View Full Version : Off to bowl with my Sunday regulars with my son

08-19-2018, 10:30 AM
There are several who come every Sunday morning for their fix. The last few weeks my son and I have made a point to go bowl with them. Today we have "appointments" to bowl with 3 different ones who requested that we do so. Unfortunately I have to come home after and change close and go back to work at 3-close.

08-20-2018, 02:32 AM
I did end up bowling with everyone as planned. I had quite a bit of fun. After a dozen games then my fairly new co-worker came in with my son. Finally someone I can bowl a decent match with, he's not bad, not bad at all. He sucked all the oil off pretty good, right in the middle of my line. LOL I ended up putting away the reactive ball and used the black hammer. Worked like a charm and hit pretty good, not great but enough to stay ahead of him. I foresee some one on one's with him. I've been hoping something like this would happen and here it is. I can't wait until next week.