View Full Version : questions about issues

03-31-2018, 12:43 PM
So most on here that have seen my posts have seen that I am still struggling with getting back to my old self after a 15 year leave. I have been pretty inconsistent in hitting my mark. I have always been pretty stubborn about making moves on the lanes. In the old days my mark was the first arrow and if I was really struggling I would make a move to the 2nd arrow but that didn't happen too often. After returning I had trouble hitting the first arrow so now just aim for somewhere between the 1st and 2nd. Occasionally I will move to the 2nd arrow but never play inside that. I have been reluctant to make adjustments because I know the issue is with me and not with the ball or lane conditions so why chase something that isn't there?

Is there a point where maybe trying a different line will fix bowler issues? It does seem like if I have to aim 10 boards to the outside I have more trouble than say aiming 3 or 4 boards to the outside. Would it make sense for me to try moving further inside? Or maybe try the Brunswick Rhino Black Pearl instead on the Hammer Black Widow Gold (which I use for spares as it has much less hook).

Has anyone ever seen adjustments help fix a bowler issue?

03-31-2018, 01:08 PM
I’m having the same issues, since I started trying to bowl a hook. As a starting point, I’ve been bowling straight up the outside, along the gutter, by the third arrow (2nd one from the gutter).

I have a long way to go before I can bowl inside.

03-31-2018, 02:12 PM
I was fortunate to win a new ball and I picked a Storm Son!Q. I've had good luck with the IQ Tour 30 and thought that a little more differential wouldn't hurt at all. Took it out for a test drive and used it a few weeks in league. I thought that I had gotten lined up pretty well with it, but carry wasn't all that good. I was all over the pocket. Flush hit, a little light, a little heavy and not a strike in the bunch. I was laying the ball down around board 19 and targeting board 14 at the arrows.
Used the Son!Q again and noted that the ball looked like it was in a hook/set mode where the ball was rolling out and just rolled into the pocket from about 45 feet on. I decided I needed to figure a way to get it to continue to have power closer to the head pin after thinking about when I got home. Wasn't sure how to accomplish that. So I moved my laydown point to board 16 and looked for a better target at the arrows and ended up tossing it out to board 10; however, I used a target of board 13 at the dots which helped me get the ball into a good roll a bit earlier. What a difference! Carry was so much better and the bowler just went along with it. It seemed that I was bowling on a super highway with six lanes open to me.
Perhaps it was the lane condition, but I bowled all three games in league without having to go to a new line or different ball. Enjoyed myself a lot... :)
Boatman, playing from the 2nd arrow to the 1st arrow is likely pretty dry. You might find that your Black Widow Gold ball would work better if you could move left (as a right-handed bowler) and lay the ball down at least a few boards away from board 10 (e.g., board 14 or 15) while still targeting near to the 2nd arrow. Give it a try and play with it to see how things work for you.
I quit bowling leagues in the early 80's and came back to this game about 9 years ago. So much has changed and I've modified my techniques quite a bit after having come back.
Good luck...

03-31-2018, 04:17 PM
Many accuracy issues are the result of bad timing; usually late. What happens is that the bowler gets to the line before the ball, so he pulls his bowling shoulder forward to try to get the ball there sooner. This results in shots missed both right and left depending on how much shoulder movement there is. Watch videos of Rhino Page and notice how "quiet" his bowling shoulder is on each shot. A quiet shoulder = increased accuracy.

03-31-2018, 05:04 PM
Timing definitely feels off but feels better than it was. I changed my approach slightly and it feels better. Just really struggled last week and teammates said I was really rushing my shot. My ball speed was over 1 MPH faster than normal too.

My arm only goes to parallel with the floor, not real high backswing. Seems like my foot hits the foul line before my ball is ready. I think that is causing me to 'force' my swing to catch up. Anything else I try feels really weird though.