View Full Version : Prayers for Papa

09-15-2018, 09:55 AM
I'm not one to put up posts like this but since I lack the friends to call, this is pretty much the only way I have to talk about things without falling apart. Last night while at work my wife called me and dropped the bomb on me that her father whom we refer to as Papa went to the hospital. He was feeling fine and has been but sparing the details the need to go was evident. After extensive tests they came back with the results to include that he has two inoperable masses on his liver and they are cancer. Although it's in the early stages there are limited options given their size. It is small cell cancer and it is an aggressive form, the prognosis is not good.

This is a man I've known since he first intimidated that crap out of me when I met him back in high school when I first started dating my now wife of nearly 19yrs. Although her mother hated me back then and still does to this day, he and I made an immediate connection. Throughout the years he has treated me no less than he would have treated me if I were his own son. He has always been there for me and been a father to me in far too many ways to count. He's been the father I lacked because mine was a worthless drunk. He's always got a smile on his face, even now no matter how bad things got. He hasn't missed a Sunday of church in decades unless it was because he was helping us or on vacation with us like when he treated us all to a trip to Disney.

My kids adore him and so far only my 2 boys know about this. He has been a huge part of all their lives. He's never missed a soccer game, baseball game, concert or any event they had and he was even there for my son's first day of his bowling league last weekend. Anything the kids need he provides, he spoils them every way he can. Aside from my wife and kids, he means more to me than anyone. Life has been increasingly difficult for us since around 2006 and really hasn't let up much until the past year since I've met you guys. I thought things were going a little too well and it was the calm before the storm. Unfortunately I was right and this had to go and happen. We have some other bad things going on too but somehow they pale in comparison. Prayers have done little to help us in the past but this is a man that deserves nothing less. If they will be heard for anyone they should be for this man.

He just turned 70 and needs to stick around another 20 years and then some. His mother is still hanging in there at the age of 94. She has no idea who she is or anyone else is but still going strong nonetheless. We don't yet know what his chances are, even if they are 1 and 10 to beat this then he deserves to be that 1 out of 10. I need to go now, my daughter just woke up and we have to go have the most difficult conversation that we've ever had to have with her after breakfast. Any prayers are appreciated. His name is Tom. If you care to be specific in your prayers you can PM me for his last name if needed. Sorry for the long post but you probably didn't expect less from me anyway. At least it's not my normal rambling. Thanks

09-15-2018, 10:17 AM
wow, sorry to hear this man. Be strong for your family, and just do what you can to keep stress off his back.

09-15-2018, 11:49 AM
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family!

Be strong and reach out if the need arises.

09-15-2018, 01:52 PM
Prayer sent...

09-15-2018, 04:18 PM
Hope all goes well!

09-15-2018, 07:45 PM
Pm me his name and I will get it added to the prayer list at church. Prayer is a very powerful tool

09-16-2018, 03:34 PM
Thank you all, we appreciate it very much. Stormed1, PM sent.

09-18-2018, 01:19 AM
He will be in our prayers just do what you can to
help him through this tough time and make him
feel as comfortable as you can.

J Daisy
07-23-2019, 06:28 PM
I am so sorry, Phonetek. I am a firm believer in God and the power of prayer, and I will be praying for him to get better. What is his current status? This post is pretty old, I hope that he is still going strong. Cancer is a horrible thing... but it isn't unbeatable.

07-23-2019, 11:08 PM
Wow. Sorry to hear about this. Hope all goes well.

07-23-2019, 11:44 PM
I thought I updated this but unfortunately he didn't last only but a few weeks after this original post. He went in having trouble breathing and 30 minutes later he was gone. It was a staff infection that actually got him from a few days earlier when he was in the hospital for treatment. I was at work at the time still with two hours before close. Wife called and I told me what happened and I told the bowlers I had a family emergency and closed 5 minutes later. Life isn't the same without him. This is why I am going to TN, he was supposed to move down there by the end of this year. My mother in law still is. He would have wanted us to do this. That's why I have been trying so hard to get a job down there. That and we can't afford Illinois anymore.

He was a great man and we feel the loss every day. So many things would be different right now if he were still here. As you've probably guessed with my other posts, we are all okay and doing well even without him. We talk about him daily and are all determined to make him proud. Thanks Daisy and Boatman for your recent posts and everyone previous. =)

J Daisy
07-24-2019, 09:56 AM
I thought I updated this but unfortunately he didn't last only but a few weeks after this original post. He went in having trouble breathing and 30 minutes later he was gone. It was a staff infection that actually got him from a few days earlier when he was in the hospital for treatment. I was at work at the time still with two hours before close. Wife called and I told me what happened and I told the bowlers I had a family emergency and closed 5 minutes later. Life isn't the same without him. This is why I am going to TN, he was supposed to move down there by the end of this year. My mother in law still is. He would have wanted us to do this. That's why I have been trying so hard to get a job down there. That and we can't afford Illinois anymore.

He was a great man and we feel the loss every day. So many things would be different right now if he were still here. As you've probably guessed with my other posts, we are all okay and doing well even without him. We talk about him daily and are all determined to make him proud. Thanks Daisy and Boatman for your recent posts and everyone previous. =)

I'm very sorry. At least you can have comfort in knowing that he is in Good Hands now.