View Full Version : Your favorite tournaments you've ever bowled in?

02-26-2018, 05:16 PM
I love tournaments, the more difficult and the harder the competition the better. My favorite ones when I was a kid when I bowled the IJAT (Illinois Junior Amateur's Tour) where you go up against the best of the best in the state. Second was the family two-some. I got to bowl with my mom, sister and my instructor in competition. We always made it to the end and placed most times. A lot of fun kickin butt with mom.

Later was the Peterson Classic. Bowling on dirty, broken down lanes with bad topography, pins offset, whole racks offset, oil gooped up on some parts of the lane and wiped off on others. All purposely done. It was by far the hardest tournament ever with multiple rounds and you switched pairs every game. Ton's of fun as long as you didn't wear white. Sadly, the building was 100yrs old and is now gone due to structure problems. As far as I know it's still going on at another house but I haven't done it. I find it hard to believe conditions can be properly duplicated like the original.

So what's your favorites and why?

02-26-2018, 05:30 PM
My memory sucks so I can't remember specifics but as a kid in school leagues I bowled in several team tournaments and then later on a few individual tournaments but never where I had to travel more than about 20 miles. My favorite is definitely from back about 2002 or 2003 right before I left bowling. Me and my best friend were running the Saturday youth league and there was a father/son tournament so me and my son entered. He was about 8 or so at the time. We ended up with a trophy but I can't remember what place we actually got. Didn't matter to me. All that mattered was we were bowling as teammates. He is now 24 and out of college. I am trying to get him to start again. He hasn't bowled since about then other than him and friends going out for fun.

02-26-2018, 07:02 PM
Probably the nationals, did it 3 times. The Bowling stadium in Reno, Albuquerque and Tennessee. lots of people, vendors and great restaurants like the High Noon Saloon with a chef who cooked the most melt in your mouth beef in the country. Then again there was those giant Alaskan king crab legs.

Or maybe the Brunswick World team challenge, did it twice. A $500 entry fee and what was considered one of the hardest shots at the time.

02-26-2018, 07:29 PM
The nationals sound like they'd be great, its seems you get the executive treatment. I bowled in one in Vegas that was a huge event like that I can't remember the name of it though. I wanna say it was the Abc's? It was such a long time ago.

02-26-2018, 08:40 PM
Any old handicap mixed no tap tourney will do.

02-28-2018, 03:00 PM
I have posted that I just got back into bowling....I had bowled local House tournaments, No Tap, Regionals, before stopping. Started bowling again, league sells 50/50 raffle tickets. I bought some and won a spot in a local tournament. Saved the date, showed up at the ally on the Sat. to sign in. Get my lane assignment go put my shoes on are everyone is reading a flyer. HUH.....I have to knock down an Odd number of pins the first game 1,3,5,7 or 9 to get a spare. Second game was even 2,4,6,8,10, last game was lowest amount with two balls not in the gutter. I had never heard of an Xtravaganza Tournament. I was not impressed to say the least. The good news was that if you won your house championship, you had a chance to go to Las Vegas and bowl in the final. Who New?
When I got home my wife asked me how I did, she has set through enough formats that she just lets me go by myself now. She was literally in tears laughing as I explained the tournament. She knows how serious I am, we both got a good laugh out of it in the end. But my Xtravaganza Tournament days are over.