View Full Version : Pinpal Mystery Solved!!

08-13-2018, 08:40 PM
So, I was using Pinpal on my old Iphone4 (or 5...an old one) and I switched to Android...but kept my stats on the iPhone (because they won't transfer from one platform to another).

I kept using my iphone, just for bowling stats on Pinpal...and one day...it wouldn't let me add any more games. Now I figured...given that I probably have more data on that phone with that app...than any Pinpal user in the World...like 3-4 years and games in the thousands... I figured I probably maxxed it out right?

I e-mailed the guy...he still answers e-mails...and he didn't know off the top of his head. He said there shouldn't be a "limit". Well, months later, I emailed him again and asked if he knew what it could be. He said he hadn't given it much thought...but had one idea. He remembered me saying it was a phone I didn't use and just kept in airplane mode...otherwise it drains the battery too fast. He suggested turning off airplane mode so the phone could update it's calender.


It was that simple. My iphone was in airplane mode for years...and I got to the end of it's calender...so the iphone didn't know there were any more days...and I guess the app therefore couldn't add days (because I was at the end of the calender). When I turned off airplane mode...I could add games again. I can probably turn airplane mode off again to save battery life...and the days would be fine...for a couple years anyway.

JUST THOUGHT I'D SHARE. Probably not an issue for most...but if ya keep a phone around just for bowling stats...make sure you take it out of airplane mode once in awhile. :cool: