View Full Version : Just when you thought you seen everything!

09-19-2018, 01:17 PM
Tell me this isn't the next frontier of bowling styles. Look at the guy at about 1:50 in this video. I am at a loss for words on what on Earth this is all about.


09-19-2018, 01:51 PM
I just saw this on Facebook LOL!! Lefty two handed back-up bowler that finishes as if he is a one handed right hander. Gotta love all of the unique styles in bowling. :cool:

09-19-2018, 02:29 PM
It's hard to tell if he's putting his left hand in the ball or right. It either is a lefty two hander backswing throwing it righty or a lefty backup ball. Even slowing it down I can't tell which. I don't get the right handed follow through after he throws and what he gains by it? At the very least it's one of the top 10 most unusual styles I've ever seen. He scores well doing it somehow. If I had to go head to head with him, I'd probably have one of those small puke burps you get when your body tells you not to have that one more beer you just ordered. To each his own