View Full Version : Big difference with redrilled ball but with issues

02-17-2018, 04:54 PM
As I said in the other thread, both my balls are fixed up. It was a huge difference, inserts were nice and soft. It didn't hurt my hand anymore either. It was such a grip change from before. I found myself not trusting it and ended up making myself hang in the thumb hole still resulting in lofting it out there. It's such a difficult thing to correct. I only threw it relaxed one ball in an entire game and it felt great but only once. Any tips on how I can help myself get out of it cleaner aside from electroshock therapy?

I will add that now that he detoxed the ball and sanded it some it really brought it's pop back. It goes long and comes in hard and hits like a train instead of a marshmallow. It was nice to hear that nice loud crack when I pounded the pocket again or get those good side board strikes when I hit the pocket light. It's good to have a little margin of error

J Anderson
02-17-2018, 05:38 PM
I would try foul line drills. Joe Slowinski has a good demo of it that you should be able to find on Youtube. Basically you get in your finish position at the foul line, start the ball swinging, and then focus on releasing it as it passes your ankle.

02-17-2018, 05:44 PM
Jeeze I just watched the video that Bowl1820 with Diandra Asbaty last night and I didn't think of that. Thanks J! She showed that drill too. Yep, I'll definitely try it. I'm also gonna give her spare shooting drill a shot. 10 pin no 3 pin, 7 pin no 2 pin, 3 pin no headpin, 2 pin no headpin then pocket. If you screw up you start over. I think that's an excellent drill

02-17-2018, 05:47 PM
Mr. Anderson must be reading my mind after I read your post Phonetek... :)
Once you get the feel from the foul line, then you can migrate to a one step drill which you can view on YouTube as well.
My guess is that you've gotten to the point that you're still holding on to the ball rather than swinging it freely. If your body thinks that it has to hold on to the ball, your hand will be grabbing at the ball during the swing. Just try to grab on to something like a glass or a can of soda or something and squeeze it. Try to do it without tensing up your forearm. You can't!!!!! To have a more muscle free swing you should have as relaxed a grip as you can.
Good luck at the lanes and watch out for the bad snow storm coming down now! My wife says it should snow for hours here...

02-17-2018, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I can see after the long layoff I have some definite issues to correct. I have to go pick up an ipad adapter for my big tripod. I can't take much more video with my son holding it. I need to take anti-sea sickness pills just to watch it.

02-18-2018, 03:11 AM
I went tonight with the wife and threw 5 games. Since it was date night I wasn't going to do the one step drill. Plus they had the cosmic lights on. I did do better with the release but on the bottom of the swing in both directions I felt like I was going to drop the ball so I squeezed and lofted a little. I only had one piece of tape in it so I put another one in. With 2 pieces it didn't slide down on my swing and I consciously didn't squeeze the ball but I still didn't get out of it clean. I'm wondering if using one piece of the white tape would be the fix? I was throwing pretty hard too, they have the speed thing there and it said I averaged 18.4 MPH which is at the pins?

I shot great games, it felt like the pocket was 2 feet wide because I was murdering it. I was really on point for some reason, I don't know what got into me. WAY different than yesterday. Out of 5 games I only had a total of 5 frames where I left less than a 9 count. One was a split that I missed completely (DOH!) and I did chop a 3-6-10. All the rest were either strikes or single pin spares and I only missed 1 which was a 7 pin of all things, 3 total open frames. I'm not sure why I did so well but it felt great.

Even with the thumb issues I can't complain score wise. My wife said I was just trying to impress her but she didn't say if I did or not. After 19yrs of marriage I doubt it. It was kinda cool doing well in a place I haven't shot in since I was a kid. Plus in front of all the people I will be working with starting on Tuesday. Wifey said they were all watching me LOL. They all gave me some very nice compliments. Hopefully tonight wasn't just a fluke because I felt like my old self on the lanes, I'm hoping this is a prelude of things to come.

02-18-2018, 12:26 PM
I've experimented with the use of various types of tape: black, white, bio skin, HADA and other protective tapes. I think I sent you some information on the tiered tape method which essentially gives the feel of a thumb hole fitted to the shape of your thumb if you do it right. I tend to like a smooth feel to the thumb hole and not the feel of white tape on the front of the hole so I'll use white tape to get the thickness. Then I'll cover it with one piece of black tape. Also, I tend to move the placement of the tape farther down into the hole so that the pad side of the thumb just above the knuckle can feel the side of the hole.
Sounds like you had a pretty good time. My guess is that if your speed detector was working okay that the speed off your hand was probably 3 to 4 mph higher. With your rev rate that might be okay especially on wood lanes. Eight years ago I think I was throwing the ball at nearly that kind of speed but with little or no revs. Straight as an arrow down the lane. I don't think I can do that any more. My ball actually makes a move now... :)
Have fun...

02-18-2018, 03:04 PM
3 to 4 higher that 18? I knew I threw hard but I didn't realize it was quite that hard and those are 16lbs. Judging how bad my muscles are hurting today I believe it. 5 games is the most I've bowled at once since I've been back. The only thing that doesn't actually hurt on me is my hand and that still needs to be fixed so go figure. If you sent me something I didn't get it. If it's the video about taping from the USBC I've seen it recently so no worries.
I'm not sure what my rev rate was last night, we didn't video it. I was going to but since it was a date and dark in there wouldn't have been much to see. I didn't realize the cosmic lights were gonna be on. After my first frame of the first game they came on. If I had to guess though I'd say it was a little lower because of how it was coming off my hand. It didn't seem to matter though. Realistically I think I can afford to cut down on the revs and the speed some. With more practice I'm gonna try to tone it all down. Especially if I'm gonna switch to 15lb balls.
Off topic but Yes, we actually had a blast. First time wifey and I went out without kids in over a year. Normally our dates are the ol dinner and drinks so this was something different. Reminded us of old times before we were married because we used to do things like this. Since the whole night cost a whopping 16 bucks for 9 games, 2 orders of wings and two soda's each I think we will be doing this a lot more often. We did have an alcoholic beverage at the comedy show but that was full price LOL It's really a great place and my future co-workers told me that most of them hang out there when they aren't working.