View Full Version : Age and body issues are not helping my game.........

03-25-2018, 12:43 AM
I turned 71 not long ago. As far as the old body of mine I had my left hip replaced almost two years ago and now my right hip is ready to be replaced. I just have to decide when. My knees are not great either. Maybe they will last a year or two I hope. When I bowl league I shoot down a couple Tylenol extra strength tablets an hour before we bowl. I am not one of those old folks who walk up to the foul line and just drop the ball on the alley. I have a good approach and can post my shots. My ball speed at the pins is 13mph. I have good revs and have no trouble hooking the ball. But age and joint issues are making my bowling more like work then easier like it used to be.

I used to maintain a 186 average. Sometimes on league night I could bowl all three games over 200. It was not hard for me to get a few scratch series over 600. Very seldom did I get a series under 500 scratch. Now I seem to struggle to string strikes or to have clean games. I am not consistent anymore. Last time out I bowled a 135, 208 and a 149. Games over 200 are not common anymore. Now I have a 167 average. Because of the body issues I don't practice because I get too sore afterwards. Plus on our league we bowl every other Saturday. I have been on this league since 1987. Thank God after all of that time I know stuff like keeping my equipment clean and using a surface that works for me on our lanes. Even though age and the body stuff is a pain in the butt I don't want to give up bowling. I have been the anchor bowler always. Tonight I was able to win the second and third game for our team tonight. If I opened in the last frame we would have lost the second and third game. My games tonight were a 169, 182 and a 170. This is how I usually bowl now.

So as long as I can still bowl a good speed and have decent revs and technique I am going to ignore my body issues and keep going as long as I can. I can actually say that I am addicted to bowling and don't want to give it up.

03-25-2018, 01:46 AM
I admire you for hanging in there. As long as you enjoy it is the only thing that's important. I'm sure you still have some big games left in you done worry. I only hope I have another 25 years in me on the lanes.

03-25-2018, 04:15 AM
It’s hell getting old - but you’re twice my age and still roll well enough to take 95% of my league. Keep on rolling brother

03-25-2018, 09:45 AM
I know what you mean. I am only 49 but my knees and legs are very sore after I'm done. My legs were sore before we even went last night. By the 2nd game my right leg (slide leg) was so sore I was getting sloppy with my release and almost felt like quitting mid-game because it was affecting me so much. Being overweight doessn't help.

A guy on my team is 72ish but in very good shape. He doesn't have a perfect release. He more or less just drops the ball at the line but has a 191 average. We have a few guys that are up there in age that just have a slow walk up approach. In watching them you would never think they could bowl a 150 yet a few are up in the 190's. Don't give up. By the looks of my game I doubt I will even be able to do this at your age so you got me beat!

03-25-2018, 10:58 AM
I'll be 72 in about 6 weeks. I am a big guy at 6'2" 270 lbs. Been athletic all my life. now my left knee is shot. Wear a brace like you see on the linemen on tv. No brace no bowling. Mostly I have lost speed and carry. It is also hard to keep accuracy when you worry about sticking on every shot. If my knee goes down one more time I am going to take up tidley winks.

03-25-2018, 10:12 PM
A guy on my team is 75 and still shooting solid 600's. He has some back problems, but just keeps chewing painkillers like candy. He bowls in 3 leagues a week plus goes and practices on Sunday. I can only hope to be in good enough shape to bowl that much in 20 years.