View Full Version : A case of league night openitis Saturday.........

04-08-2018, 10:11 AM
After warm up Saturday the first game started out with two spares. The next four frames were all opens. It seemed like I didn't have good rhythm to pick up spares I usually don't miss. In the seventh frame I went to my reactive ball and shot all strikes through to the tenth frame and ended up with a 188. I thought that I was in a groove after stringing those strikes in the first game. I was wrong. I ended up with five opens this time mixed in with spares until the tenth frame when I got three strike. I had only a 126 in the ninth frame until I got three strikes in the tenth for a 156. The good thing about that 156 second game is my focus got better with maybe a little anger thrown in for good measure. I started out with an open of course but ended up shooting nothing but strikes and spares from there on for a 193. I finally got some rhythm in my swing and was picking up spares this time.

Usually the lanes on league night are oiled for us but this time they were on the dry side. The whole night when I started using my reactive ball as my strike ball I started standing with my slide foot arch on board 26 with a breakpoint of board 5 to 8. Not good enough because it was hitting too high. I ended up with my slide foot arch on board 32 with a breakpoint of 5 to 8. Sometimes a ball would get away from me and hit board 2 and still came back to the pocket. I don't know what changed but my revs got better the beginning of this year. My ball has a strong reaction going from the hook phase to the roll phase. It has been hitting the pocket hard. So it must be something in my release that got better without me knowing it. So after my three games I had a total of 10 opens. Well the opens didn't make me get angry which would only have blown all three games and ended up being a frustrating night. I stuck with it and accepted the bad parts and fought for some decent scores on a not too good night of picking up spares. Those good old strikes saved me in all three games.