View Full Version : The importance of a consistent grip with all your bowling balls.

05-01-2018, 02:44 AM
I'm a 185-190 average and this season I've really struggled with my spares. I usually throw plastic straight at all my spares and I just couldn't find a groove. I would adjust and still miss too many spares. I wouldn't say I'm a great spare shooter but usually, I'm low 70% on single pins, this season I was about 67% and only 60% on 10 pins. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, finally I realized my spare ball, I had drilled at a different place from my strike balls. Both grips felt fine and comfortable but the pitches were slightly different. My spare ball wasn't coming off my hand the same way and it was affecting my timing.

I couldn't feel the difference though, it was only after struggling for 2/3 of the season and trying every adjustment to correct it did I go back to my old spare ball in desperation. I probably switched back beginning of March and I'm much happier now. I've made 80% of my ten pins, and overall 82 percent of my single pins and I've gotten my average back up to 186. So lesson learned, make sure you go with the same driller and that your grips are as close to identical as possible.

05-01-2018, 08:36 AM
ahh very good point. since I got my new ball with a fingertip grip for the first time but my plastic spare ball is my old traditional grip. thank you for bringing this point up.