View Full Version : Open hand at release...

03-03-2018, 12:47 PM
At the point of release my fingers feel as though they're on the inside of the ball as my index finger is away from my middle finger and it's pointed towards the pins; however, I hear on the PBA broadcasts sometimes that a bowler has an open hand at the release (e.g., Pete Weber). I tend to have my fingers closed almost into a fist following the release. Is there some magic trick to train myself to have a more open hand? Perhaps all I should do is practice releasing the ball at the foul line using the foul line drill and do it for a game or two on every shot. Anyone have success in converting from closed fist to open hand?

03-06-2018, 07:20 PM
At the point of release my fingers feel as though they're on the inside of the ball as my index finger is away from my middle finger and it's pointed towards the pins; however, I hear on the PBA broadcasts sometimes that a bowler has an open hand at the release (e.g., Pete Weber). I tend to have my fingers closed almost into a fist following the release. Is there some magic trick to train myself to have a more open hand? Perhaps all I should do is practice releasing the ball at the foul line using the foul line drill and do it for a game or two on every shot. Anyone have success in converting from closed fist to open hand?

Do you have a video of you bowling? Pete Weber open hand is one of a kind. To practice this movement try this.
1) Take a 5lb dumbbell get into your finishing position if your at home do it in a carpet room or add some mats, sofa cushion and or blankets so when the dumbbell falls its not too loud.
2) Carry the dumbbell with just your tips of your middle and ring finger.
3) Swing the weight forward about a foot then let the weight swing back, then into the downswing as the weight reaches your ankle allow the weight to open your fingers. this is the movement your try to copy.

03-08-2018, 06:39 PM
Do you have a video of you bowling? Pete Weber open hand is one of a kind. To practice this movement try this.
1) Take a 5lb dumbbell get into your finishing position if your at home do it in a carpet room or add some mats, sofa cushion and or blankets so when the dumbbell falls its not too loud.
2) Carry the dumbbell with just your tips of your middle and ring finger.
3) Swing the weight forward about a foot then let the weight swing back, then into the downswing as the weight reaches your ankle allow the weight to open your fingers. this is the movement your try to copy.
Okay Coach and thank you! Actually I practice my swing at home without letting the ball go. :) What you suggest sounds like a good way to get the feel of what I'd like to happen at ball release.
I suppose I should try this technique for a while at home for something like 10 minutes or so, repeat later and many times. I have an 11 lb. plastic ball to play with as well.
I don't have any videos.
Last night during league I was able to keep my hand more open after release and my hand ended up off to the right a bit. Unfortunately I didn't keep my eyes on my hand as I was concentrating more on the placement of the ball during its travel down the lanes and then off into the pit. The reaction went pretty well and on line.
Again thank you for your suggestion!