View Full Version : Your goals before fall 2018 starts....have you met them??

07-17-2018, 04:45 PM
Fall 2018 is right around the corner. When I came back to bowling in Jan of this year I had plans to be ready by fall. My goal was to have a new 4 or 5 ball arsenal, new bag and to be among some of the better competitors in the area. I feel my game has definitely improved a lot since I came back. I owe a lot of that to this forum, working at a bowling center and by using video of myself. In my opinion the difference is night and day from a mere 7 months ago. I feel the quality of my game is where the biggest improvements were made, not solely the scores.

Have my goals been met? Well....hmmm....I'd have to say unfortunately not. I've certainly fell short. Goals are supposed to be set pretty high but I didn't think the ones I set were too high to obtain. I mean I wasn't expecting to be shooting 300's all the time or be on the pro tour or anything stupid. For financial reasons, even with my discount there isn't any way by fall that I can get my arsenal to be as versatile as I'd like it to be. I MAY be able to squeak out one additional ball which I'll likely be carrying in a sling rather than bag before everything starts but that's about it.

More importantly, can I be among the better competitors and do anything besides donate to the pots? At this point, it's unlikely. I mean I don't struggle to shoot a low 200, in fact it's been more unusual for me not to at least do that (where I work) even with my physical woes. In reality, how many pots is shooting a 200-230 gonna win? Probably not many on a competitive league these days.

I've decided that I'm gonna start getting in a lot more practice in spite of the pain and just grin and bare it. I don't care if I have to bite on the pencil while I bowl to deal with it if I have to. It sucks, but I refuse to play the waiting game until I can find a competent doctor to have an epiphany for a miracle fix. I have too much invested in myself to throw in the towel. I still have some time left before things get rolling for fall 2018 so I'll make the best of it until then and stock up on pencils for my bowling bag.

How about you? Have you accomplished your goals or at least made sufficient progress yet??

07-17-2018, 06:44 PM
Not even close here....lol. When I left 15 years ago I was using a 12 year old ball and averaging 193. Came back in January and my goal was to be at a 200 average by the end of the league (Late April). Well I ended that league with a 173 but the last 2 weeks I was averaging in the 190's so decided to join the summer league. Well started that league at a 154 average but have slowly started climbing back up and now at 168. The lanes are very oily this summer and my ball just isn't reacting with my speed. Supposed to be picking up a new ball tonight (Brunswick Kingpin). I told him to drill it strong so hopefully it can get some bite in this oil.
I am still struggling with my spares but overall have gotten better (except my last game I bowled I had 6 opens, no spares). My goal for the end of this league is to end at 180 and hope to start the fall league at 195's and end the year at 210.

Sounds like alot but if I just start converting my spares I would be in the high 190's. My speed really hurts me. I have tried to slow it down but I'm a good 1.5-2MPH faster than most in our league. There are a few that throw as fast as me but that's the way they bowl. I don't think I used to throw this hard but who knows.

So in the end my goal is to slow down.

07-17-2018, 07:39 PM
I bowl three games a week most times, so the goal is just to have fun. It would be nice to get a high average and keep it (I was riding around 221 last year for awhile) but I don't necessarily expect it without getting a lot more time to practice, and that it not going to happen.

Florida Bowler
07-17-2018, 08:01 PM
My goal this summer is to get back into the game. That includes building an arsenal from scratch. Well, I got a summer pass and have been bowling a few times. A mixup by my professor has me swamped with school this week, but I'm going to be back next week.

As for my arsenal, I have a TZone, so there's that. I'm going to pick up another in a month or so. I'm not sure what yet, I'm going to work with the PSO and get something that will work for my game.

07-17-2018, 10:55 PM
I met my goal tonight, actually. Bowled my first 200 in league. :)

My next goal is simply to get and stay consistent. I want to get my scores within a ~20 pin range, so that I can build a baseline.

07-18-2018, 01:31 AM
I met my goal tonight, actually. Bowled my first 200 in league. :)

My next goal is simply to get and stay consistent. I want to get my scores within a ~20 pin range, so that I can build a baseline.

Sweet! Congrats! Now that you did it once, you got the hard one out of the way. I have no doubt you'll have many more to follow and they will come much easier. Way to go, I'm happy for you.

07-18-2018, 09:30 AM
Sweet! Congrats! Now that you did it once, you got the hard one out of the way. I have no doubt you'll have many more to follow and they will come much easier. Way to go, I'm happy for you.

Hey thanks for the nice words, man. :)

I just started bowling regularly in January, and I've had about a 100-120 average so far. It's a big leap forward for me.

07-18-2018, 08:15 PM
Hey thanks for the nice words, man. :)

I just started bowling regularly in January, and I've had about a 100-120 average so far. It's a big leap forward for me.

Making progress is what counts. Keep working hard and it will happen.

07-21-2018, 01:13 PM
My goal was to sign up for a summer league, or at least bowl a few games a week.

I haven't been to the center since early June, so ... no.

07-21-2018, 09:11 PM
My goal was to sign up for a summer league, or at least bowl a few games a week.

I haven't been to the center since early June, so ... no.

Seems to be a pretty reasonable goal to achieve, well except for the league which is a tad late. You just have to get yourself there to do it. LOL I get it though, it's nice outside. Who wants to go to a bowling center when you can chill at home and have a barbeque? A million other things to do unless it's crummy outside.

07-21-2018, 10:40 PM
I fell a little short on my goals this year. I've added a lot to my arsenal but struggled to really know half my equipment. I set out to shoot 3 300s I had 2. Finally get a 800 and I thing my high set was 780 this year. How ever I bowled in 4 tournaments and almost won one. Which my goal was to bowl in 3. I fell short at Nationals and failed to beat last years scores. Not discouraged though. Hope to fine tune my game set similar goals. And get back at it. The 800 is still #1 on my list.

07-22-2018, 05:59 PM
Well I had a goal of getting a new boat. Almost there. Sold our old one and have a contract on the next one. Oh crap...wrong forum...lol.

On a bowling note, when I posted here last week I had just come off one of my worst weeks this summer. Picked up a new ball last week that rolls more like how my old ball did 15 years ago. Had a 195 average last week with it so definitely a move in the right direction.

07-23-2018, 12:55 AM
I didn't really have any goals this summer except maybe work on my spare shooting. I think I have my 10 pin issue I had last league season ironed out. I'll still miss the occasional one but I actually feel confident now where I was just lost this past season.

I initially didn't want to join any summer league because I had a couple of vacation planned but my vacations are done with and conveniently someone asked me to sub for their team the rest of the season because a guy had to drop out. It's only a 6 team league and I replaced a 140 avg bowler and the team was in last place with only 8 points and it was week 7, last week. I didn't bowl great, only 147, 175 and a 214 but we took 5 points and almost had all 7 points. Their anchor threw a clutch strike in the 10th to double and the other team won that game by 4 points.

So while I said, I didn't bowl great, the guys on the team bowled better and I think having a better bowler the team now helped them relax and they didn't have as much pressure.

07-23-2018, 10:22 AM
I think my goals last year were a 220 avg, 90% single pin conversions, a 300, and an 800.

I hit the first 2 (220.25 and a 91%), but didn't get a 300/800.

This year, my goal is to get back to multiple leagues, maintain my average/conversion %, and get AN honor score.

07-24-2018, 03:53 PM
Interesting thread! I like reading about someone else's goals so I can see if mine are out of whack or not. I retired a couple years ago and was determined to get back into bowling after a 20 yr. hiatus. I have been working very hard daily on every facet of the game as if I were completely new to it. I felt this was the way to go as I don't think my 60 yr. old body can perform like it did 30 or 40 yrs ago so a new to me delivery, grip, etc. was in order. It's been slow, painful and frustrating at times but the light at the end of the tunnel gets a bit brighter all the time.

My goal was to have a decent average with an easy physical style that I could maintain with arthritis, tendonitis, etc. on multiple leagues. Been on a fun senior league all summer as a test and it has gone well. Carrying around 170 avg. and it's creeping up. Soreness isn't terrible. Two more leagues I'm signed up for start next month so we shall see then if I can do my best with a smile.

07-24-2018, 06:25 PM
Interesting thread! I like reading about someone else's goals so I can see if mine are out of whack or not. I retired a couple years ago and was determined to get back into bowling after a 20 yr. hiatus. I have been working very hard daily on every facet of the game as if I were completely new to it. I felt this was the way to go as I don't think my 60 yr. old body can perform like it did 30 or 40 yrs ago so a new to me delivery, grip, etc. was in order. It's been slow, painful and frustrating at times but the light at the end of the tunnel gets a bit brighter all the time.

My goal was to have a decent average with an easy physical style that I could maintain with arthritis, tendonitis, etc. on multiple leagues. Been on a fun senior league all summer as a test and it has gone well. Carrying around 170 avg. and it's creeping up. Soreness isn't terrible. Two more leagues I'm signed up for start next month so we shall see then if I can do my best with a smile.

You're not over the hill just yet, you have quite a ways to go. I have a pair of 85+yr old twin gentleman who consistently average 185 on Sundays but never break 200 for some reason. They bowl 6 games every week. They have more of a problem getting up and down the 26 stairs we have from the entrance to the lanes. They tell me that they have been bowling here for over 20 years and have only missed 8 Sundays in all that time and I believe them. If they could pull that off I have plenty of confidence in your abilities.

Just for the record, if I'm working and see them on camera coming in I always go up and take their bags down for them and carry them up when they leave. Unfortunately my counterparts don't extend that courtesy when I'm not there.

07-24-2018, 08:19 PM
Just for the record, if I'm working and see them on camera coming in I always go up and take their bags down for them and carry them up when they leave. Unfortunately my counterparts don't extend that courtesy when I'm not there.

Good job!

07-24-2018, 08:38 PM
Good job!

LOL Thank you. It's nothing, it's just nice to be nice. I always seem to click well with the seniors men and women and always have for some reason. They never give me any grief. Only problem is they always try to stuff money in my pockets for doing stuff like that. I'll take tips at the bar for pouring drinks but for carrying their bag, getting them a cup of ice water or giving them a bowling tip or two? I won't have it! It's my pleasure. Okay so back to the goals. LOL

07-24-2018, 10:33 PM
We have a guy in our fall league that looks to be in his 70's and he averages around 190's. Nice slow ball but consistently hits the pocket and nails his spares. I thought maybe my physical issues were limiting my 49 yo body but after seeing him I have no excuses

07-24-2018, 11:08 PM
Getting better. 2 weeks with the new ball and my average with it is 194.50. Average is up 7 pins since then. Getting better with my spares but still room for improvement. Really struggling with corner pins on both sides.

07-24-2018, 11:13 PM
Getting better. 2 weeks with the new ball and my average with it is 194.50. Average is up 7 pins since then. Getting better with my spares but still room for improvement. Really struggling with corner pins on both sides.

Perfect solution....stop leaving them! LOL Seriously though, it sounds like you need some practice sessions dedicated to ONLY 7 and 10 pins. Do the good ol "Low Ball Game". Onlookers will think your just a terrible bowler but they don't know what your up to. =)

07-25-2018, 12:36 AM
Perfect solution....stop leaving them! LOL Seriously though, it sounds like you need some practice sessions dedicated to ONLY 7 and 10 pins. Do the good ol "Low Ball Game". Onlookers will think your just a terrible bowler but they don't know what your up to. =)

I did that a few months back...lol. I have always went cross alley for both the 7 and 10 but now it feels so awkward going for the 7. I seem really off balance and just off kilter or something. I notice I don't follow through either. I have been thinking about moving closer to center and throwing out closer to the 10 board for my 7's? That way I'm not reaching out so far left? The 10's aren't as awkward but still struggle. Thinking maybe try to take more of a straight approach?

07-25-2018, 01:25 PM
My goal was to try and get some lessons but I can't get the dang coach I found to respond to me! Very frustrating.

07-25-2018, 03:55 PM
My goal was to try and get some lessons but I can't get the dang coach I found to respond to me! Very frustrating.

Sounds like maybe you dodged a bullet with that coach then. If they can't take the time to pick up the phone or respond to an email then they obviously don't take it very seriously. I don't care how busy they are, it takes 5 minutes and everyone can find 5 minutes! Personally I'd find 5 minutes and leave a negative review, it may motivate them to contact you then. You can always change it if they do and if they have a good reason. If not then the review stands.

07-25-2018, 09:05 PM
My goal for 2018 is to average 210 or more after averaging 207 for my first full season after over a decade off and recent 2 hip replacements. I have been starting to practice the last couple of weeks and am still getting stronger. My last full season before my layoff was 2000-2001 season when I averaged 216 and I think the lanes were harder. I am still struggling with ball motion which costs me in the carry department. I just want to feel competitive and have fun. I proved to myself last year I can still keep up with the younger guys in the league {I am 61). Steve

07-26-2018, 01:26 AM
My goal for 2018 is to average 210 or more after averaging 207 for my first full season after over a decade off and recent 2 hip replacements. I have been starting to practice the last couple of weeks and am still getting stronger. My last full season before my layoff was 2000-2001 season when I averaged 216 and I think the lanes were harder. I am still struggling with ball motion which costs me in the carry department. I just want to feel competitive and have fun. I proved to myself last year I can still keep up with the younger guys in the league {I am 61). Steve

You're the real deal Steve. That's a true example of dedication. I like your style. I'd enjoy bowling with a guy like you.