View Full Version : What do you do to get out of a funk?

01-31-2018, 07:40 PM
Last two weeks, during 6 league nights, I have bowled below average. My timing is off. I roll the ball of my shoe, I hit the side of my leg, I’ll roll it right into the gutter, can’t hit my mark, my speed varies, I’ll over rotate my hand during my release, nothing feels right. I finally had time to go into practice today, but Lane was dry andcontinued to struggle.

What do you do when you struggle? It’s been getting to the point I’m not looking towards Bowling. HELP!

01-31-2018, 07:56 PM
Last two weeks, during 6 league nights, I have bowled below average. My timing is off. I roll the ball of my shoe, I hit the side of my leg, I’ll roll it right into the gutter, can’t hit my mark, my speed varies, I’ll over rotate my hand during my release, nothing feels right. I finally had time to go into practice today, but Lane was dry andcontinued to struggle.

What do you do when you struggle? It’s been getting to the point I’m not looking towards Bowling. HELP!

I started a few weeks back, when I seemed mired in the high 5, low 600's, with concentrating on my first step. My brother had noticed that my first step was either 6" long, or a foot. No in-between. I started making a point of making sure that first step was consistent. I can't really say that's what started my upswing, but I've been better since.

01-31-2018, 08:13 PM
What do you do when you struggle? It’s been getting to the point I’m not looking towards Bowling. HELP!

Sometimes you just gotta go back to the basics. See if you can get someone to take a video for you. Take it home and watch yourself, maybe you can point out what and when things are going wrong. Post it on here, and I'm sure you can get some help with a fresh set of eyes too. I'm sure you'll get back in sync. Best of luck

01-31-2018, 11:53 PM
Probably you should try a game or two of one step drills making sure that you post your shot. If things work well doing that, then test your timing. Start randomly as far as distance away from the foul line and start walking toward the line. Get your ball into a swing when you feel like you should and let it go. That should get you to start feeling your timing again. Hopefully you'll not hit your leg or throw it directly into the gutter. Keep your hand behind the ball. Try a few more one step drills and then try a few regular releases. Hopefully you'll be back in business pretty quickly.
Good luck...

02-01-2018, 12:50 AM
I look at slumps as part of getting my average. When I began the year averaging 225 for six weeks I didn't stop to think what was wrong with me because I had six weeks of not bowling average. The same happens when I turn around and have six sub par weeks to balance it out. I get hot, I get cold. It can be anything from changing weather, not enough sleep, something causes me to lose focus, I just forgot something I was doing the previous week, etc. Three weeks ago I shot 755. Last week I shot 517. It balances out.

02-01-2018, 10:59 AM
As was said by Phonetek, get back to basics. Get a good practice session in where you work on your timing, shot making and spare shooting. I use video to help, if you have an app like Hudl Technique, you can record and view your video in slow motion. Helps to determine issues with footwork and also with your swing plane.

02-01-2018, 12:56 PM
When I slump, the easiest way for me to get out of it is to just work on spares during practice. Once I'm able to get into that repetitive groove throwing at the 7 or 10 pin, it feels like it just yanks my game back into place.

02-01-2018, 03:15 PM
I have a second Captain Morgan and coke. It perks me up every time.

02-04-2018, 05:32 PM
Well since I wrote original post, I continued to struggle. I went in Wednesday to practice to work, and the lanes were dry so that didn't help, as well as worn out from work. I had league today and shot below average by 30 pins. Missed a 7 pin spare and 10 pin spare and continued to leave 3 opens per game. But during the second game, I realized that I have been muscling the ball down the lane instead of letting the ball work itself. I started to hit the pocket more. A few times I have pulled the ball, thats probably the biggest issue besides letting the ball work. I generally have a short and low back swing to avoid missing my mark. Have league again tomorrow and Tuesday and will work on these two things. I also need to get a ball to work on drier lanes, thinking the Hustle. I also am learning how to throw my Fused Cell. I have the pin kicked out, very strong ball. Once I get it done, Im sure it will help.

02-04-2018, 11:06 PM
hmmmm....sounds exactly like me. and i was 25 below my average every game last week.

02-07-2018, 10:15 AM
Well last night I had League and...everything was clicking. Shot a 658 where my average is 198. Everything felt right, made right ball change. Hopefully it will continue. I was focused, hitting my mark, sipped syed steady, though I did roll it off my shoe once and hit my leg another Time on back swing. But I was very pleased when it was all done. Will try to practice Friday and see if I can continue, along with 10 pin practice. Lol can never get enough of that.