View Full Version : So much for bowling tonight! Grrr!

09-10-2018, 04:16 PM
3 o'clock in the afternoon they call me to tell me I have to work tonight! WTH? I'm not happy! Now I have to call my team and tell them I can't make it. Between my bad bowling and now calling off they are gonna give me the boot!

09-10-2018, 06:47 PM
And I was just signing in to wish you some good luck!
What's going on? If they give you the boot, you shouldn't have signed up with that team anyway. They won't boot you...

09-10-2018, 08:27 PM
I agree with djp about your team. I think that the bigger issue is the fact that the proprietor who is your boss has so little regard for the importance of league bowling in his center that he would pull you out of league so that you could work. If he really understood league's importance, he would have let you bowl and worked the center himself.

09-10-2018, 08:53 PM
Rob, if I remember right this league isn't at his house. Not saying that gives his boss a pass but he probably weights his working over bowling at a different center.

09-11-2018, 12:22 AM
Yes, the sport league is at a different center. We don't have any sport leagues where I work. They are aware that I'm on it though and that it's Mondays. I was going to bowl on 2 sport leagues but backed out of the second one because they needed me at work on Friday nights and it's a good tipping league. I figured better to make money than spend it so I chose to work instead. I think what frustrated me the most tonight is not only missing my one night away from there to bowl is that I've been working 9 consecutive days. I love the crap out of my job but even I need a day off now and again.

It was a waste of even being open tonight, it was so dead. The slowest day I've seen in months. I had one group of 3 guys come in on a Groupon to bowl. Another that came in for a hot dog and my regular guy who comes in for a couple beers every night. So less than $20 taken in. So basically I got to sit there bored out of my mind stewing how I would have rather been with my team tonight. Even if I did worse than last week it would have been more fun hanging and getting to know them. Oh well, it is what it is. The upside is, I should get a decent paycheck out of it. Don't mind me guys, just venting. I have a lot going on lately so I'm a bit ornery these days. Sorry, it will pass.