ending up on it's toe just how it should be and I was posting my shot. By not bending far enough my ball is airborne a tad longer than it should be but it's not extreme. Maybe it is just a speed thing? I may just be walking too slow to slide, much like you Eddie. Or it could have been the approaches on the lane that night when we took the video. I may be looking for gremlins where none exist. I have absolutely no knee pain so I guess all I can do is be conscious of it next time, see how the approaches are and see if I do it in the next video.

02-01-2018, 12:57 AM
I used to bowl with no slide. The advantage was mine when we had a humid day and the approaches were sticking. Everyone else would be having a difficult time and my approach would be the same as always. When I switched the way I bowl I needed to develop a slide so now I have one. Either can work for you.

02-01-2018, 10:33 AM
In the past I was never one to have a very long slide. I wear Lind's with the perforated sole which prevent a long slide. However, I didn't even realize it until my son pointed it out on the videos we've been taking in our practice. I literally slide an inch maybe two at most and I was shocked to see it. I'm still ending a couple inches from the foul line. I'm also not bending down all that far either but that's probably because I've been wearing jeans instead of something more loose and I don't want to rack myself. Been there before and it's not pleasant. Unfortunately I don't really have any slacks anymore that fit aside from suit pants from a $1500 suit, um no that isn't gonna happen and I don't do bowling in shorts. Aside from having a poor fit with my ball I'm still scoring well regardless of the lack of slide. Is this something I should be concerned about? In the grand scheme of things, is not sliding going to hurt my game as long as I am able to stay down at the line? What are the down sides to this?
Just a thought, but what about some nice sweat pants?

02-01-2018, 02:05 PM
Just a thought, but what about some nice sweat pants?

Good point, I think I actually have those somewhere. They may have house paint on them. Still a better option than jeans that if I did happen to bend far enough in, after the shot if I need to scratch I'd have to reach into my back pocket. I think it's just time to get to the store to get something comfortable to bowl in. I'm tall and skinny as a rail so it's super difficult to find anything close. The not bending far enough may be the issue with the slide but I'm honestly not sure. Next time I'll make it a point to wear sweats and see if it makes a difference in either. The other possibility on why I am not bending is I may simply not be as flexible as I used to be.

02-01-2018, 04:28 PM
Yup I understand about the flexibility thing. I'm a 58 year old who's been in the construction field all my life and now into landscaping for the past 10 years. I sometimes wonder if not being able to get low enough effects my revs which are almost nil. I've only been bowling about a month so still trying to get things right.

02-01-2018, 04:45 PM
Yeah I was a telecom field tech from 23 yrs. climbing and crawling everywhere I went. It takes a toll on the body for sure. If you've only been at it for a month I wouldn't be too worried about rev's at this point. First and foremost would be your approach and getting that down pat. Far too often new bowlers are too worried about rev's and bending the ball like a banana. Those things come with time. Getting your approach down will give you timing and accuracy and the ability to repeat your shot over and over. Once you can do that then you can start to learn about different releases and such. If you require any assistance please ask questions on here, post video's and everyone would be happy to help.

02-01-2018, 07:17 PM
Yes thanks Phonetek, now I know why you are Phonetek. I agree that I should focus on my approach which is not to bad actually and my timing when releasing the ball at the foul line. Accuracy when I focus on it is not bad either. I think next time I bowl I'll take a game and just focus on accuracy and see what I do. I've been so wrapped up in trying to hook a ball it consumes me. I think I need to chill. LOL. Thanks again.

02-01-2018, 07:45 PM
Absolutely my pleasure. WAS a phonetek is more accurate but rather than put "FormerlyKnownAsPhonetek" that just sounded too much like "Prince" and lack of ingenuity of a better screen name I settled for this. LOL Bobby would be accurate. Focusing on accuracy will certainly be a plus. Being able to throw a buzzsaw isn't worth a darn if you can't be accurate doing it. It just looks prettier and more impressive when you miss.

J Anderson
02-01-2018, 08:49 PM
Good point, I think I actually have those somewhere. They may have house paint on them. Still a better option than jeans that if I did happen to bend far enough in, after the shot if I need to scratch I'd have to reach into my back pocket. I think it's just time to get to the store to get something comfortable to bowl in. I'm tall and skinny as a rail so it's super difficult to find anything close. The not bending far enough may be the issue with the slide but I'm honestly not sure. Next time I'll make it a point to wear sweats and see if it makes a difference in either. The other possibility on why I am not bending is I may simply not be as flexible as I used to be.

If you get back into bowling tournaments, you will find some have dress codes that prohibit wearing sweats.

02-01-2018, 09:10 PM
Yep, I remember. I have no problem with that at all. A nice bowling polo from Hammer and slacks are in my future, that's what I feel most comfortable in. That's my personal dress code for any kind of official bowling. I prefer polo's over the baggy button up traditional bowling shirt. If not for comfort it's out of respect for the sport. For right now I'm just practicing and coaching with my son, I would consider sweats for that. I already look odd enough being a 46yr old long hair rocker looking dude without going open bowling in full dress. LOL