View Full Version : Bowl or work?

07-23-2018, 01:25 AM
I was approached today by one of the members of one of our leagues to be on his team this fall. Now if I was going to bowl on a "fun" league, this would be the one. I've always requested to work that league because it is fun. Also, the money in tips on that night alone I do better than virtually the rest of the week combined.

Nobody on the league is serious. It's one of those "Get away from the wife" leagues. I know I would really enjoy bowling with these guys. I know why he asked me, it's not for my good looks or charming personality. LOL It's a very tough decision really. On one side I could use that night out with the guys but on the other hand I could really use the money. Hmmm....

07-23-2018, 01:47 AM
Well, there’s the prize money to consider too.. ;)

07-23-2018, 01:53 AM
Well, there’s the prize money to consider too.. ;)

Not on that league LOL The highest games I seen from Feb when I started to the end of the season was 170's and a smattering of 180's. They'd rather spend their money on drinks than pots, hence why I always left a winner. =)

07-23-2018, 09:18 AM
Go to work and don't look back. Family first.

07-23-2018, 10:37 AM
Go to work and don't look back. Family first.

This. 100%.

07-23-2018, 03:29 PM
Pay your bills, of course. But you do need to take time for yourself as well. That's a balance that everyone has to find on their own.

07-23-2018, 05:52 PM
Although I don't pay bills with tips because it's not like I can count on them. I do know I'm not gonna go home stiffed from that league so I'll decline his offer. I'm better off sticking with money leagues at other houses. I could use those tips for getting into pots with hopes of coming out ahead. That of course is no guarantee but not working that night is a guarantee I won't get that money. Money leagues are fun as well, just in a different way. Besides, working that league I'm still a part of the fun, just not on the lanes.

When you work for tips you have to make your paychecks count because they are the constant. Had I chose to bowl that league instead of work my hours wouldn't change, I'd just work a different day/night to compensate. I'm always scheduled a minimum amount of hours that I know I will work. I usually end up working more either because we are too busy or to cover someone else because they couldn't come in for some reason. They know I'm the one person who never turns down hours even at the last minute.

07-23-2018, 06:53 PM
What’s the difference between a ‘money league’ and a ‘fun league’?

07-23-2018, 08:51 PM
The "fun" leagues especially where I work they don't have any pots or prize money and it's not certified. It's just a night out with the boys bowling and what I would consider "organized practice". A "money" league of course has pots and usually good ones and are certified. Obviously to make any money at it you have to bowl well because there is likely some competition. I'm not exactly in what I would consider top form but still have enough confidence in myself that I could do pretty good. I always enjoyed bowling under pressure, the more the better. I haven't bowled under pressure since my return but I'm willing to bet the switch in my head still works.

07-23-2018, 09:56 PM
I was afraid you’d say that. I was under the impression that my summer league had prizes, but now I’m not sure...

07-23-2018, 10:06 PM
I was afraid you’d say that. I was under the impression that my summer league had prizes, but now I’m not sure...

Oh I would check with whomever is in charge of your league to answer that question, don't go by the example I posted about. Where I work as I've said many times, nobody is serious. I know my boss mentioned a while back he wanted to turn all the leagues into certified ones this coming fall which would change the dynamics. I'm not holding my breath though. Given our clientele I don't think he'd get much if any interest. Certification would mean higher fees for starters which would sour the milk for many.

Summer leagues at least from my experience past and present have never been serious nor had prize funds. We didn't have banquets or get trophies or anything. They were the equivalent of a work league like the one I was on at a factory I worked at many years ago. Just merely something to do for fun. I'm not at all implying that is the way it is where you bowl. Like I said, ask who's in charge of your league. They are all different.

07-24-2018, 12:45 AM
I was afraid you’d say that. I was under the impression that my summer league had prizes, but now I’m not sure...

I just finished a summer league and it had prizes. So, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that yours does, as well.

07-24-2018, 08:30 AM
I just finished a summer league and it had prizes. So, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that yours does, as well.

Not sure of the exact prizes or payouts for our summer league but a couple years ago my teammates won it and got $1500 ($500 each x 3 team members). But we have about 100 in this league and they are serious bowlers. We have a couple over 230 average and about 40 of them have over 200 averages. I am sitting at about 171 right now and I am 8th from the bottom....lol. Yeah, I really need to work on my spares!

07-24-2018, 11:51 AM
First thing first. You must consider how much you pay per week. The prize money comes out of what you pay so if you pay very little you probably won't get much. This is something you should find out before starting any league. Did they give each team a set of rules? Did they at least read the rules to you? If not you are open to what the rulers of the league decide to do. They could just keep the extra money and you can't say nothing. Too many of this kind of league are run by the house with people who don't know squat. You must ask questions.