View Full Version : Weak hand / inside swing plane - Need Advise

06-11-2018, 09:01 PM

I think I have an early turn / release and miss to the inside... I also think I'm getting stuck behind my back.... I have a pretty weak hand/wrist and using a wrist brace can help... a little... but any attempt to stay "inside the ball" results in more sidespin than anything else... so what I end up doing is staying outside the ball to get any decent hook... however the problem is that I have to use a backswing behind my back to counteract the ball coming off my hand to the inside. here is a video... would appreciate any advise! Thanks.

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPI_8de71J2UrURra0LLGA8Wdto0cx7Vy2D_G7XafkyCM mGjrdVSUoS7RqxUsVfXg?key=T2pLRVYxRXlsSUliZ193RW5Gc 2ZjSmpVNFdmdFpR

06-12-2018, 01:08 AM
General comments. You're holding the ball quite high in the setup. Since you're left-handed, your slide foot is the right side. Most bowlers line up using their slide foot. At the start of your approach during setup you seem to shuffle your feet over about five boards or so before you begin your swing. It appears that you're not sure where you should place your feet on the approach for your next shot.
From what I could see your timing isn't too bad and you keep your balance at the foul line which is excellent. Your swing does tend to go behind your back.
Several things to improve your swing: 1) lower the ball in your setup, 2) open your shoulders facing more toward the left, 3) start with your slide foot pointed in the direction your going to approach the lane and have your non-slide foot about half a shoe length behind the slide foot, 4) hold your ball more to the inside rather than pushed away to the left, 5) start with your left shoulder lower than the right one and 6) upon beginning your approach push the ball out in the direction of your target on the lane (probably at the arrows 15 feet away or the dots 7 feet away).
To roll a hook your index finger should be pointing at the pins and separated a couple of inches away from your middle finger. Your thumb should remain on the left side of the ball throughout your swing and release. When you get to your release point, your thumb will exit the ball first and your fingers will naturally give the ball some side rotation without your having to have a strong hand or wrist except to keep your index finger pointing towards the pins and your thumb staying to the left.
Get yourself a good local coach to get you going in the right direction.
Hope this helps...

06-12-2018, 01:53 AM
General comments. You're holding the ball quite high in the setup. Since you're left-handed, your slide foot is the right side. Most bowlers line up using their slide foot. At the start of your approach during setup you seem to shuffle your feet over about five boards or so before you begin your swing. It appears that you're not sure where you should place your feet on the approach for your next shot.
From what I could see your timing isn't too bad and you keep your balance at the foul line which is excellent. Your swing does tend to go behind your back.
Several things to improve your swing: 1) lower the ball in your setup, 2) open your shoulders facing more toward the left, 3) start with your slide foot pointed in the direction your going to approach the lane and have your non-slide foot about half a shoe length behind the slide foot, 4) hold your ball more to the inside rather than pushed away to the left, 5) start with your left shoulder lower than the right one and 6) upon beginning your approach push the ball out in the direction of your target on the lane (probably at the arrows 15 feet away or the dots 7 feet away).
To roll a hook your index finger should be pointing at the pins and separated a couple of inches away from your middle finger. Your thumb should remain on the left side of the ball throughout your swing and release. When you get to your release point, your thumb will exit the ball first and your fingers will naturally give the ball some side rotation without your having to have a strong hand or wrist except to keep your index finger pointing towards the pins and your thumb staying to the left.
Get yourself a good local coach to get you going in the right direction.
Hope this helps...

Thanks so much. Any ideas on how to keep the ball from going behind my back.. or do you think these steps you listed with help prevent that automatically?

06-12-2018, 01:32 PM
Thanks so much. Any ideas on how to keep the ball from going behind my back.. or do you think these steps you listed with help prevent that automatically?

The idea is to get your body and ball to start toward your target and have a nice straight trajectory. Your video doesn't show much of the ball's hook or arc, but you must be hooking it some. The ball will be likely be heading a bit to the left and coming back toward the pocket on your first ball. By dropping your shoulder some this will naturally give you room for the ball to pass your hip and allow you to keep a more straight backswing. With your current approach to the game your ball is starting out from the left and it will naturally cause you to bring the ball behind your back. Move your ball lower in your stance and a bit to the right (over your left knee or so). Get a little spine tilt forward, too. Your head remains pretty steady which is a very good thing. Keep it that way. Keep it simple as possible.
Keep the ball in front of you when you're releasing it on to the lane. Whatever you do, don't turn your wrist or hand. Let the ball come off your hand naturally.
Best of luck and have fun...