View Full Version : I seen how dangerous pinsetter's can be

04-15-2018, 03:44 PM
The last two nights I was strictly working as the mechanic instead of my normal routine behind the counter. I will say it can get a little boring at a 12 lane center waiting for something to break. I did have some periodic issues, normal stuff like out of range, spot some pins, fetch a ball and a couple pin jams. One pin jam to note was really bad. They didn't just log jam on the distributor. I had 3 pins get stuck on the table. I had to shut the machine down and hand crank the table down to get access.

Two pins were just laying on top but the 3rd one the mechanic refers to as a "Banana". It's where it gets caught upside down in the spotting cells. It was jammed in there hard. I knew not to stick my hands in there to get it out like with the other pins laying on top. I used our pole with a claw on it to get it out. I had to even beat on it a bit to loosen it up. I was able to loosen it up I pulled it out with the claw and soon as the pin cleared those cells snapped back with tremendous force. Had I not been trained not to use my hands in there I can easily see it would have gotten quickly lopped off by the force of those springs. Yep, they can be dangerous.

04-16-2018, 12:04 AM
Wow! Sounds like a close call!

04-16-2018, 08:20 AM
thank goodness you have a good Mechanic to train you, one who continues to stress the safety issues.

04-16-2018, 02:03 PM
Wow! Sounds like a close call!

No, it wasn't a close call because I did it safely. I was pointing out how dangerous it could have been had I not been told as bdpeters said.