View Full Version : I'm Back

05-01-2018, 06:21 PM
Hello all. I used to browse around and talk a little on this website a while ago, stopped being active here due to reasons. Wanted to focus on school and other stuff. Figured with all the new changes coming to USBC and everything else I'd come back here, improve my game and all that jazz. Qualified for States back in February (senior in HS) and placed 22nd in the state, which ain't terrible considering I shot significantly lower than I thought I should have (193 average, qualified with 669 and got knocked out first round with 653). I'm glad to be back here and hope to keep getting better.

My big question I have right now, is how is the removal of the balance hole going to affect the sport? Obviously it's going to impact the hook and angles of everyone's balls, but for a stroker how much will my game be impacted by this? And how less aggressive will newer balls be once the new coverstock rules are applied?

05-01-2018, 06:40 PM
Didn't I see somewhere that the "new coverstock rules" wouldn't rule out any of the current coverstocks, so nothing will change there. New balls won't be less aggressive, they just won't be excessively more aggressive.

While I won't pretend to be up to date completely on how the balance-hole-vs-side-weight will shake out, but I predict the biggest change for most bowlers will be a bunch of people complaining that the new rule is the reason they didn't strike.

05-02-2018, 12:03 PM
truthfully not much any current ball that you own will need to be plugged in 2020 if it has a balance hole and your still using it. Probably at least somewhat unlikely for most of us. Any current cover is approved how much different the new covers are going to be we will have to wait and see but I'm not expecting big changes.

05-02-2018, 03:37 PM
welcome back.

05-09-2018, 08:53 PM
Welcome back to the boards