View Full Version : USBC Open Championships 2018

05-25-2018, 12:06 PM
So I'm heading to Syracuse, NY for nationals. This will be my second trip to nationals. Starting to prepare my equipment for the trip end of June. Who has gone so far? How did you do? Any Advice? Equipment, places to eat, entertainment, Etc.

05-26-2018, 11:28 AM
Some info here from when I went Bobby...http://www.bowlingboards.com/threads/21695-2018-USBC-Open-Championships

05-26-2018, 12:10 PM
Thanks. Did you go last year in Vegas? From what I seen so far looks like it's moving more. Was thinking about making my surfaces around 1000 - 2000.

05-26-2018, 12:31 PM
Yes, I did go last year. To me the shot was very playable. Stay inside of 7-8 on team and inside of about 9-10 on singles double and it's a good shot. Too low of a surface and I was not able to use a few balls. I took couple down to 1000 and hooked too much. 2000 is a good surface for me.

I actually used the oldest ball I took with me, Roto Grip Haywire in team event and it did really well. In Doubles I used Storm Drive and again had a good look with it. Unfortunately my spare game took a vacation at the completely wrong time. I should have easily been in 1800's total if I picked up my typically for me easy spares.

06-05-2018, 09:12 AM
Just got back from Nationals and this is what I saw:

For team event (9 righties and one lefty) as a group we used a fair amount of surface - with some of us as low as 500 grit at the start (the typical starting ball was at 1000). I do want to emphasize though that while we had lower grits and tried to stay on top of the pattern as long as possible we did not build the outside as we have done in prior years; there is plenty of backend and bump already baked into the pattern. Many of the teams that I know who struggled did the typical method of taking a lot of surface outside to build a shot and they experienced way too much bump. Also, in comparison to prior years this pattern will break down sooner and will require bigger moves (especially when using less surface because it will get jumpy). By staying on top of the pattern we all found it very playable and our companion team currently sits in the top 50 while leaving at least 150 pins on the board with spare shooting. If you have a good companion team that you know I personally recommend surface and controlling the breakpoint (have at least 1 piece at 1000 and ideally I would have two (one symmetric and one assymetric) without seeing you bowl).

Singles/Doubles - The ideal way to play this pattern is to do similar as team, staying outside and on top of the pattern, it is a longer pattern but the volume is lower. That being said, the pattern tries to force you to move inside and there will come a time when you have to accept that. Moves will not be subtle 1-1 or 2-1 moves. Again, I preferred surface to keep the ball from jumping on the backs but you will need to have something with pop on the back if you have the large jump inside.

The entire tournament I didn't use anything with polish, with the exception of a few scouting shots and those did not roll well (actually I cannot remember anyone who did have success with polish this year). Best of Luck.

06-13-2018, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the advice. Going out with 10 Guys so should be able to work and play the break point well. The game plan is like last year breakdown the outside. but after reading this and watching a few replays the back looks like it's flying more than people expected. i got a good mix. I have a creed and Creed Revelation. both aggressive. seems like the ball to throw is rip'd solid. I have the Kingpin and Phaze II at 500 and 1000 so hopefully. that will work for the start and hold for a little. The big question mark is how the lanes will transition. i seen people really far right to start and almost in front of the ball return at end. still have two weeks to prepare. Thank you again. How did you end up scoring?

06-15-2018, 11:22 AM
Didn't do anything great in team (550s), shot better in doubles (603) and singles (632). The transition in doubles/singles was much more extreme on our pair than team event - but all three wanted to force you to move in. Without knowing the composition of your team I would recommend that when you move 1/1 and 2/1 moves are probably not the answer unlike other years (when you could stay more on top of the pattern through the squad) but you shouldn't have to make massive zone jumps either. I'm also biased towards symmetric equipment this year and if I was better prepared would have probably had two pieces symmetrical and dull (some combination like 1000 and 3000).