View Full Version : Disaster start to a high five finish......

02-12-2018, 03:17 PM
On league night this past Saturday my first game was a mess. I couldn't find my line using my urethane ball and then my reactive ball. I must have had five opens and just spares with zero strikes. My second game started out the same way for the first five frames. The last five frames I went with my reactive ball and finally found my line. I had strikes and spares the rest of the way. The third game definitely lifted my spirits. I stayed with the same line as the last five frames of game two. I ended up with eight strikes, three spares and one open which gave me a 215 game. My second game was only a 157. I have a 166 average. In that last game my ball was coming off of my hand real good. It kept me relaxed the whole game. I just trusted my swing on every shot. There was a point where I had doubts that I would bowl any good games that night after the first disaster. Oh yeah, three of those 8 strikes in the last game were in the tenth frame. It must have been because of the confidence I had in that last game. A relaxed swing and a definite light grip on each shot helped also.

I think part of the problem was I was sore as hell from all of the snow shoveling I did since Thursday through Saturday. Plus my lower back went into spasm after leaning over to start my snow blower. Plus Thursday me and my partner bowled 4 practice games for our league night Saturday. My 71 year old muscles let me know they didn't like all of that activity. I was just glad that my lower back didn't go into extreme spasm where I wouldn't be able to bowl at all. Getting old sucks. At least I can still enjoy bowling. I am in half way decent shape for a 71 year old. I have 15 mph speed at the pins and I have no trouble posting up my shots. I really do enjoy bowling. I have been on this league for 32 years.