View Full Version : Last league night was a struggle for me........

05-11-2018, 05:28 PM
Our last league night was this past Saturday. It was kind of a rough night for me. I am having my right hip replaced in June. When I bowl it gets irritated the longer I bowl. Because of the hip problem I haven't been doing much so my stamina is not up to par. I did not post up my shots the whole night I think. I was doing a Mark Roth where I release my ball and fall off the shot. Even with this going on my first game was a 215. I struggled through the second game and shot a 167. In the third game I tried to post up any shot and it didn't happen. I was able to shoot a 170. Because I am favoring my right hip my right knee started bothering me. I think I have a torn meniscus in there because something pops in there when I move it a certain way. It isn't that bad where the knee is swollen. So I ended up bowling anyway Saturday. I just took a pain pill one hour before league time. Considering what was going on in my body I didn't do that bad. Getting old sucks. At least I made it to 71. I will be going into my 32nd year of bowling when league night starts this fall. That's a lot of miles rolling a ball.

05-11-2018, 09:00 PM
I wouldn't fret too much, you still bowled respectable scores. Physical limitations suck but it eventually gets us all. It's never a joy to deal with. Hang in there.