View Full Version : Funny questions customers ask....

07-13-2018, 01:57 PM
When they rent bowling shoes, many of them plop their shoes on the counter like they have to turn them in to me. After a goofy look I ask them why are you giving me your shoes? "Don't I have to?" Um....no you don't. I don't want someone's stinky shoes behind the counter. I remember back in the day it was typical for a roller rink to keep one of your shoes but I have no memory of any bowling center ever making me give me one or both of mine in exchange. It always makes me laugh, do you guys go to centers who do this? Seems like it would be a health hazard if we did and kinda silly. House shoes just don't seem cool enough for people to steal.

Second, "Do you charge extra for bumpers?" LOL Seriously? Does anyone? Just curious because that would be ridiculous. There are more but I gotta get ready for work. I just wanted to post before I forgot.

07-13-2018, 03:28 PM
Turn in a shoe, yes.
Bumpers no. You can't use them unless you are a small child or have a physical problem. No teens wanting to be an ***.

J Anderson
07-13-2018, 07:22 PM
Where I usually bowl, they keep one of your shoes, and put it in the cubbyhole that your rental pair was in. I think the shoe rental is free for league bowlers. I’m sure it’s free for the youth program. I think they do charge for bumpers during open bowling.

07-13-2018, 08:42 PM
Turn in a shoe, yes.
Bumpers no. You can't use them unless you are a small child or have a physical problem. No teens wanting to be an ***.

Yeah, we don't let kids over 10 use them unless like you said they have a physical issue. Those things break pretty easy, especially with a heavy ball and they aren't cheap to replace. I've had to replace 4 or 5 sections so far.

As for shoes, our cubbies could be done better. Most are too small so the larger sizes 9 and up get squished. Except for 15-19 1/2, those have special ones. It's pretty rare for someone not to return their shoes. We've only lost 2 pairs since I've worked there and one brought them back like a month later. LOL

J Anderson, ours are free for the league bowlers during league but otherwise $2 for them any other time. It seems odd to charge for bumpers though, especially if they are the automated ones....interesting. I guess it shows how differently centers operate from one another. Apparently the questions aren't as silly as I thought. Kinda like how many make you pre-pay for open bowling, we don't but we're small enough where it would be tough to walk out without paying. They'd have to be pretty slick to get past us.

07-13-2018, 10:48 PM
OH I forgot this question I've been asked more than once and this one IS silly. "Why do the balls feel so slippery....did you put too much WAX on the lanes?" SMH Wax? I of course was a nice guy and professional then explained that the lanes had oil and why. I felt like saying that the machine was overfilled with Lemon Pledge.

07-13-2018, 11:11 PM
When I was little we used to have to trade our shoes in. I have had my own shoes since I was about 10 (1979ish) but I remember before that we turned them in

07-15-2018, 08:06 PM
Okay now this has happened the last two days in a row and I have to say this is a new one. I gave the people the lane and their shoes. They went down and put their names in and sat there for awhile. After about 15-20 minutes they came to the counter and asked "When do the balls come out?" I said, "Is your ball stuck?" They said "No, we haven't started yet. I mean the balls we need to bowl with.....don't they come out for us to use when you turn the lane on?" I had to explain that if they didn't bring their own ball with them to the bowling alley then they needed to pick out a house ball off the rack and bring it down to the lane.

Hearing that once would be bad but two days in a row? Both I might add were grown adults? Wow. Something has to be in the water supply or something. At the all employee meeting tomorrow maybe I'll propose we put a coin slot on the ball return and they have to put a quarter in for the ball to come out. Why not? It works for Aldi shopping carts. LOL

07-17-2018, 02:28 PM
Never had to give up a shoe back I the day. For your no one would want to shoes. When I was in high school a buddy of mine stole a pair of the red and black ones for prom.