View Full Version : getting old sucks

09-24-2018, 10:10 PM
so 3 weeks ago i had sliced my thumb on my bowling hand. 2 weeks ago i hurt my knee in warmups with very tacky approaches. last week my plant thigh was hurting so bad i could barely walk by the 3rd game. now a couple days ago my thumb started hurting like i sprained it. league is tomorrow night. just want night with no physical issues...lol

J Anderson
09-25-2018, 08:17 AM
so 3 weeks ago i had sliced my thumb on my bowling hand. 2 weeks ago i hurt my knee in warmups with very tacky approaches. last week my plant thigh was hurting so bad i could barely walk by the 3rd game. now a couple days ago my thumb started hurting like i sprained it. league is tomorrow night. just want night with no physical issues...lol
I don’t think you can blame the sliced thumb on old age.

09-25-2018, 10:29 AM
The alternative to getting old is much worse. Just ask anyone who hasn't got old..... They won't answer you.

09-25-2018, 11:28 AM
I don’t think you can blame the sliced thumb on old age.

well i don't want to take the blame for using a sharp knife to cut a hose and getting my thumb in the way so i have to blame it on old age. you know...dumb decisions...lol

09-25-2018, 11:29 AM
The alternative to getting old is much worse. Just ask anyone who hasn't got old..... They won't answer you.

very true....lol

09-25-2018, 04:20 PM
Totally agree about getting old. Stretched my back a couple weeks ago and tweaked something. Pain went from hip down my leg and settled in hamstring of left leg. Went to Chiropractor and it has helped, but instead of bowl a tournament this past Sunday, I decided to pick weeds out of flower beds and grass. Reaggravated it and back to square one. LOL!!

09-25-2018, 05:25 PM
Totally agree about getting old. Stretched my back a couple weeks ago and tweaked something. Pain went from hip down my leg and settled in hamstring of left leg. Went to Chiropractor and it has helped, but instead of bowl a tournament this past Sunday, I decided to pick weeds out of flower beds and grass. Reaggravated it and back to square one. LOL!!

Yeah. Been there. I have 2 bulging disks in my back and the front of my right thigh has been numb since about 2002. Been to chiropractor many times. They were going to do surgery but after some therapy it got better and doesn't bother me that much now. And I'm only 49...lol

09-25-2018, 10:27 PM
Thumb didn't bother me tonight. But before I left I smacked my elbow on the corner of a brick pillar on my house...lol. That was fine but just like 'what's next'...lol. Had no aches or pains tonight but I still sucked

09-26-2018, 08:29 AM
Can daily stretching reverse or slow down old age or does it get to a point where it's too late for that or it won't help. I have aches and pains daily but I don't let it affect my game. I don't bowl more than 6 games a week either. Imsure that helps. I'm 39 with a repaired hip and an impingment. I exercise several times a week with a workout geared towards bowling.

09-27-2018, 10:59 PM
I think you're trying to make your body do things it shouldn't be doing. Putting aside using your thumb as a cutting board. =) As we are middle aged our bodies are more like glass than rubber so we have to behave accordingly my friend. As I tell wifey who ages like fine wine, I age like milk left out on the counter. I also say youth is wasted on the young but it's just how the bowling ball bounces. Like the buoy's on the lake say in the shallow water "Proceed with caution". Wait... it's the night shirt wifey wears to bed says that! No wonder I was thinking about buoys.

09-27-2018, 11:30 PM
I think you're trying to make your body do things it shouldn't be doing. Putting aside using your thumb as a cutting board. =) As we are middle aged our bodies are more like glass than rubber so we have to behave accordingly my friend. As I tell wifey who ages like fine wine, I age like milk left out on the counter. I also say youth is wasted on the young but it's just how the bowling ball bounces. Like the buoy's on the lake say in the shallow water "Proceed with caution". Wait... it's the night shirt wifey wears to bed says that! No wonder I was thinking about buoys.

Just seems like I am a bull in a china shop lately. Running into things, pulling muscles. Fell on the approach Tuesday night. Gave everyone a good laugh. In my defense I had the S10 sole on and threw at a 7 pin and was a little off balance so my heel didn't touch. I was on the ball of my slide foot and it went out from under me. I could have caught my balance and stayed up but probably would have fouled. But I made the 7 pin...lol

Florida Bowler
09-28-2018, 10:13 AM
Hey, as long as that 7 went down, style points don't count.

J Anderson
09-28-2018, 08:47 PM
Can daily stretching reverse or slow down old age or does it get to a point where it's too late for that or it won't help. I have aches and pains daily but I don't let it affect my game. I don't bowl more than 6 games a week either. Imsure that helps. I'm 39 with a repaired hip and an impingment. I exercise several times a week with a workout geared towards bowling.

39 isn’t exactly old age. I’ve got a 21 year head start on you, and as long as I don’t look in the mirror and do my yoga stretches at least every other day I feel pretty good.

Stretching alone probably won’t slow the aging process much. Current research indicates that a combination of exercise, both cardio & strength training, stretching, and proper nutrition is the most effective way to slow the process. Of course some people, because of injuries, illness, or picking the wrong ancestors are going to age faster than average no matter what they do.

10-01-2018, 04:25 PM
Mr Anderson i see you are very wise indeed. I too enjoy exercise & strength training..etc, and yes nutrition is key, but getting old still sux it seems due to the loss of stamina and strength I have now compared to in the past. Of coarse it may have a lot to do with my bad genes from my ancestors....Bad bad ancestors!!!! They need a spanking i believe because they have caused this effect on me, shame on them... ;-)

10-16-2018, 05:30 PM
I will be 72 soon and don't have a normal approach because of a right hip replacement in June and a right knee that is bone on bone on the inside part of the knee. So I just walk up to the foul line and put my left leg a little behind my right leg and crouch down leaning forward a little with my upper body and after lining up I swing three times and let it go. I have been out on league three times so far and am getting pretty good with my improvised technique. I am left handed. So I didn't want my aging to stop me from bowling. I just accept the fact that this is my new style of bowling now. I got 31 years in this league and I am not ready to quit. Where there's a will then there's a way. This is my way now.

10-20-2018, 11:32 PM
This is why I don't think you'll see 2-handed bowlers have long careers and bowl much in the PBA50. Age tends to derail every bowler (except Monticelli) at some point. Even Amaletto will eventually age. Bowlers suffer elbow problems, shoulder problems, knee problems, and back problems...it's an almost certainty...its just a matter of when. Given the stress 2-handed bowling puts on your back...maybe it can save your elbow and knee...but the back just gets wrecked.

I'm turning 44 in a week...and I've stayed relatively healthy. But, I definitely put on 10-20 pounds over the past few years and I think if I don't start running again and cutting some of this weight down...I don't know how long my knee will hold out.

10-22-2018, 12:47 AM
Yes, getting old isn't for sissies, as the one saying goes.....

One thing I like to keep in mind is no matter how crappy I might be feeling on any given day, there are people much worse off than I am.....

One former teammate for example died from a heart attack at 56, and another of cancer at 54, so even though I have had my own medical issues
I am still bowling 2 days a week and I'll take that......

10-22-2018, 09:49 AM
Yes, getting old isn't for sissies, as the one saying goes.....

One thing I like to keep in mind is no matter how crappy I might be feeling on any given day, there are people much worse off than I am.....

One former teammate for example died from a heart attack at 56, and another of cancer at 54, so even though I have had my own medical issues
I am still bowling 2 days a week and I'll take that......

I agree. If you think you have it bad, there's always someone else worse off.

I'm grateful to be 55 and very healthy with no real issues. I can go as hard as I want on the lanes. But I like to think a healthy lifestyle has something to do with it. I eat right (most of the time), and go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and try to get good sleep. And oh yeah, I work 60 hours a week.

Nutrition and exercise, people! But these 2 things should be started earlier in life. They are not a cure all for those who have ignored living well most of their lives.

10-22-2018, 12:52 PM
Out of curiosity I looked up Tony and Eddy's profile. Tony omitted his age and Eddy omitted everything. At 72 my body is giving out. My team bowled a team last Tuesday and I had to correct a dumb *** on the other team. He commented that my team mate who just left a pocket 7-10 would have carried if he had thrown the ball harder. I quickly pointed out to him and his team that the man was "78" years old and had a better average than anyone on their team. When the a hole went up to bowl his teammates said he was 52 and apologized.
Never feel bad about getting old, lots of folks never get old.

10-22-2018, 10:27 PM
Out of curiosity I looked up Tony and Eddy's profile. Tony omitted his age and Eddy omitted everything. At 72 my body is giving out. My team bowled a team last Tuesday and I had to correct a dumb *** on the other team. He commented that my team mate who just left a pocket 7-10 would have carried if he had thrown the ball harder. I quickly pointed out to him and his team that the man was "78" years old and had a better average than anyone on their team. When the a hole went up to bowl his teammates said he was 52 and apologized.
Never feel bad about getting old, lots of folks never get old.

For the record I am younger than Fordman1 and I'm sure, older than some others, I've experienced some things that others may or may not have in those years.
I've had many surgeries including 5 on my right ( bowling arm) and 3 on my left, have a pin in my left foot and a slight limp because of it, and am a 7 year cancer
survivor with one kidney and stage 4 kidney disease and I just rolled my first 300 game a few weeks ago.

10-24-2018, 01:48 PM
Congratulations Tony that is great.

11-02-2018, 05:32 PM
I also am a cancer survivor, and am having kidney issues, but i am still hanging in there. Congrats on your 300 game Tony!!

The Chemo treatments I have been taking have really made me weak. It is hard for me to keep throwing a 16lb bowling ball, so I have had to drop down to 14lbs. That has helped a lot, but now i need to slow the ball speed down which I am not use to doing. Just takes time and patience i guess.