View Full Version : How snug?

01-30-2018, 12:52 PM
Hello everyone, I'm a new bowler just into it for about a month and I think that my thumb hole may be to big, not much but there are times when the ball comes off my hand way to soon. I've been working on my approach with a good straight back swing and trying to keep square to the pins with my shoulders and not leaning to much forward as I release. The other thing that I'm having a lot of trouble with is creating any kind of revs at all no matter how many video's I watch and articles I read I just can't seem to figure it out. One thing for sure is that I almost never follow through after my release bringing my hand up... it's like I'm shooting the ball on the lane. ugh! I think I read somewhere that you could hold your ball with not even having your fingers in the ball, just your thumb, is this true. Please help a 58 year old landscaper be a better bowler. Thanks.

01-30-2018, 01:06 PM
There are people that bowl without the thumb in the ball by cupping it in their palm using only their finger tips in the ball. I've never seen it the other way around with only a thumb. If your ball is drilled for your hand and your thumb is a little loose then you can use tape in it to snug it up. They sell bowlers tape with different textures and such and it does the trick. I personally just use 3M electrical tape but bowling tape is wider and is rounded either on one side or both. As far as revs it depends on a great many things with your approach and release. Plus if your ball is drilled conventional (where your middle and ring finger go into the ball to the second knuckle) or fingertip (where your middle and ring finger go into the ball to the last crease by your finger tips). In order to really help, more information is needed and or a video of you bowling which would be a great help.

01-30-2018, 01:36 PM
Hey Phonetek, thanks for your reply. What I meant by holding on to the ball and just let it hang off your thumb or you could basically stick your thumb in your ball and pick it up off the ground. I have a finger tip drilled ball it's the ball you see as my avatar, I like the ball I just want to be able to use it as intended lol. My thought was getting some tape and see if that will help. I do a 5 step approach and am left handed, will try to have my wife video me next time we go bowling... from the back and also from the side.

01-30-2018, 01:53 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to visualize what you mean with the thumb however here is a video that may help and get the grip you are looking for on the ball. I hope this helps.


01-30-2018, 01:58 PM
Thumb fit is a very personal thing, The general rule (of thumb) is that a thumb inserted in and out of a hole, pressed to one side of the hole, should only barely touch the other side.

You should have your grip checked, span & pitches can affect how the ball comes off your thumb/hand also. You should also have a oval hole (if you don't have one now), very few bowlers need a actual round hole.

01-30-2018, 02:01 PM
Yup did the test and could probably use some tape in the thumb hole. Thanks

01-30-2018, 02:06 PM
Thumb fit is a very personal thing, The general rule (of thumb) is that a thumb inserted in and out of a hole, pressed to one side of the hole, should only barely touch the other side.

You should have your grip checked, span & pitches can affect how the ball comes off your thumb/hand also. You should also have a oval hole (if you don't have one now), very few bowlers need a actual round hole.

I have a round hole for the thumb and when I put my thumb in I can wiggle it at least a 1/4 inch at the tip of my thumb. Question can I get it changed to an oval?

01-30-2018, 02:26 PM
I find beginners usually get the thumb hole way to big because they transition from house balls which they had to squeeze and grip hard. Which then when they get properly fitted with their own ball, they feel their thumbs stick because of the squeezing. The thumbs should be fairly snug because you want to be able to hold onto the ball with a relaxed hand as possible.

If you want to change to an oval, the PSO can insert a thumb slug and drill it out as an oval. Cheaper and faster than plugging it and redrilling.

01-30-2018, 02:31 PM
I have a round hole for the thumb and when I put my thumb in I can wiggle it at least a 1/4 inch at the tip of my thumb. Question can I get it changed to an oval?

Sure it can be changed,

It can be plugged or slugged and redrilled with a oval, another option if the PSO can't drill a oval is a oval insert.

01-30-2018, 03:11 PM
Alright thank you all for your help, should I just go ahead and get it changed to an oval or experiment with tape right now?

01-30-2018, 03:35 PM
That's your call. If your bowling alley has a pro shop in it, it doesn't hurt to stop in and have it checked out. Personally that's what I'd do because your issues may not be limited to just your thumb. It sounds like you have a lot of doubts with your grip. Your PSO (pro shop owner) will be able to tell in a couple minutes and recommend what you need to do. Better safe than sorry. However in the meantime you can play with tape and experiment with the fit yourself. Just make sure when you remove the tape that the adhesive is cleaned out of your hole or it could have very undesirable results. As I mentioned I use 3M electrical tape but bowlers tape is better and probably leaves less adhesive that I was talking about. Rubbing alcohol will remove the adhesive on a paper towel pretty quick. Goof off or zippo fluid also work but they leave a residue in the hole that you don't want so I don't recommend it.

01-30-2018, 03:38 PM
One more thing.... Even if you get your thumb refitted if that's what you do. Be aware that your thumb size can change before, during and after bowling. Sometimes it will shrink and sometimes swell a little or a lot. It completely depends on the person on what your thumb does. That's why bowlers tape is your friend, you can add it or take it out as your grip changes.

01-30-2018, 03:49 PM
One more thing.... Even if you get your thumb refitted if that's what you do. Be aware that your thumb size can change before, during and after bowling. Sometimes it will shrink and sometimes swell a little or a lot. It completely depends on the person on what your thumb does. That's why bowlers tape is your friend, you can add it or take it out as your grip changes.

I believe I will take the tape route to begin with and see how that goes because my thumb definitely swells as I get into about my third game. The PSO is the one who set me up in the beginning and did the drilling. My span seems good to where the edge of my finger holes line up between the first and second joints on my middle and ring fingers, maybe just a little closer to the first joint but I'll see how it goes with the tape. Thanks.

01-30-2018, 03:52 PM
Best of luck to you. Feel free to give an update so we know how things worked out for you. Take care

01-30-2018, 04:00 PM
Best of luck to you. Feel free to give an update so we know how things worked out for you. Take care

Thanks I will, probably will bowl later this week, love it!

02-03-2018, 08:47 AM
Going bowling today and was wondering what is a good thumb tape on the market?

02-03-2018, 10:13 AM
Going bowling today and was wondering what is a good thumb tape on the market?

Their all different in someway, there's tape that goes in the hole and on your thumb itself So it's a matter of personal preference. Now your proshop won't necessarily stock them all. So if you don't like what they have you'll have to go somewhere else or shop online.

I use Powerhouse premium white tape a lot, But also some Real Bowler Tape brand.

02-03-2018, 10:19 AM
Yup thanks, I'll see what the pro shop has specifically to put on my thumb instead of in the thumb hole.

02-03-2018, 12:48 PM
I use the Vise Hada blue tape on my thumb. I use white textured tape inside the thumb hole. I mainly use on pad side in thumbhole, but sometimes use on back side of hole as well depending on swelling etc.

02-03-2018, 01:59 PM
Going bowling today and was wondering what is a good thumb tape on the market?

I can't bowl without protective thumb tape. I used quite a few brands and my favorite one is the Motiv Flex tape. I really like the thickness of it. I have a friend who's thumb was swelling and he was using powder to try and get out of the ball. I gave him the tape to try and he loved it. He was hesitant at first because tape seems counter-intuitive when your thumb is swollen and sticking but the tape does reduce friction to give you a new release. Also it helps to snug up the hole too which helps your hand relax.


As for the fit tape that goes into the thumb hole, I find most brands are pretty comparable.

02-05-2018, 05:02 PM
Well been bowling and used some red vise tape on the thumb and it helps, of course I also had to take it off as I was into my 3rd game of practice and my thumb had swelled up, but it's all good. Thanks for the help everyone. It's still hard for me to relax my hand still so I still think I'm gripping the ball to much... mental thing don't ya know. I want to figure out a way that I can video myself without my wife having to do it with my phone any suggestions.

02-05-2018, 08:55 PM
I also have another question, when I purchased my very first ball it was the one as my avatar the yeti uncaged that I saw at the pro shop where I now bowl. Does anyone know if this was a good choice for a entry level player such as myself?

02-06-2018, 11:18 AM
The Yeti series was a fine group of balls the uncaged would be fine for novice or intermediate bowler

02-06-2018, 12:40 PM
Ok Amyers thank you very much.

02-06-2018, 05:00 PM
Talk to the people that works at the bowling center that you bowl at and ask for a coach. this will be the fastest way to improve. Thumb hole should be tight enough so you DON'T have to squeeze to hang onto the ball.