View Full Version : Staying behind the ball

09-10-2018, 03:49 PM
I haven't watched all of this in my quest to try and figure out why I'm tracking over my finger hole I came across this video. When he starts talking about axis tilt he said something that really caught my ear. He says that you need to get around the side of the ball and not stay behind it to get the proper axis tilt. Starts talking about axis tilt at the 25:50 mark.



09-10-2018, 04:16 PM
I noticed that too. Wonder what the new style coaches thing of Mo?

09-10-2018, 05:49 PM
If they are smart they will realize he has been on the cutting edge of analyzing ball motion and developing drilling techniques for quite some time now.

09-10-2018, 06:28 PM
Yeah this confused me for a long time, as a new bowler. They’re sayin “stay behind the ball more”, not “stay behind it the entire swing and release”.

Their audience is suitcase-grip bowlers.

09-10-2018, 06:45 PM
There is not a "new style coach" on the planet that doesn't understand the importance of axis tilt and the need to turn the ball. The difference with a modern release is the release timing, the amount of time that passes between the thumb exiting the ball, and the fingers exiting the ball. In the old days, that amount of time was very short with the result being that the hand started coming around the ball very quickly. With a modern release, the hand stays behind the ball longer and rotates through the ball rather than around it. Take a look at the release of Mike Fagan to understand what I'm talking about. As to what "new style coaches" think of Mo, I for one, respect his scientific knowledge as well as his marketing abilities.

10-16-2018, 05:41 PM
I use the modern release and I never use a suitcase grip release. If I do try the suitcase grip release then I will usually end up with a pulled shot. I try to stay as long as possible to the inside of the ball with my hand until I get to the release area. Modern release is minus the suitcase grip release.

10-23-2018, 02:55 PM
The best part of this video was in that segment (agree or disagree with the statement)

"But my coach has told me to stay behind the ball.....good...just make sure to bring your spare ball"

11-20-2018, 11:50 PM
Tonight in warm ups I tried cupping the ball and trying to keep it tucked to release. I didn't do any flicking of the wrist on release but tried this and it hurt my thumb both times. Seemed to strain it or something. Only tried it twice. Would my ball need to be drilled differently for this release? Different pitch on the thumb?

11-21-2018, 12:18 AM
I’ve found that when cupping the ball, I still try to angle it too much - basically attempting to do both at once, and this just kills the tendons in my thumb.

When you’re in your stance, try pointing your fingers straight down the lane instead. You’ll feel the ball sit much more comfortably, and you don’t need nearly the angle, due to the revs created by cup/release.

11-21-2018, 12:28 AM
Gonna try it again but didn't want to be doing that in league play. Will practice it some more.

11-23-2018, 01:01 AM
My take is the coach saying to stay behind the ball is referring to avoiding trying to help turn the ball by coming around the ball as you release it.
If you try to stay behind the ball as it falls off the thumb your fingers stay in the ball longer and you put more consistent rotation on the ball.
As far as suitcase release while I'm sure there are many players still using it the only time I use it is shooting at 7 or 4,7 spares where I want the ball to work across the lane.